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Everything posted by H2SO4

  1. burrying a few hundred feet of wire is not difficult. It only needs to be burried an inch deep/ And im sorry, i did not know he lived on the 12th floor and a mile away from his shed.
  2. no, i said he went insane. It was my way of saying :he did alot of radioactivity stuff". I did not mean he went auctualy insane.
  3. i want to know what your opinions are on this "tale". Anyway, just google "radioactive boyscout" and youll find it.
  4. Ok so i read this story about a kid who went insane on radioactivity. It seems like a bunch of bullcrap. I mean c'mon, i think it is ridiculious. http://business.fortunecity.com/executive/674/fission.html
  5. Im going to buy a digital geiger counter after i buy a laptop, but i have a few questions. The geiger counter: http://unitednuclear.com/geigers4sale.htm Is a digital pocker counter. Im wondering, if it only picks up beta, gamma, and x-rays, then will i be able to find things emmiting alpha? By this i mean, alot of low level background (like metal contamination, thoron lantern mantles, smoke detectors, and im sure tons of others stuff) is alpha. Im worried that the things emmiting this alpha, will be invisible from my detector. What i mean is that, from some things ive heard, whenever theres alpha radiation, theres alittle beta/gama being released as well. I hope this is true. And what would the x-ray detection be good for? Do things like tv's emit low levels of x-rays? That would be cool to set up some kind of spark gap with a transformer and mesure the xrays being emmited.
  6. ya, some pictures would be awesome. Why use a phone though? Couldnt you just rig up a realy simple switch on the door (to turn on when the door opens) that is connected to a 12volt buzzer in your house (or even your door bell). That is what i would do. Im sure it would be much cheaper, probaly serve the purpose better, and you wouldnt have to worry about the thiefs breaking the system (they could, but it is only a switch). Im sure the few hundred feet of cheap 24 gauge wire wouldnt be expensive at all either. Just to me it seems like it could be much more simple than using a cellular phone.
  7. ok, now i need the driver for my multimedia audio controller. I cant find it with my resource cd's or my sound card software. It seems to be a common problem, from what ive seen in google searches.
  8. Ok, found it. Ended up being a driver problem. I had to install the driver from a resource disk. I noticed i have a few other pieces of hardware that dont have drivers for some reason, so now il find them . Heres one of the driverless hardware's:Multimedia Audio controller. Ive never heard of this piece of hardware.
  9. Alright, i found in device manger my ethernet controller is missing a driver. I hope the "ehternet controller" is the problem. i Cant seem to find a driver with the resource disk's i have. Will any ethernet adaptor driver workk with different brands?Or do i have to find the driver for this brand or watever?
  10. The computer I am using right now has network problems. Me and my friends used to hook the xbox into our RJ45 jack on the back to play xbconnect. I also used to connect to my modem via ethernet. Then one day my ethernet didnt work anymore. I was suprised to find that it wasnt a card in my computer, but i think it is integrated. This is a bummer, i wanted to just take it out and place it in another slot to try to fix the problem. Now i connect to my modem via USB 2.0, which isnt as fast as ethernet for networking. I am getting a laptop soon and im going to need that ethernet. All the lights on the RJ45 work, and when i plug into a network, they pick it up. But it stil doesnt work. When i go into task manager, it tells me "no active network adaptors found". I counld even get the slightest connectivity. I tried pinging sites. nothing. The modem came with a "LAN" cable, which worked, then stopped. I also tried to connect it with a cat.5e patch cable. Still nothing. Im going to try to reinstal the drivers. I went into bios and didnt even find anything for the networking hardware. What would this piece of hardware be called? And what can i do to fix it. We wil probaly end up calling dell to have them fix it (its still under warranty), but i want to learn on my own.
  11. i heard the average person has enough zinc in his/her body to make a small ( 1 cudic mm) block. I dont know if this is the free zinc, or in the form of compounds.
  12. H2SO4

    Firefly food?

    cool link, ive been curios about fireflys for some time now....
  13. Does anyone here like the smell of acetylene? I find its bad smelling, but does not choke me up like sulfur dioxide. If any of you noticed i was gone for over a week, well, good for you.
  14. pour black powder on them and light the powder.
  15. And you point is? He was telling someone how to ignite thermite, so?
  16. cool method. When i did it i cut the whole battery in half and pulled the Li out.
  17. so thats not bad. Does this qualify as high speed internt?
  18. no, it takes hydrogen and oxygen from sugar, producing water and sulfur dioxides. It makes water for itself. The other result is C The excess watrer leaves as steam.
  19. i have a shirt that is stained horribly with red iron oxide. So just apply lemon juice and let it sit and wash it out?
  20. Thats cool. Im 14, and working with my fathers on out of state jobs, im making loads of money this summer. Last summer my family bought the DELL dimension 4600 (very good computer, P4 2.8 W/ HT, 160Gb HD, 512mb RAM, Flat panel screen) that im using right now. We had a packard bell with a Pentium processor, running win 95 ( to let you know how old it was, it had a 2.11 Gb seagate hard drive) that, by the time i was old enough to understand computer's it was a piece of junk. When we got the dell, i had no idea what i was doing, but i quickley caught on. Now i know much abbout them, and the cool thing is there always changing so theres always something to learn. Anyway, to make a long story short, I want to buy a computer, and like the thought of a portable computer. So now im saving for a laptop and a wirless router.
  21. Im not very fond of being called a hydroscopic acid EL. Now that i think about it, i am very hydroscopic ( i can create water where there is none (i.e. the sugar +H2SO4 reaction)).
  22. hey EL, i think i hit reply, and then lat my computer idle and came back a few minutes later, meanwhile, you replied, and i clicked submit, so everything got screwed up. I was replying to AKcapr's post.
  23. ok, il try that if it doesnt sell this time.
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