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  1. Just as world war 2 sleuths had justified and crucified many a people across the countries in 1942 1945. Wished if hitler and his men had instead of grazing the war battles quick plans to el- elamine had instead turned his convoy to india-pakistan brit provinces through iran borders. Then our indian history books would had a mention that italio-german armies invades delhi punjab in 1942. But india as under sovereign crown was in protection of USA troops which later in 1944 dropped around million tonnes of drop bombs over italia for no particular reasons. Instead such gruesome blood savage rivalry was to have against indians by some other colonizers or war agitators. In modern day would there be any reasons that india getting all the armory for no particular reasons for any future tell tale against any arab -muslim powers. Or in time of some future world war 3, indians heading against many countries like asian or australian without getting anything in the news. So what would like to offer is can anyone make a stand of war angst against a small province in bombay that is andheri to santacruz ??? Can any country european who has war credentials for many ages....like bosnia, germany italia or russo provinces bring atleast some armoured tank regiments. Perhaps 45 to 100 tanks and invade the beach alongside bombay? And destroy everything as one could survive with every second count....!!! Or much particular surround the andheri santacruz province and target many a places with missiles even thermo-nuclear...so as to make them unsure in their minds as to leave bombay and when they try to leave gun them down with tank guns. As these people thronging these places are what not races, indifferent to others seclusive....and there is no point in keeping them to survive another generation in future. Mainly what not village punjabi races weird, sikhs, marathis, madrasis, gujratis and muslims have scattered themselves in this place. Many call themselves as americans. These also make up the bollywood world which is since year 2000 not making any movies nor songs whatsover. Their modern day genre is so dingy representation of i cannot understand since fifteen years. Also mtv india is not airing USA content. So these people have outlived their dingy drama life and should be attacked completely wipe out till another generation replaces them in year 2101. If i am given the opportunity to thwart kill them by some soviet russian carrier missile system cordon, then i would never hesitate in hitting many a localized parts and vaporising them in minutes. Then remaining to be seen big craters and collapsed buildings remnants. These people are like terrorists bases only, even i would like to fight them later with sniper rifle. When would i hear the air siren bell and all people in panic evacuating. I won't even remorse to any population lost. Military actions like... 1. Detonating a nuke against communications link so all would be lost. 2. Detonating nukes against air runways and blocking paths to exit like trains tracks blown off. 3. Detonating nukes against power supply and blocking off food water medicine to people. 4. Do not let them leave to their origin countries like unknown helicopters army coming to rescue its people....kindly detonate it them in air. 5. Kindly detonate huge thermo nuclear atomic bomb on ghatkoper areas adjoining the other unknown suburbs of bombay. Then rivers of blood would flow chemical radiation. 6. Kindly eradicate the slums workers of bombay and its chemical factories through concrete breaking missiles and napalm bombs. So who would take up this war? otherwise my bombay is lost somewhere already..... Please if someone hardened military general takes up the challenge to get them then kindly bring huge swords and knives. Chop them like anything...men weirdo, women punjabis and their black children. Kindly pin point ur designation fighter aircrafts missiles on the mobile they are using as instigating violence state of fear and kill many a radio star pigs beer guzlers women sleuths of bombay. Pin point one missile on akshay kumar and kill him. When these would be eradicated and there would be a sense of freedom in the air. You many of your forefathers who saw world war 2 would think these places assignement as very easy isn't it? As many a countries were gone away in world war 2 and populations wiped out. And rebuild another day...just three suburbs i ask to destroy from andheri, ville parle juhu and santa cruz...of bombay while remaining bombay remains the same....
