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  1. its not a know there are paper on esp and all the stuff u ask here they are read some of these studies http://deanradin.com/evidence/evidence.htm there is a lot of to go threw all real papers by top scientist
  2. no they are more open to it a lot more people would no that if they one on talk to these people or been to any of the meetings they wont say it because they will get all there money taken but u guys don't under stand thing if u look one way u under stand remote viewing is still use in the army and most people meaning 88% of science will say there is remote viewing its so easy to test i am a training medium also so u can say im fake or blah blah blah but i don't charge i don't gain any thing from lying about this so all i know i talk to some one info comes threw a picture or a voice comes in to my head and says a man of some one they new that is dead or a object or once witch this blew me away i did a reading with some one that did not know the person i was ready was dead yet so yeah and this is not rare there is so many mediuns now that are not even old like 18 that are super good at what they do more and more so i mean its not really worht talking to people that don't have any exp that is th best evidence what u go threw but u guys just listen to the guy in the lab coat when if u talk to them like i do they don't even agree with half of the bull they feed out there just do stuff your self go see a medium do some work and find a good one like i said first one i saw gave me name last 4 digest of a number that my past dad had like 7 years before reading so i mean they have some kind of thing going on it could be the dead or some kind of esp or psi don't see away around this but in the next 20 years when all the old close minded scientist die out will new shift will take over and your kids can feel like they are one with every body mean some thign and have nothing to fear instead of slime on a rock witch like i said i looked into not saying its wrong just very week evidence for any thing random just keep an open mind don't think its all fake can't happen because u had kevin willams in here telling u facts and u guys just say nope not how it works can't happen but NEWS FLASH IT DOES HE IS SAYING FACTS NOT BULL HE IS A SMART PERSON GO CHECK OUT HIS WORK AND SIGHT and u guys should check out a pod cast skeptiko.com would open your mind up i feel bad for some of the post in here tho
  3. Okay we are going to get a few things across here one of my sentences are a little off I am typing with my voice because I do not have time to type right now. I trained to be a neuroscientist for a while so I understand the basics and I keep up on the research phase to other people my family are a neuroscientist so I'm going to leave you with this a lot of you in here have very close mines it seems like an all because you take an evolution or brain-based stuff you automatically think it's impossible for an afterlife one I have been through the resources for evolution I just traveled around the country going to most universities I had a lot of interviews and papers that I worked on I am now a journalist for science so I understand most of what goes on 21st 7 right now no we are really far from understanding Consciousness there is nothing we know right now that can bring is merely close to Consciousness okay we right now have better evidence for Consciousness being fundamental than we do for it being a part of the brain neuroscientist in Academia tell you this so you think that most of them don't even agree with it if you a scientist by themselves what they think of it in private and don't tell anybody else they will tell you that they think Consciousness is fundamental and a part of the brain we don't know how memories are stored we don't know where memories are it's probably like Rupert sheldrake what he says about memories and stuff like that. and here's some evidence for the afterlife mediums mediums right now you might think cold reading all that blah blah blah but I just went to a medium because that is another hobby of mine is testing mediums out and stuff like that so what I did is did a blind experiment where I called them up on a star 67 phone number and I gave them the time I would be there and we all work this out because I told them why I go there the medium gets me the first name of my dead father and a few other things like he used to keep a little silver bear in his pocket named Clyde and he also gave me the last 4 digits of my phone number that I had when he passed 0 666 so that is not explainable by Cold reading and Julie from the wind Bridge Institute covers this another thing. physical mediumship that is where people go into a séance room and materializations of so-called Spirits appear things move around Port switches objects coming out of nowhere and other things happen and before you say this is fake they are doing test studies on a few right now bring them in to control the land areas so Soon this is probably going to be the thing that breaks the whole barrier of the scientific paradigm. another lines of evidence is EVP and the usual skeptical thing is this is just radio signals or wishful thinking when you can talk into a recorder or a computer program and have answers come back to you of when they lived on Earth what their first last names were and all that like the work of dr. Craig Hogan is doing right now it is hard to say that same thing with it see which is in trans mental communication is another huge part it's getting more popular and more buzz and probably going to replace mediumship sin because anybody can do it if you got a mic recorder and an open mind. Another line of evidence of near-death experiences people say these are hallucinations of dying brings people can have them from meditating a walk in nature being stranded alone or dead and there is so much verifiable things and 98 percent of people see dead relatives 14% see dead relatives that they did not know we're dead and including all the verified events in about the party I think it was verified and another thing is 80% of the researchers that go into and bees come out Believers when they were themselves atheists. and there's after-death communication which 60% of the country has come across and over 80% of the world has said to have after-death communication which is talking to somebody in a hyper real Vision or seeing them and another thing as operations which is people seeing spirits and are very suggestive of survival. there's also induced after-death communication with 8 people dead for a while and are still doing helping people do and then there's past life regression and life between life regression like the work of Michael Newton. another thing is his past lives in children so reincarnation which the work of Jim Tucker is being taken place which is probably one of the most sound things you can imagine okay and those are some of the lines of evidence there's a lot more. right now most of mainstream science is accepting the reality of ESP and PSI so it is not far till the start accepting stuff like that and before you say this is b******* it's blue blah blah blah I think about it with an open mind there's so much to this happening most of the population is getting affected by it oh yeah and there's also deathbed Visions 2 that are very suggestive of survival and terminal Lucidity so I mean look at all of those guys actually think about it this Evolution it's not that deep to be honest I'm you can go online and look at your silly papers and this and that and Google but I travel and talk to these people all the time same thing with neuroscientist so just think for a sec would you want a paradigm or your children feel like one day they're just going to die and will be nothing or 1 or they feel a part of everything and immortal so they should feel good for everyone elseScience needs to change it is very dogmatic materialism is killing our planet and this is a terrible thing to happen it is a science where all of you are nothing but Kitty bags and meet that mean nothing to anybody you really want our society and everything to think like that I don't know about you but at this point I rather have the damn churches take over because at least they're freaking have a sense of something larger not this oh yeah you die you die there's nothing we got all this evidence when you really don't honestly it's not winning any more that's why materialist hate philosophers be as philosophers look at it as silly nonsense so sorry if my typing is a little messed up it's voice thing okay but there you guys go it's enough objective evidence this is a forum for the evidence of survival so don't you say Evolution Neuroscience can't happen I've been to almost every University talked almost every unit a neuroscientist here's the thing that you're not a tad bit closer to figuring it out
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