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Everything posted by zazzzoom

  1. space does not expand space ends in all directions that way space has a shape
  2. like them protons could be universe's and we're a nutron someplace
  3. space ends in all directions
  4. space ends that way it has a shape and outside of space there is nothing
  5. space does not go on forever that way space has a shape
  6. hay show me your "LOGIC" that space goes on forever and how can it expand if it goes on forever you people act like matter moves somewhere all of a sudden space is created so it can move there that way space is expanding no no no space has to be there for matter to move into SPACE ENDS THAT WAY SPACE HAS A SHAPE
  7. space ends that way space has a shape think space without any matter or energy in it you could find space has a shape and that shape moves from one shape to another shape
  8. space ends and it has a shape
  9. space does not expand space ends that way space has a shape and that shape moves from one shape to another shape
  10. but what is it!
  11. e=mc2 well you got that far saying matter and energy are the same thing e=m SO WHAT IS THAT STUFF matter and energy
  13. space ends that way space has a shape
  14. sure everythimg's equal i'll give you a dollar and you give me a million dollars that's equal
  15. space is not flat its in a three dimensional form space is not infinite space ends that way space has a shape
  16. space ends that way space has a shape and that shape can move from one shape to another outside of space there is nothing
  17. space does not expand what space does is changes shape
  18. your thoughts are matter and energy focused think of the universe without any matter and energy in it just one big empty space NOW YOU CAN SEE THE UNIVERSE you were blinded by the light you could find out in any direction you go space ends and it has a shape
  19. any direction you go from where you are up down north south east west whatever you will find that space ends and it has a shape to it
  20. SPACE ENDS Space ends, space does not go on forever and ever it ends. The difference between space ending or not ending is if space does not end then space does not have a shape but once you understand that space ends then space can take a shape and that shape can move from one shape to another shape. Yes space ends and moves.
  21. space does not go on forever space ends that way space has a shape and space can move from one shape to another shape
  22. the universe is not all the stars and planets and galaxies in space the universe is all matter energy time and space a true concept of what matter and energy are is necessary to have a true concept of the universe you got as far as e=mc2 that tells you matter and energy are the same thing but you don't know what matter and energy is. a true concept of all space is necessary to have a true concept of the universe you don't even know what space is or what makes it different from matter and energy. a true concept of all the past present and future is necessary to have a true concept of the universe and you don't ever know what time is
  23. space does not go on forever and ever SPACE ENDS the difference between space ending and not ending is if space does not end then space has no shape but when you understand that space ends then space can have a shape and rgar shape can move from one shape to another shape
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