  2. I was sleeping awake this morning and i saw a weird dream memory vision of a place named baroda india. This place has a weird history of what not written in books. Like as if it has seen many a days of plunder, wars and bloodshed. Like have u seen "gandhi movie" that the director of the maker of movie perhaps likes to hide away the real picture from the viewers and the coming generations. Also the history books of indian point of view is also not correct. In the star movies that i used to see in yester years the movie cinematography of england ruling power of indian monarchy. So what i saw in my mind memories that once baroda was a center of political war power of indian monarchy provinces. The entrance gate of the MS university now once was the entrance to the last scene East india company british empire officers office in 1850s to 1911. So many viceroys authorized east india company officers used to stay at that office and the behind belieguered palace like structure was in ruins. So when some oppressed sections(gujratis) of the indian villagers exploded a grenades at the white officer and the officer and his men died at that very place. So then perhaps was some historic turnover of handing over the last east india company to the indians and leaving of the brits. Then perhaps the behind structure was renovated and the east india company office was then reformed such that afterwards the people coming later would never come to know what was there earlier. Then came a library and commerce faculty of MSuniv. So i look into my mind memories that there were atleast 5 wars conquered by external super powers nomadic white races of military who took over baroda, perhaps were hungary, czech republic, prussians and turkey wars. The main resident monarch ruling crown was supervised by some indian marathi mixed race victorian like queen and her marathi men. With white gentlemen in grey black suits who used to live in the palaces since 1750s to 1799s. Once moving reading the pages of history and spirits i read that there were newspaper printing presses and dye chemical factory workers lineage races gujratis...who lived in the outskirts of the baroda city but later came spreaded to take over the whole baroda. There were neither any bridges, nor buildings nor societies nor pizza huts at that time...in 1875s. But there was a social movement gathering of socially oppressed people named as chapal gandhi gang who spreaded from the alembic now region towards the palace region. So many people were lathi charged, tear gased, shells fired from armoured tanks, and guns fired from marathi troops. And there were bodies all over the streets as the newspaper read. But still the gujratis low profile races made it to the marathi anglo monarch palace. There were telephone conversations that the seige is taken over and the monarchy is going to topple over. So the victorian queen like made a quick exit thru a double engine turbo prop plane. While the white gentlemen fleed off like ghost thru his convertible car into some time portal off the airport or perhaps somewhere nearby. Many gujratis then ransacked the palace goods and artefacts...plundered it. And some stored it to again revive it in 1955s....as if nothing happened. So what i think is that some identities like the marathi victorian like queen and the white gentlemen were already living from age 1710 to 1760s. And the gujrati chapal gang ages from 1890s to 1980s....again reliving into flesh and blood with parents and cloning the same features. But again resurging and spreading. They the chapal gandhi gang took over america in modern day. And build up a defecation factory in USA. Like shifting a whole population who once were slum dwellers, villagers and chapal gandhi people. Are now seen in USA lands in modern day lifestyle. Like statue of liberty would one day be replaced by chapal gandhi. Like from above it seems a big slum rehabilitation of dirty indian races living beside a tall glass building in USA of who oversee fund their dreams. Lets see what points were to be seen... 1. That the gardens who first established them were are still not visited liked by gujratis themselves. 2. First artillery seige was by some hungary army on cavalry which plundered the baroda city in 1550s or 1640s. 3. This lead to some muslim turkey invasion and many cannons heard. 4. Czech republic and prussions later lead some invasion to built the gardens and the byzantine structures. 5. One maratha war were all the city population was killed in war. 6. One big cannon was introduced in between war and its sound was ear thundering. It created or ousted some black magic spell from the MSUniv college now or what it was earlier a palace. 7. That there was a night perhaps a huge tiger tank or some bombardment was done, still the palace people were calm. 8. Then the modern day weapons like ak-47s, m-16s...are smaller versions guns like they are like pellet spilling guns. Some army in past had brought modern huge weapons unknown 1820s. 9. Steam engine was a spectacular scene, but the railway station was someplace else. 10. The old baroda was like a huge regiment of marathi soldiers with spears and sten guns in 1710s. 11. Then there were funny occasions inventions of science mechanics. 12. Modern day baroda is 88% gujratis and others with some marathis. So five wars were against baroda and 2 were salvaged by marathis. So would some esternal powers who once shed their bloodline and screeched their sharpened sword blades again take over this baroda city or no? And drive away the gujratis again back to the outskirts of the city where once they lived?
