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Everything posted by captcass

  1. See? I guess that is the issue....... He even seems to be saying my "that's all" means I'm done discussing this. Reminds me of Eddie Murphy in the movie "Rush Hour", where he asks the guy "Can you understand the words coming out of my mouth?"
  2. You seem to misunderstand so much of what I say. Someone made a remark about "pay to publish". I am providing evidence to the contrary. I have no problem with people questioning and am NOT saying that is predatory.
  3. Sorry, I don't eliminate the coordinate. I just got up, so I will have to get back to this later..... I think I actually did in an earlier thread. But it is in the paper for all to read. I can cut and paste it here if someone wants. Like I said I just woke up..... As an aside, I have been made privy to the final referee report and acceptance letter of the next paper being published in the journal. I am copying this line here due to the earlier comments about the so-called "predatory" nature of the journal. In the letter, Schild notes, "I am also aware that financial conditions in Peru are difficult, and Journal of Cosmology will waive payment of all fees for manuscript processing and page charges in this case."
  4. My Hubble shift derivation is testable. Simple math .... The effects of the addition of the acceleration to Einstein's time elements is testable. Once accurate enough, non-DM, mass concentrations are available, the rotation velocities will also be testable, which DM is not, nor ever will be as long as it is DARK and just formulas. Night.
  5. Oh, sorry, I didn't know there were "actual" theories and "non-actual" theories. Who determines which is which? So Hawaii...? No wonder you outlast me. Just another darned westerner who wants to get the last word in. I have no doubts about what you know. I don't even know where you are in that as it has nothing to do with what I am saying. That is what follows after there are dynamics due to effects in time.
  6. You really think I haven't seen that?Are you going to get Degrasse in on this? He was the one, literally, who told me to go back to school so I could prove my theory when I asked him about it. So I studied QM and tensor calculus... What was before the "beginning"? Sorry, the question and premise make absolutely no sense to me. Sorry. Bed time for me. Seems I can't get you to see....... At least not today.....
  7. Because time appears to stop......at ~13.9+ Gly, where Ho gives us an apparent recessional velocity of c, where time would appear to stop.
  8. Exactly, model... LOL! Of COURSE they do! No one KNOWS! Mordred, you are so good at the maths, much more than I can ever hope to be now at my age, where I just don't want to spend the time becoming as proficient as you, I'd like to see you do some within my model, if you can imagine how, which I will wager you can.
  9. is wrong. It is only a model, a theory, and it is just wrong...Just another attempt to make DE work. "I don't know, but this might be why..." An eternally evolving continuum.... We never get the carrot..... We are evolving between two event horizons...
  10. The universal continuum appears as infinite if the event horizons shift when approached. I agree, but that time is accelerated in rate. OMG! I an't beleive you are pulling this out! When does the arrow hit the target, when does the chair hit the wall..... They hit when the electron events repel each other! You miss my point. you said it could fluctuate and I agreed....????? In YOUR model WHEW! Figured I ws getting close! If I am fighting a juggernaut, I will probably incur a lot of those! Time for dinner.... ........MOM, I said, I'M coming! I'm really only 12, don't tell the others.......
  11. And that is back to Heisenberg. But fluctuations should not have catastrophic extremes like singularities and infinitely acclerating expansions. They are fluctuations, not illogical beginnings and endings. My model can fluctuate. The Cosmological Horizon is determined by the acceleration in the rate of proper (in the invariant sense) time. The higher the acceleration, the closer the horizon. Which is also what we see in GR, except it is the spatial aspect instead of the time aspect. At c it would go flat. Mine is just the point of view from the time aspect. As it is "spacetime", there has to be one... "Ahhhh, 'tis all just relative, you know?" How many -points before I am kicked out of the forum, please?
  12. I do. Mine is not Dark energy. I explain its origin and show how it is translated from potential to kinetic to thermal...Nothing Dark about it.... Yes, because we are then focusing on an event in the quantum field, and I guess you know where we go from there....collapsing probabilities, etc....
  13. I agreed with that, but it is what every "thing" is manifested by. Spacetime is perceptually infinite, which means it is filled with an infinite "potential" gravitational energy. That potential is everywhere throughout the spatial aspect. It is not a thing, but it fills the spatial aspect. Time evolving space forward is itself "energetic" as it results in motion in the forward direction of time. As I noted earlier, if I am correct this will allow us to create gravity drives if we can create a focused dilation gradient. In that case we will be using the evolution of time as energy. You keep seeing "separate" events rather than events that are part of a whole. It is an evolving whole. It has no separate parts. I mean, it does in such a way we can manipulate it, etc., but it is a single spatial field. If GR is based in spacetime coordinates, how can spacetime not be the energetic quantum continuum?
  14. EXACTLY what I said earlier. Einstein said he didn't believe such a metric as his Fundamental Metric (with GR coordintes) could exist: i.e., spacetime is always energetic in a finite space. So,........ What I see here is that we have a space(time) continuum filled with energy: visible light, invisible light, mass (if you will) and potential. The spatial aspect, and all it "contains" is evolving forward in the forward direction of time, which has no depth in space. And in my paper I also say it is due to the Heisenberg. I begin with time evolving space forward in the vacuum, but that state doesn't exist in finite space. Then I add dilation......
  15. So a null gravitational field is then possible? A place with no energy?
  16. But it is what all things are made from....can't define it as a thing, but all things are made of it Is all of space filled with starlight. Or are there actually dark areas?
  17. The continuum, by definition, is continuous, hence continuum. Space is filled with the energy of the CMB and the radiation from all the stars. There are no null zones. There can be no holes..... There can be no "separate" particles... It is a continuum.....
  18. How "thick" is spacetime, since space does not exist by itself.....but is one aspect of spacetime?
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