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Everything posted by irfuzzbucket

  1. Hey, I just finished a Zoology B.Sc. and my undergraduate research was about eutrophication, Blue-green algae, and diatoms. Ideally you are looking for an environmental chemistry degree. Most places won't offer this and so you are probably looking at a biochemistry degree. you would then select courses such as environmental engineering, etc. and try to make connections with a professor doing research in that field. I would work backwards because you seem pretty sure of what you want. Look up research in this topic using google scholar and find an author that seems to do work in this area. Find what university they are affiliated with and use that university's directory to get their email. Get in contact with them. For my research I contacted the curator of Canada's Diatom collections. He invited me to use his lab and train me for a weekend - no charge
  2. Sounds like you have a decent explanation Things to remember: A defect in one enzyme does not change the other enzymes. It prevents a product from being formed which means that the krebs cycle would no longer cycle. A->B->C doesn't work if B never gets created. I would change the word "reoxidation" to something better, or describe it better (ETC). does this impact anaerobic respiration?
  3. Hey, You seem to be merging two different diagrams. There are Lewis diagrams and there are VSEPR diagrams. -Lewis diagrams account for all electrons in the molecule (including ones within bonds). -VSEPR diagrams don't care about all of the electrons. They are more concerned with the structure of the overall molecule around the central atom. Other hints: Putting the double bonds at different angles coming off the central atom means nothing. If you want to show the shape, then you do the dashed and wedged lines. If you want to show the electrons you show the double bonds - 2 different diagrams Hopefully this helps! Mathiew
  4. homework is probably late... I'll give you a hint: Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria aren't just named positive and negative for fun. It's because of how the ions in the stain interact with the bacterial cell walls. Now you just need to wikipedia which stain corresponds with which charge on the bacterial cell wall.
  5. your homework is late. Kinase enzymes phosphorylate molecules. Pyruvate kinase for example, phosphorylates (adds a phosphorous) to pyruvate. Adding and removing phosphorous in these molecules is seen in cellular respiration and photosynthesis. Lots of things can change the rate of enzyme activity: concentrations, salts, temperature, pH, etc.
  6. Hey Matt, I'm not sure of the context that you need to write this hypothesis. I'm not sure if you are looking for how to word a "thesis statement" in your paper, or if you are trying to write an abstract etc. That being the case it's difficult for me to suggest how you should word this. Also i have a few questions regarding your study. If I understand your study correctly: -You take remotely sensed data 1) Convert to branching structure 2) Convert to hypothetical volume (derived tree volume) -There are 2 conversions here and i don't know which one your algorithm does - or if it does both! You may require a 2nd hypothesis or thesis statement if either of these conversions are not recognized as standard by experts in this field. 3) you are comparing this statistically to the actual tree volume calculated by destructive field sampling Usually thesis statements are written as: if... then... statements. For example: If the derived tree volume significantly correlates with the standing timber volume determined by destructive field sampling, then the "Matt Algorithm" may be used to accurately survey deciduous timber plots in the Western United States. Something to that effect. It's different than other hypotheses because in other studies non-results are still meaningful. If you predict that watering plants makes them grow... and you water a plant... but it doesn't grow... that "non-result" still has meaning. It means that this plant doesn't grow with water. In your case, if there is no correlation, it just means your algorithm is rubbish and you need to do more work - or maybe specify your algorithm based on the age of tree or species. Hope this helps! Mathiew B.Sc. Biology
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