  3. Would there be a day of world war 3 undertaking by some military superpower like USA not just faking it or wargames. Like posting USS heavily armed carriers near bombay arabian sea ocean USS nimitz and USS kitty hawk...armed with tomahawks missiles, F-15s, F-A 18s, F-16s to take on air cordon against the indian military areas of gujarat and north india. As they say war against terror, but then hindus should be also treated as under criminals and terrorists. No action is taken against them since years. If the world war 3 finishes then who would defend the bombay then? As india is a weapons of mass destruction threat to the world, 380 sukhois for defending such a small country. Or they would take over the world one day? And kindly keep the mediators like turkey and germany at bay....or attack them too....!!! Test nuclear on some boer war regions. War should be done quick, how many days i need to wait? Or would you then refer to indians only, what how they saw in their pre-visions dreams of what dramatica casualty ward on both sides, and how they duped the world's eyes. American indian joint bilateral treaty should be abolished.
  4. Some days back i had a dream in which i was perhaps contacted by some logical thinkers of the modern world perhaps americans. They constructed this dream in my mind, so i can visualize it and understand it in my own way. In this dream its shown how the americans... look to the indian way of living. Earlier before 1900 there were many monarchies and other heirarchies...within white communities itself. So they then re-located themselves to south america countries and other countries of europe. So some think of it that india rather than a ruling power country of english-germanic and french - slavic communities was instead a place pre-occupied by spanish, portugal, cuban, brazilian christian races. So what they see as the world new order being changing out of times in the coming centuries...it seems that in india indian communities stage their lives as a theatrical dramatica presentation in real life itself. Like as in coming times many civilizations contributed to theatre and understanding behaviours of peoples. But in india, it seems the races first sought seek themselves and others as they deem fit in their future preadvanced seen visions dreams. Then they exchange glances and act in the same way as if re-living the previously seen dream dramatica in itself. So for example a woman a big CEO of some company and a small assistant of the same company exchange words against one another to attract crowd attention and thereby lamenting upon one another. But if i am the third person seeing these two i feel pity, contempt in reasoning out the situations which is actual non -rehearsed a dramatization in itself, but people still enjoy it. And then when i try analyzing the situation and things reasoning, the same two person or families or groups who were against one another, were are now seen sitting enjoying chatting cup of tea around the corner in a day break as if nothing such earlier happened between them. Like as in theatre interval happens....so there is nothing to sort out things its just cultivated buff dramatica of the dreams they try to act out again and again, even forget...even if they get hurt. These things then are a casual leisure practise everywhere at schools, colleges, institutions,...etc. So then it seems to the third person viewing that the living aspect are like negligible in a sense. And other people seem like just co-acting and furthering the robotic life. Still the end resultant and practical application is error free. If i then think of intervening in this dramatica between two people/groups. Then i am acting like an external virus hindering their minds process, to which they stare or repel. To the above world towards earth it seems like as if a alien saga process under construction or a weird representation of a newly created lifestyle adapted with no emotions, fear nor reasoning. Perhaps the then societies who do not conform with this kind of human dramatica behaviour system, were perhaps of yester years societies people...who perhaps entrusted in monarchism and heirarchies races.
  5. In during the reigns of the monarchies of england and russia in the 11th and 14th century to industrial ages....Many societies of the world countries were under strict control of the head states in one way or the other, like as if in some labour, or in some war, or in some aparthied....!! So as russian sociocrates made headways in their philosophies of constructing their own culture and debasing others, they then created prisoners labour concentration camps since 1100 to 1500. These ideologies then taken up by german monarchies of the reich the third in their apprisal of 1933s like a flickering flame to showcase the world their power through attrocities in their ways. But logical concept speaking, one sees indian subcontinent region culture...here if imagined as if in 1937. There are neither monarchies, neither any sentries on the streets, nor any head governing people....but still the multitude races act still as if living in as in a concentration camp slavery. Their generations through ages centuries under some ruling power so their culture remains body language, lifestyle still prevails as their forefathers were of their past. Like there is no freedom at all, and the minds are confined into closed thinking and just living another day. Like as if seeing the trailor of movie" schindler list", boarding a bus and crossing the gates of the aparthied demarcation lines....the freedom as one people recall or call it is one and the same.... Life as one calls it is like two sides of a coin, you one really requires freedom in a sense or would loose freedom in a sense in having much of it. ....why where the boundaries of countries built in the first place? Through war weren't getting any freedom? So some group of societies like musicians, theatre... take it up to themselves to instill emotions feelings in this world...when infact there is void in this world so senseless it may seem.... Then some societies countries think freedom in its own way, or some societies create it in their own way... in howsoever obtained or the other....
