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Everything posted by H2SO4

  1. The crucial usb drives are cheap, and seem pretty nice, so i think ill go with crucial.
  2. heres the problem: how will i show ebay/paypal the item a fake? The asshole still hasnt even sent me a response to my email, or called me. My next step is ebay's dispute console.
  3. well what about animals. Im sure theres animals who never see others of their species have intercourse.
  4. I saw the meteor shower thanks to this thread. Thanks yt I wouldnt have known. It was cool. Not the craziest one I've seen but the most colorful!
  5. Ok, I had always told everyone i knew never to buy any kind of computer hardware on ebay becuase you will always get ripped off. So i bought a 1 gb usb flash drive on ebay for 43$ , and when it arrived i knoticed it was a fake. The package had already been opended, the fake usb drive had some minor scratches on it. The labeling on it says Cruzer mini 1 gb while real ones say cruzer mini 1.0 gb Also, the thing can easily be dismantles buy barely tugging at the case. The light is a red light, while the real ones are green. The cover for the red light can be pulled off easily. The thing feels like there is nothing in it. The body is crudely molded. The label is ready to peel off. Now for performance. When i plug the frive in, it tells me new hardware found sandisk mass storge blah blah blah normal. I loaded on gig of data on it to test it to make sure its not realy like a 128mb or something. Loading that much data was kinda slow, im not sure if it is even USB 2.0 When it has about a gig off data on it it gets realy slow, for example it crashes widows explorer every time i try to open it. I cant even delete what i put on there becaue every time I go to highlight or right click on an item it crashes. its crap. I did manage to play a music file from it but it was slower than hell and almost crashed wmp like 8 times. So basicaly i bought this drive for school, to accomodoate my new dell 600m and i got screwed. Ive still got money so I want to buy a good flash drive, im tempted to go with sandisk, but ive heard good things about crucial. What would your choose?
  6. i think it is somewhat instincual. think about how long humans have been "kissing" Also, what i noticed is this: I have two dogs, male and female. The male (buddy) starts to kiss the female (kiva), and by kissing i mean licking her face intensly. Then he starts showing signs of arousal and often tries to mount her (although, she does'nt let him). The licking seems to be like foreplay. I just found that interesting how it seems to be a sexual thing in dogs, as with humans.
  7. i know what you mean, youll go to a website, itll look fine but you dont know your misiing out on lots of crap and sometimes important stuff. Sometimes to get to a certain part of a website you ave to switch to IE which sucks.
  8. is it sort of like NI3, but less sensitive?
  9. what are the files its denying? And wat do you mean by "Originally Posted by albertlee 5614, for your solution of reinstalling Windows, it is more tedious in my case. I have a reinstalled CD that is bound to the laptop. You know what i mean??''??????? Bound to your laptop? Like its crappy restoration software you get witth a dell ( I had to call them to give me me disks, but i got them free and it was next day saturday delivery, so thats cool)
  10. ya, wats that?
  11. H2SO4

    using irda

    I think were thinking this becuase heated objects give of alot of infrared light.
  12. ya, i have had windows explorer crash on me alot, mostly before i reformatted. Mozzila firefox also has some serious crash problems though also.
  13. to tell me the truth, i cant stand it when people tell me i should backup everything, maybe its becuase i dont have any realy important stuff in my computer.
  14. so how much space does it use on a cd-r? And thanks for the parttion thing, next time in a few onth i reformat ill have to do it that way.
  15. so , how are you supposed to delete your partitions when your computer is turned off? And since were talking about reformatting, when i got my dell laptop, they had a gay dell system restore program installed, that also needed two extra partitions. I didnt want two extra partitions or the system restore software, i wanted my resource and winxp disk's. I called them and they sent them overnight for free, so that was cool, but before i called them for my disks i wasnt sure if they would give them to me, so i was wondering, could someone make a winxp installation disk for their computer by just simply burning their windows files to a dvd-r-double layer? Or is their an installation componet missing or something. Im almost sure its not this easy. Maybe, would you be able to boot from the disk, but not reinstal with it? Anyway, here its 2:30 and i usualy never stay up this late, so im tripping.
  16. If windows has occassional crashes, id reformatte and reinstal windows. I reformatted my familys desktop the other day becuase applications would crash alot, and now none crash at all. I guess linux and unix are notorious for being very stable. I gotta try lnux some day, but im still trying to fully understand windows. I still have alot to learn.
  17. H2SO4

    using irda

    no, infrared is light. Its wavelength is just beyond what our eyes an see.
  18. google is a great way to get information about just anything. Most people dont know that you can put just about anything in google and get information about it, as long as you word it right.
  19. Watever dude, it was a matter of time before this happened. Idk, i know when i have kids i will tell them what I LEARNED about evolution.
  20. H2SO4

    using irda

    ya, but im sure tese alot of infrared light in our surrouding, ut we just cant see it.
  21. also, just sticking it in a solution proces are layer that wil lprobalyjust fall of before you pull it out of the water. This is what happens to me when i tried plating this way with copper sulfate.
  22. Ive never made a spud gun, but if i did, i would probaly make one using compressed air, but expirement with gasses also. I THINK THE THING IS, Gasses are funner for these guys. They are unpredictable, and produce a nice sound when shot. Oh..and fire! Gasses you can do alot of expiremetation also, like which dasses are better, achievng a golden fuel air mixture.. wereas comprssed air, you just open the valve and its gone.
  23. as far as i know it, last know good configuration will just start up your computer wth the last configuration that worked for it. That simple. But, it may be a hardware problem, like maybe the motor (which i doubt) in your harddrive died. Maybe the read arms are not able to move. Seems far fetched but it might just be a dead HDD.
  24. H2SO4

    using irda

    Just curios, why use infrared? Whats so special about this light? Why is it used for data transfer, remote controls and other things? Couldnt you use any kind of light, i.e green? or red, or blue, or yellow, orange...... Is infrared light less abundant in our suroundings? Does it's use for these apllications have to do with the wavelength that makes it sutible?
  25. No there is not, i have one healthy partition. To solve this, ill just do what pangloss said was the easiest, just uncheck the boxes. As far as im concerned, theres not much data on the second choice, if any at all. Basicaly, its just something in a text file, from what im reading here. And if i screw up that text file ill have to reformatte again (well, im not sure if the consequences are more serious than that....) So far, after i reformatted, i have 74.5 gb of free space on my laptop (with an 80gb HDD and win xp home installed, along with three cd's, about thirty 5mp pictures, all my drivers and notebook software, and some video's), so as far as im concerned, theres barely any data on that other "choice." Thanks pangloss for your help, that os choice menu was getting annoying. Just out of curiosity, when i eventualy reformatte my computer again, will there be three winxp choices, one being the only operateable one? Why has'nt microsoft fixed this problem? Do they think people do not reformatte there computer?
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