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Everything posted by H2SO4

  1. H2SO4

    using irda

    I did just reformatte the day before, but i reinstalled all my neccessary system software (drivers, notebook software)
  2. H2SO4

    using irda

    hmmm, i tried reinstalling the driver...Maybe ill call dell and see what they have to say.
  3. in the general tab, under "connect using" it shows a list of things like "file and printer sharing on microsoft networks" and "QoS packet scheduler" It shows a few other things to. But, there all checked.
  4. guys, im pretty lost. I bought a laptop and got it in the mail a few days ago. I reformatted it becuase i just want a clean copy of winxp. I did all the reformatting flawlessly, now i have one healthy partition instead of three. But heres my problem. Now, when i start my computer, it takes my to the OS choice menu, which was never there. I try to boot from the second choice, and it tells me a message that i can remember, but it tells me i cant boot from it or something. I dont think theres much data on it at all. I had a friend reformatte our family computer before i didnt know how to do it, and the same thing occured.
  5. you know, maybe theres a way to use the fact that magnets can magnetize certain metals to produce electricity. It would be a very clean source of electricity.
  6. id imagine shes wrong.
  7. idk, but i set up the computer i intend on pulling files from for sharing, and marked the HD as shareable. Abot the printer, will it only work with a ethernet printer, or does it matter that it is USB?
  8. H2SO4

    using irda

    ya, i dont know why psp's dont have bluetooth. Makes no sense. I never did like psp's anyway.
  9. H2SO4

    using irda

    the problem is that when we attempt to link the psp to my computer, nothing happens at all on my computer, and the psp shows a bunch of scrolling codes, and ocassionaly syas my computers name.
  10. H2SO4

    using irda

    I bought a latop with an irda port, but cant figuer out how to use it. I enabled it in setup. I installed the driver. My friend brought over his psp and it was communicating alittle, but i cant figuer out how to do anything with the port (i.e. transfer files) Id imagine when a devic is communicating with my irda port, some software would pop up asking me what to do. I am unning xp if that helps.
  11. lan stack?
  12. ya, ive dealt with firewalls, and i have run the network wizard. I set up a network, and when i try to see the computers on the network, i CAN ONLY SEE MY COmputer.
  13. i tried pinging my other computer with command propt, and the request timed out.
  14. ya, i irebooted my computers and turned of all my network hardware and then restarteed everything, and t still wouldnt find the other computers. I get internet great though.
  15. wow, that thing got HUGE!
  16. windows firewall asked me to change the setting on it when i tried file transfer, so i did. Heres the picture of what im trying to do.
  17. when you mix pure O2 with fuels suchs as hairspray, H2, propane, it will explode. Try it. Put some proane in a balon along with lots of O2, put some kind of fuse on it, light it and run.
  18. insane alien, using H2 and O2 would be suicide. Mixing any of these fuels with O2 would be suicide. YA im going to be a freshmen
  19. The main source for rv's is a small, propane or gasoline generation. They probaly pump out 1000watts Dont know if this help or not...
  20. mezarashi, an RV is a "recreational vehicle" pEOPLE TAKE TEM CAMPING...the big things, in other words, a motor home. That is a good queston, how much do these things consume. I dont know enough to give a good guess though.
  21. ok, the thing is, i cant see my other computer on the network. On the other compuer it tells me im vonnected to the lan, and can get internet fine. Im wondering, does the whole thing have to be using crossover cables, becasue there all patch cables connecting my router to my modem to my computer. I bought a crossover able on ebay last night to set up a LAN just between the two computer is i cant get this netork to work. Ill post a picture of what i want to do in a second here, i just have to draw it and scan it (dont realy like paint)
  22. Id imagine there pretty flexible also, so if they did explode it wouldnt be like extreme shrapnel flyin eerywhere.
  23. jowrose, im not going to make a steel spudgun, because i havent enough space. Im sure my neighboors will call the cops.....douche bags. Anyway, I have made some small mortars for shooting small, soft objects. The mortars consisted of a one inch copper pipe, with a fuse hole and one capped bottom. I loaded a few grams of lift powder and it shot stuff pretty good. I probaly wouldnt use this in a big "spud gun" becuase i have found solid fuels like this to explode when i least expext it or something. I m sure gasses would be better. But ya, if i were to build one, i would have to make it realy burly. It would have a 4 foot steal barrel, with the rest of the frame made from light weight aluminum (wait, an aluminum four foot barrel would be awesome1 think, no rust, light weight, wont burn, machineable, and METAL!) I would have a connection for a screw in propane tank connected to the frame with a regulator and pre-mixer (like a blowtorch has, and bunsen burner). It would have a piezo electric igniter (not a hand one, like the automatic ones on new gas barbeque's. Basicaly thats all, it would be nice. If you havent nticed, i lovemaing things with metal. Jowrose, i also dont want to talk about school. Three short ass weeks left, and were back in for 9 months. This will be my first year in high school, and everyone seems to think im nervous, but im not, im just pissed i have to go back to school for nine months.
  24. ive found it isnt this easy (the way i mentioned above) oK, SO I BOUGHT A LAPTOP, SAME SITUATION, HAVE A DESKTOP,WANNA TRANSFER STuff. So i connected the two via rj45 cables, and, and ran file transfer wizard. It wants me to run the progrm on the other computer and nothing will happen. I try to set up a home network between the to, but my network has limitied or no connectevity (WTF!, I HA TE NETWORKING) SO i cant get it to work.. But even early, i set up my wireless router, and tried to set up a home network so i can share files and the printer with the desktop. I ffailed miserabley. I setup the router fine, but not the network thing i was talking about. Is this even possible through a wireless router? And also, the router is a netgear. I set it up today, and was like, ok, so how do i secure this network so only i can use it. I cant figuer out how to secure my network. Right now it configuered for open access. Which sucks. please help my guys.
  25. So.....what did you do with 3 pounds of KMnO4?
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