  6. Once in 1999 i was busy solving mathematics and physics theories and numericals...suddenly i realized that someone through my mind is overlooking through my eyes what i was doing. So i asked who is it? And the reply came as a american businessman in his 40s with cool american english accent was studying me. At that time i was only 17 year old and he said he was with his colleagues. He praised me for my intelligence and problem solving skills. He then one day did a advanced telepathy mind simulation with me. Said that i would give you a suitable mind moving pictures and u have to see it yourself. He asked me to hold something in my hand. And two hands appeared in front of my eyes. And even a carton box colorful. At that internet was started in india in 1996 1997 in local cyber. And i had been in cyber just once or twice. So i never had much of any idea at that time in those days as we nowdays even local people have of movie player, chat apps, ginger bread android system. So the white businessman told me many things to check out the gigahertz speed, navigation maps, the design....of the tablet pc. Its company named perhaps was verizon. And screen size was also somewhat big. So the white american businessman said that one day he predicts that this same model but indian version would one day be in my hands. So after so many years i found the same version but of smaller dimension and quality. He said that india in after 16 years would be a market place of all electronic gadgets of duplicates. The real version for you to see buy perhaps made from taipei taiwanese or american made in 1996 1997 3G or 4G tablets. Then there was also a south indian businessman his colleague who too then started to communicate with me. Saying that they both were sitting beside computer servers of the likes of Twin towers USA offices. Said someday you means me too would find a office place in USA. (and some were saying that indian colleges are so bad its useless even to take admission study there. There are no money ventures, no jobs no future) But just then 9/11 happened and many businesses offices of america fell collapsed to earth. When i recall it seeing on tv, seems that after the planes had strucked some evil spirits shadows touched it like a breeze. So this building must had fallen down like a ghostly possession. If i had believed in the predictioners i had taken refuge or moved to other place to avoid the college incident which was alike some sorcery like something and saved my mind from insane ward time interval. Just then i had a dream, that the aircrafts were stolen and replaced by UFOs. So the people of the twin towers USA had fallen victims but the four aircrafts were not harmed actually but taken to a new dimension in space reality. There they landed the aircraft in an arid zone. And the passengers survivors were still intact and were made slavery for perhaps two years. The variant temperatures and windy sands dunes overfilled the four aircrafts. And the survivors were moved to places in a queue. But then many succumbed to death. And very few were left. If the american businessman and the indian south indian businessman were also survivors they would had been age 56 now and somehow made to earth in UFO....if possible? Nowadays many indians people move to USA and the american dream is finally over i guess. All perhaps they the indians have spreaded is witchery and baddest smells ever.
