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Everything posted by H2SO4

  1. dave, do you have a laptop?
  2. never ehard of em.
  3. from my understanding, propane isnt that toxic either.
  4. opening the container causes friction.
  5. like remember that mythbusters where they put like 20 cans of the bug killer gas bombs in the house and closed the doors and windows and after like 5 minutes remotely lit the stove? The explosion happened much slower than an H2 explosion wouldve and the house filled with flames, but nothing at a caught on fire. I think these types of things are called flash fires.
  6. and thats only in certain LED's, right?
  7. And, homeland security would like destroy him if this realy happened. But ya, post pictures. I wont believe this story until i see proof.
  8. ya, but you got to admit, eight garbage bags full of H2 from electroysis, i mean com'on.
  9. thats what i was thinking. THis is impossible, unless the budget is beyond extreme. Maybe if you created some kind of uplift to carry it upward.
  10. Ive always wondered this, would it be possible for us humans to recreate the ozone layer we destroyed? i mean, i know its not this simple, but if we produced massive amounts of ozone, would it make its way back up into the stratoshpere (or werever the ozone layer is)"? I mean, could you just imagine a bunch of international ozone plants that use UV light or X-rays or something to create ozone thwn just get a clever way to pipe it to a desolate place and realease it? Ok, so this is a crazy idea, but it might just work.
  11. akcapr, Flash Bangs? If your referring to the little things you chuck at the ground, those have silver fulminate in em.
  12. I would never put flash in an enclosed container and shake it.
  13. ok, first of all i dont believe that this JWalker incident ever happened. How did he fill eight garbage bags full of H2 from electroysis. Second, knowones this stupid. I realy think hes lying. Where are his parents (unless hes an adault that likes to shoot bottle rockets in his basement (which is bad enough), but shoots them at huge bags of hydrogen. Anyway, do you have a camera? I dont believe you. Photographic proof would be great! Attach some pics of the damage to the building/yourself!
  14. H2SO4

    Zombie Dogs

  15. ok, i see now. I was wondering, with wireless inernet, do things like cell phones and other cordless devices affect the internet signal your recieving and make it cout out or something?
  16. you know becuase you slept withy him in prison. Its a love-snore.
  17. H2SO4

    favorite bands

    CAKE. Check them out. Absolutley great. CAKEMUSIC.COM
  18. the XGA is standard?
  19. me? I scraped it off a boat trailer. Anyway, ya, sparklers work good, but offer no delay, unless fused.
  20. i used the iron oxide from our boat trailer for an expirement were you mix carbon ( i used soot) and iron oxid eand the carbon reduces it.
  21. I think he got the idea to make the stuff from my post in the thread about burning materials that are bright. Anyway, just be safe when you do it, and use common sense.
  22. Perchlorate is much better. NEVER USE CHLORATE IN FLASH POWDER! Perchlorate is plenty powerful and more stabile. Anyway, if your going to do this, it must be done with the diaper method, no other way! Look up "diaper method: or something. You will barely notice the difference between chlorate and perchlorate. How fine is the mesh of your aluminum, German Dark? Anyway, are you trying to make explosives? If so, id use granulated black powder. Much safer, and plenty powerfull. Here is the link to the page i made on wikipedia about the stuff: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lift_powder Mods, please dont give me warings for this post, becuase 1., i told the poster to use the diaper method (which is the safesty method of chemical mixing) and 2., told him to try using granulated bp instead of flash, which is a much safer explosive. And 3., i recommended him to use perchlorate instead. None-the-less, YT will close this thread i bet.
  23. lol, those myths are hilarious.
  24. Im looking at getting the 1.8g processor, but must choose between the 64mb XGA video or the 64mb SXGA video. The SXGA cost another hundred bucks, so is it worth the upgrade? Is there a noticable difference? How do i tell if the computer im using now computer has SXGA or XGA video?
  25. the white powder was just sugar, but that just to show how it would be set up if you wante dto ignite thermite.
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