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Everything posted by H2SO4

  1. Yes, judging from your avatars, you two look stunningly close.
  2. H2SO4


    Why does everyone like ipods? Now this is me just being really ignornant, but apple makes s%$@. Ad im sick of their modern looking crap. Im sick of ipods and itunes. You can't even download quicktime anymore without it being insanely bundled with itunes crap. Now im sorry to oanyone here who favors apple electronics, but it is my persoanl opinion that there products suck. Ok, forget about that pointless rant, why are iPods so popular? There more expensive, made by apple, and hold just as much as a nice creative mp3 player that cost's less. Do they have good battery life or something? Good sound quality? People just like them?
  3. I have windows xp home on my laptop. I fi nd myself daily becoming more and more nerdier ( I have 1 gig of ram installed, and a 1.8 gh pentium M with 2mb L2 cache). SO i find myself going nuts and hacking pinball, first the wave sounds witch is cake, then i download resource hacker. So basicaly my pinball is mangled and awesome. I started hacking windows exe's. This is my favorite hack so far. I've changed the text "start" on my start button to DEREK (my name) It even has a little picture of my head in place of the little windows icon, just for laugh's. Now i have a nerd friend, who has a nerd friend that supposedly changed the color of the actual button. I can't find this thing anywere with resource hacker. Is it simply a regedit? Fromt he sounds of it it seems like a cool hack, for example he made it a darker green and when he moves his cursor over it turns purple. Anyone know how to hack this?
  4. LOL, i hope he was using IE Now that i think of it i havent gotten any virus's in months. Not even spyware. Kinda disapointing. I love the chase. I love hunting down and killing the files. The best part is figuering out how to delete the culprit. Quite fun, other than the fact that Its hard to sleep until youve owned the virus.
  5. If you bubble sulfur dioxide through H2O2 it should give you H2SO4. This was how i first made my first batch of H2SO4.
  6. i wouldnt want to sit up in space for hours jsut doing nothing. (this is if being n space wasnt uncommon)
  7. Why do you want to bypass a firewall? If the firewall is on high, you can't even ping the other computer in cmd prompt.
  8. I think ive had one of these before also. Ironicaly it happened the other day in my alebra I class (this is the second time ive taken it). I have math third period and for some reason in third i get realy tired. So anyway, im close to sleeping, and that subconsious thing kicks in that tells you to become alert for a few seconds so you don;t fall asleep in class. So i try to lift my head (my heads on the desk). I then relize i can't move my head. I can't even move my body. I got realy stressed (as in what the hell is going on) and after about ten seconds of pushing extremely hard to move i snap out of it. Then i just sit there for like 5 minutes thinking how scary but at the same time cool that was. It was wierd. I could still here everyone durng the time. So ya, ive had one of these, but far less severe. I started mentally panicking within the ten seconds or so, and afterward i could feel my drenaline flowing. I can't believe you had a 5 minute episode. I would have been panicking so severly. I would be scared out of my mind.
  9. its an amorphous solid. Meaning it is never a liquid nor a solid. Notice glass just slowly gets soft when hot. Like putty. I don't know why it is like this, but of curse it does have somethng to do with the bonds.
  10. maybe im just not smart enough to understand what your exactly talking about, but the simplest reason id think is becuase light is composed of photons, and radiowaves are made of whatever...electromagnetic radiation. keywordword: electromagnetic From what i understand photons dont have any electrical properties.
  11. Ya, probaly NaCl or KNO3. Id imagine there are some pretty pure deposits of calcium compounds in caves.
  12. It seems the trends of things (im 14 so i don't know all the correct terms, so ill try) prices and sales of houses and other things are starting to show signs of the next recession (in USA?). So Is katrina the last straw? Are we most likely going to fal into another recession?
  13. the green thing
  14. The reason's i dont have a girl: Every girl i meet that is something i would go for (smart, NOT A WALKING BILLBOARD (which i realy hate)) doesnt have an interest in. No matter how much i flirt, how nice I am to them. They always end up being a friend. I think the reasons girls dont like me is as follows: Im strange, for example my hobbies dont go with eachother, if you know what i mean. Hobbies: Science (but can't effing stand math, so this is my downfall) Metal work Computers Pyrotechnics Fishing Sports: Biking, running, swimming. Other reasons: Im realy shy. Im not the most attractive person. I have strange media prefferences. Music: Hardcore CAKE fan, modest mouse, Oingo Boingo, Giant Squid, The B52'S, Pink FLoyd, Pixies, Police, Radiohead, weezer, Talking Heads. Reading: Uncle Tungsten, Fight Club, Culture Jam, Science encyclopedias, and some other ones. Movies: Kill Bill I and II War of the worlds All star wars Pulp Fiction Resevoir dogs Back to the Future I,II, III Fight Club Joe Dirt And lots of other comedy's. So with all the information ive provided you people probaly have your opinions on what kind of person I am. So i got kinda caried away. Oh well
  15. It is realy sad. Youd think the palne would have a mechanism to close the valve after a certtain altitiude (becuase, as stated above, it can be closed in flight, so its obvioulsly electronc/hydraulic. I hate flying. The fact that the plane has so many parts and your completely helpless scares the shit out of me. And to think this summer i fleww across the united states (ohio and indiana) 4 times. It seeems there are alot of recent plane crashes. What the hell!?
  16. This is me doing some brazing, about 5 months ago.
  17. So why did you need a ppeope or watever username? Ive never needed anything like this.
  18. Ive been soldering for about 1 year, and the only solder i use is silver solder. It is about 3% solder, and 96% tin and 1% copper. i ve colle cted every single scrap thats ever dripped. Now i have a huge puddle of silver solder. How would one seperate the silver?
  19. ya this is bullshit. I mean c'mon a small chip this big holding 1TB. Im sure we would have heard something about this if it was legit.
  20. ya this is bullshit. I mean c'mon a small chip this big holding 1TB. Im sure we would have heard something about this if it was legit.
  21. All you have to do is click connect at the bottom of the "available network connections" once youve highligt the network you want to connect to.
  22. Is your firewall on? If so is it on high security? Are you on the right band? (a,b,g) It should connect anyway automaticaly, but if you have an wireless card that only supports b and g you might have some probldems. yet, i have never found an A network.
  23. Ughhh ive alwyas wanted to try linspire just to see what its all about but now that this great affore has come, it seems all the crazy nerds have jumped on the linux deal and i can't get through becuase the server is to busy. Darn.
  24. I cant get the message too send from command prompt. i PUT IN THE IP, THen it tells me it cant be found
  25. Is there a messanger I can use to communicate with the one othe rcomputer on my network? Is there a built in one in winxp? Whats the best one? Prefferable one that uses very little resources.
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