  7. Have you seen the movie "enemy at the gates" in this movie there is shown that soviet russia is at war with the east germans. So in this movie depiction the ruins seems just like bombay industrial age ruins. So i postulate a theory of time shift, where some society races do some time shift. Like lets say the sci-fi movie named "aliens2" wherein it seems the scenario and creation artists state that the movie was created in year 1977. But the artefacts and science things are of the years 1992. So the movie makers seems like they portals time travel technique to reach back in time in year 1975 and made a movie there becoming age reversing but with advanced things. Saying that space ships were of the years pertaining 2140s. So if we apply this theory lets say in bombay ruins, and if of age the bombay white society had somehow managed to take their time from 1670s to 1790s to 1850s to 1911s where as in tv radio tanks etc were all there, but hidden from the other societies eyes. And they then left it and came back in time and so left were ruins. And we of other age society race of age came later in 1990s. Wish i had a chance to travel into distance space colonies if the alien movie concept were true, and our history books were fake. And i would had boarded the exo-skeleton robot mechanics which fuels attaches the thermo-nuclear weapons to a fighter carrier jet. I would had loved to fly pilot this flight, it seems that the fly by wire system where wing air propulsion is not even required, but just some guiding levitation mechanism science. As if like out of the void of distance void time being another earth was created just opposite earth planet. And we have to pull over from earth's centre of mass gravity to the adjacent near planets newly created gravity field and move there...hahaha While thermo nuclear eroded the earth lost its elliptical path of revolution around the sun and knocked off jupitor to direct head way into sun heat to vaporise but eventually found one self shifted to another time void universe on the other side...hahaha
  8. When is the world war 3 going to happen? I am fed up of listening to the same things again and again. The hippocrisy surrounding the things. How the forefathers and the monarchy of yester years like we used to read in history books, hailed for war against one anothers blood. So are these books and histories all fake or what? Look at the state of Bombay india. So much popullation pouring into the small english town, would after some days eat up my mind corrosive nature. People in the name of good lifestyle building good buildings for the people to buy and some other people from other state who have no work no job are getting to live in these new buildings and getting a new makeshift identities of bombaykars. And where the real bombay people are get suffering from new age. What is the so called lifestyle to speak communicate with the computer, ask what is computer alright? Where did you sent the computer to? What did you ate computer at? What computer died again? So is this modern age dependancy new age lifestyle of the people to get at? Or for getting to get curb the menaces of the society,...like poverty, corruption, uneducatedness, rich poor divide...etc. So are the modernization of bombay curbing this menace or fueling it to make life eneasyness still. And giving just alternate solution that if you care to do this it would be ok for you making subtle excuses reasoning. But whats the use in this small life if there isn't any warring inspiration, any bravery, any valour...just a timid people ideas call it as acts of inspiration, bravery valour? Whats the need for the hour is to do a just war. Where are the english monarchies of world war 2 to take up this war again? To again have for peace? When will i see tanks rolling on the streets of bombay? And all the colleges, schools so called institutions of education to be shut up completely. All the colleges of the historical places of bombay should be again handover to the archaelogical department and shut down. When will i see a soaring missile or a fighter jet squadron into operational over bombay skies. And tanks from their individual sides to play their part and breathe a new day when all the hocus pocus pollution from other nationalities who have corroded bombay is driven away...? When will i see in this life or would i get to see the world war effects or no, people suffering in adversity depravity in indian cities?? Or if no war happens and no foreign country takes stand, then in 2065 if i again come into life in next cycle, i would see blank pages that nothing happened....what is the population of bombay itself, i would feel a lost face in the crowd !!! Why these countries even display their arms ammunitions in the first place in parade? when if its of no use!!! In the modern day, many indian races who were once anti westerners have taken up western lifestyle and all the low races of india have gone to foreign nations for doing promiscuous porn things girls and boys of india, and have made up facebook profiles. So is this intermixing of races whites with dark skinned races was a thing of the past as well?
  9. This is the letter email i had written to my young days school friend of kamptee nagpur india 1994... You remember how fun times we had in our childhood days of 5th 6th and 7th... in st joseph convent kamptee. But seems that the school of kamptee has been shut down for some years. So where is our 6th class teacher or do you remember her name? Who had big waist punjaban used to wear lipstick and tucked in napkin behind hairs?? And when i was writing my final exams of 7th there do you remember there was one good looking girl sitting near me monika with her friend amanpreet, very fair white skin. There was a movie bollywood made for the imaginary love of kunal me and monika in 1998, have you seen movie chalte chalte? shahrukh khan and rani mukherjee. There is also u too and some other of my friends like amol etc in that movie...7th class versus 6th class. So while this movie was being made you all perhaps had passed out tenth class from the st joseph convent kamptee in 1997, and had gone to some colleges in nagpur for 11th and 12th. So in these particular years from 1995 to 1997 to 1999 2000 was there some tension building up in kamptee or someone was brewing up hatred against me giving me bad name, like monika and amanpreet saying something about me. Or like megha sadh and other girls of our class circulating spreading bad rumours about me to shakira our maths teacher or her son. As i remember many black dirty girls of kamptee i don't know whom perhaps having witches powers were cursing me, swearing in 1999 that they would change the world and shut down bollywood, all romantic movies and songs, music etc. So i don't know what happened after 2001 no movie, no bollywood songs are hit, theatres are also empty. And i am suffocated in this world. So our class of 1997 and that 6th class of monika are influencing this coming generations in a bad way. Even MTV music channel is not the same as used to be, and even bombay. So this hatred the st joseph school instigated became so miserable in the coming years 1998 to 2000. That in that time in 2000 2001 i had taken admission in MSuniversity baroda in diploma engg. after 12 th science and i was badly attacked in college by several unknown gangs. Before that as if it was all pre-planned and executed in a single day, shakira her son, ashwinder chaudhury and his gang were pre-planning attack on me, saying who girl i lately seeing such questions they were posing. I was not even writing anything on the internet in years 1998 1999, i had came later in 2000 2001. Before that i used to go to some higher maths tuition classes of gujrati girls of some international navrachna school baroda. So when i had left them, and i was going to the internet and just when i had taken admission in polytechnic college. As that night i was returning home, some evil creature came in my two wheeler way. At that time i was only 18, and i struck the creature as i fell down unconscious. Then i remember i was taken down from a UFO in a chamber of white liquid capsule. And again kept there near the two wheeler by some unnatural forces aliens. Or was this UFO of ashwinder chaudhury and shakira's son? Then i woke up open my eyes and saw voodoo creature fluttering in the front wheel which i somehow managed to drawback so that creature doesn't harms my face. But still the voodoo creature was so powerful that it sucked all my emotions, memories and feelings from me. When i stood up i saw a big bright light of the UFO above me. Then i somehow managed to get away from the ghosts and the voodoo sounds. No one nearby had all closed their houses and lights were off. I perhaps like i felt struck on head, so i didn't even remember any movies i saw in my childhood and young days. All my memories of previous schools were also lost. Before that i had many a dreams of being attacked somewhere but i thought these dreams were just mere dreams. But when i later when recovered from injuries i limped to college like brain controlled by shakira, that 6th punjaban teacher, monika and ashwinder chaudhury and shakira son gang. So they brain controlled me and i did some mischief with some dirty girl whose name was niti joshi and his boyfriend was a college gangster named vedant. They then started the attack with the quick attack of the kamptee too. Do you remember that our school st joseph kamptee had a arabic batch too of girls and boys from turkey germany. And there was 6th class punjabi sikh batch like you might be knowing sahiba mann grewal, dimple puri malhi, anukrita, karan mann, harleen jawanda and monika amanpreet. These girls all used to contact communicate with me since 1998 1999 2000. And said of promises that they would later contact me when time comes and our friendship was great. Did you know that these girls were first in 9th, then they again appeared in 8th the next year and again in 6th became smaller in size in age like magic. Or as if they had three fragmented identities of self. So when i went to college and before only i was hearing communication from shakira's son and ashwinder chaudhury that they were going to attack me, as two gangs from there side were prepared. So at 12.30 this attack was started in college canteen area of baroda. And just as in my dreams, some gujrati bhutara 7 men 1 woman came running from nowhere with speeds of 500m in 20 seconds. They had weird legs, white spores on skin and could bring park bench anything through blackmagic. And laughter like horror movie. They then ran passed me behind the canteen as a deal was already made between vedant gamda gujratis gang and shakira son ashwinder chaudhury gang. Just then i heard some witch birds flocks flew away sound. And like ghostly possession i felt like some witches were slapping on my forehead. And as if there were five vedants in the college or like ghostly one person had created five duplicate identities. So i was punched several times by two persons and then many college people came. Do you know nurcen yilmaz khan of our kamptee school as if she were seeing things inside my mind at that moment. So i was all hurt in my head i was taken somewhere near the cycle stand. Where other two unknown boys came and they too were hitting me on my head. And some communication was going on somewhere as if some transaction was happening like two arabs communicating, one perhaps nursen yilmaz khan's uncle/father i felt as if he was enquiring thrice after every 10minutes that i were alive or dead? Then i felt some boys like atma were untieing tieing something on my private parts. And suddenly at 1.25 in the afternoon night fell in baroda and everything was darkened. Like witches devilry, some other boys unknown came and punched me on my jaws. One even had a knife and i thought my teeths were broken. Even in my stomach badly and later they moved me away. Some group of aged men came like as if MSuniversity admin group or i don't know whom, perhaps hislops college people or from punjab. And i tried to evade them several times, but i was unfortunately caught hold by another vedant. I was hearing something like witches talk- punjab se naya ladka aya hei. And then that boy created a energy like egg like something in his fingers and threw it on my face like jadu tona. And i evaded it looked back. Then suddenly the men went away and i was again moved to the cycle stand. And in seconds daylight came again.. Then they moved me to look back and from the UFO came the shakira's son and ashwinder gang behind the canteen. Shakira's son was full face of resentment against me. And in karate stance he was standing near the canteen and jumped leaped 20 meters long like atma jadu tona. And his height was very small and hit me with a electronic knife on my left side of my head. And many drops of blood sprout came. As if like as seen in dreams, the blood sprout knife was infact a vial created by the kamptee teachers shakira, 6th class teacher of impure blood somehow to infect it in my blood stream. They the shakira's son and ashwinder chaudhury's gang also had brought many a sharp swords. He shakira's son then kicked punched me several times and holded me like to grab something from me. But the other gang members of the college separated me and him. He shakira's son then dropped something a small sword. I even heard many teacher of kamptee's laughter as they wanted to intimidate me to make me feel inferior. They then stepped back at the back of the canteen. Where they again boarded the UFO with the gamra bhutatka gujrati 7men 1 woman as of the deal to take relocate them to kamptee or punjab perhaps or even to USA. I thought this attacks were over, just then a jadui door opened from thin air and a tall marathi boy came from nowhere like from surat. And he grabed me as i was fully injured and did some occult black magic chants in the air and opened a portal behind my back and slipped dissappeared at my back to nowhere. Then vedant and another tall guy also followed him. As they were discusing with the shakira's son and ashwinder gang something deal. Then i felt unconscious and i woke up to saw three huge men as if they were from kamptee school drop outs. Like pawan, prashant and another one...very huge like hell raiser horror movie they appeared from nowhere to intimidate me. Their faces had turned into like hell pigs. So one of them slapped me as if they were saying some name like megha sads. And i again felt unconscious. So i again woke up and i saw like grunts sounds like pigs and i saw many dwarves men(like movie 300) like having weird faces came to me from nowhere. They were carrying choppers and they started hitting me. And i fell down they still were kicking me. Then like magic i was raised from the ground and i started to evade them. And then i saw a portal opened from my left side and like our kamptee school PT sarfaraz skinned in red atma like came grunts with two goons and hit my head hard with a heavy chopper. And i again fell into sleep. So in sleep i was hearing sounds from the canteen some gujratis had recorded it on mobile. Then some two marathis from nowhere came some defiled skin like diseased and touched me. And i again woke up. And i heard UFO went passed away and i saw two sardarji on mars like wearing a mask octopus something on their faces. Then again vedant from the back of the canteen came and wanted to continue fight still. When then i was leaving the college that day, i felt like some that impure vial blood from shakira and 6th class teacher now spreading towards my heart. And constricted pain i felt in my chest i could not breath for the next three days. As if my soul was broken into pieces three, and i felt one soul was captured by baroda bhutatka community of college. To the other soul which was captured by, or the person who had beaten me, i remember when i was returning home, all our class mates of 6th were giving thanksgiving. And perhaps medha sad was saying five times, that now you and me have become of same zath. As my face now had become blackened...earlier it was wheatish. SO when i came home i vomitted 15 times and washed my face 7 times. Still i was not able to recover. And my private parts had become very black. Like 40 year old private parts attached to 18 year old me. And shakira was still saying in my ears that now the impure blood would had infected your heart too. And lastly sahiba mann grewal voice came- tumne kya khoya, tumne kya paya tumhe pata chalege... So behind this attack were gurjeet kaur bhatia geography teacher too, also nishat anjum??? mujhe lagta tha bohot ache teachers hei, kya school hei kamptee ki, itna worst toh meine socha na tha.... till year 2008 2009 i was not able to speak easily, nor have any friends, nor watched tv....and my image is also gone.... why these people from kamptee their teachers psychopath like are still after me? i had already different friends from surat school and baroda school...so i had already forgotten kamptee school where are these shakira, 6th class teacher and monika amanpreet...? if they are really villains like as i had seen in my dreams mujhe toh itne saal pata chala jab yaad aya when i saw other profiles from facebook woh gujrati gamda vasi vedant aur ranti niti ka bhoot abhi bhi mujhe follow kar raha hei jehan bhi mein jata hun, toh koi mere mind ko pollute kar deta hei, ki samne jo admi khada hei woh bhi vedant hi hei aur jo koi sundar bombay ki ladki hei woh bhi niti hi hei mein apni shakal chehra bhi bhool gaya, their gangs jadu tona is so powerful that they superimpose themselves only in my mind when i think about myself like when i got to buy a shirt, when i think in the mirror how i look vedant looks takes over my mind or is it someone from kamptee doing this jadu tona their influence of gamra bhutara community of vedant niti of indira gandhi times tribal people now are worshiped by indian middle class people...they too are thinking the same ideas and making looks like them i again recall that nightmare day of college in 2001 that i was fragmented into three souls clones.... and when the fight was over i was so intimidated....that i was not able to hear nor speak but for some moments i felt that when the pain increased into my heart cause of the impure blood surge that my hands and wounds cuts were all healed in seconds and i was walking without limp....and my shoulder joints i felt as if made of iron but as i reached the gate, i saw a ghost clone of myself only just went passed by....sensed it and in the sky there was some portal opened, where someone was saying that..."shaitan ki atma" was revolving...it were like a tadpole, with fins and hind fins, and buldgeoning eyes... but for others it was not visible to the naked eye, only mind third eye could catch it...., this shaitan ki atma hovering was just above the college area where i was beaten up like in a third dimension with rainy clouds like ocean above in the sky and as the ashwinder shakira's son had arranged said there were two teams about to land and showcase some fight...one had landed and took off the second one was just hovering over mid space above, with black grey dressed bearded sardar cartoon like sitting inside with huge swords like weapons and i thought someone is making a cartoon expression to fool me...in the sky or mind but this UFO never landed and i perhaps missed it, or perhaps they wanted to prolong the fight... so as i was leaving the college the the witches who had evoked the shaitan ki atma in the sky, were laughing at me, saying that we have achieved in demeaning your caste, that your forehead would remain blackened.... and these voices remained for three more days, so i never went to college so seeing all this hell signs i was very dumbstrucked and still in shock as at age 18 my mind was very disturbed and in dreams i had never seen this, but someone i heard in previous dreams that shakira son ashwinder gang was headed by modern school of girls convent calcutta!!! For three years next from 2001 to 2003 i thought i were in a insane ward state( like resident evil pc game) So if 9/11 were followed just after 45 days after this incident. And these were the same people of sardar-egyptian race who had used the same UFOs to crash down the two towers buildings in NYC. As they might have hidden the airplanes somewhere in other dimension and used the UFOs in deceptive camouflage to hit the building. So 9/11 was perhaps done by combined efforts of st joseph convent kamptee and other schools, their miserable teachers, students, and other races. As they had already predicted 15 years in advance and they wanted to showcase anti, hatred....culminated to change the future. And re-write the future as their could had been weirder not normal, as their mental state. And the following 26/11 were infact the bhutara community who appeared just as i had seen in college the same in trident and taj palace hotel in bombay. The terrorists ran after them instead of them, they fired at the others. And they too wanted the same theme, "shaitan ki atma" for three days. If the survivors could recall what they saw heard invisible things? So these colleges of baroda gujrat, kamptee nagpur schools, punjab, iran, calcutta are infact all one terrorist bases in modern day world. If i am given the opportunity of any anti nations standing upto these, then i would require Mi-24 attack helicopter armed with nuclear warhead and 4 to 5 Sukhoi-33 flanker for air support and ground target hitting. As i want to avenge myself and as they had harmed me in three and half hours...i too want to show them who were they dealing with....
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