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    Dark Matter, Dark Energy, What is Energy Made of?

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Lepton (1/13)



  1. ........................"Did you read any of the materials I already provided? some of this information is contained in the Simple introduction to Particle physics articles. Think of interference of wavefunctions, after all every quantum number has a wavefunction probability function."..................... My question is entirely different. I am still searching for the accurate words to explain myself. I wil raise more practical questions in the future. If I describe myself, then time slows down when particles start moving at speeds closer to the speed of light. Can we use this 'time dilation' feature in Leptons, Bosons, etc. to explain their physical structures, and how their physical structures relate to the speicfic properties or behaviors noted during lab experiments? If anyone makes such an attempt, then where he should go to share his basic mathematical work? Which will be the right group of people to approach for sharing the thoughts.
  2. I am asking it a bit late, but I think time is not a concern for this discussion. Is there any such a group of theorists where any discussions on 'why the things in the standard model' happening? I want to reach them, if there is any.
  3. Well, I seriously want to know if there is any model or attempt that can explain how energy sticks together to form particles in the standard model. Standard Model is authentic and I know that. My question is different. Is there anyone to answer this in the right background?
  4. Standard Model leaves me confused between quarks and leptons and etc. I mean is there any model that can explain how quarks and leptons are actually getting their specific properties. How energy is sticking together to give their specific qualities to quarks, leptons and etc. ? Is there any model that can explain how and why energy sticks together that they get their specific characteristics?
  5. Has there been any model devised or under research that can explain the physical nature of sub-atomic particles? I am talking about a model that can explain the physical being of even quarks and all what LHC is revealing. Is there any?
  6. The first two not, but the third was a part of curriculum.
  7. Yes, I have studied Physics up to MS level and Quantum Mechanics is one of the subjects that I studied. Let me give it a different shape. On basis of mathematical calculation, we say that an infinite amount of energy is required to travel at the speed of light, what is the physical significance of this infinite amount of energy? How to physically describe the 'infinite amount of energy'? It is only one side. What I want to know is if any attempts to explain the structures of subatomic particles (beyond quarks, etc.) have been made? Is there any attempts to simulate a whole Neutron, Proton, Quark, Boson, Atom, etc. in a computer, just like as they have been successful in the case of big bang, etc.? Any sources of information in this regard? I am saying all this because I often fantasize on how to uncover the principles that govern the physical being of the above, sometime reach a few conclusions and devise it in a scientific method, then stuck somewhere, etc. I have some thoughts that I want to share but I don't know what's the ideal way to do this.
  8. I was watching this video on Higgs Boson. I have been making attempts to theorize a model of matter, energy and empty space that can fit on everything in the universe. What I have come across is this Quantum field theory that says for every field there is a particle as its ground reason. It is understandable easily. But when I try to say something about the reality of particles, I want to know if the same 'field' phenomena acts within bodies or beings of these particles or this topic has been unexplored until now that how these particles are forming, moving, stabilizing and interacting at the micro levels of their being. If you do not know then can you refer me to a proper source of information?
  9. The physicists I see in documentaries very much talk about Dark Matter and Dark Energy. Is there any model that can explain both alongside their relationships with the visible matter? Before raising the next point, let me say I am not a patient for whom you will call the nurse “he is trying to walk again." So please stay calm and reply on topic only. If someone wants to propose a theoretical model that somewhat can explain realities of subatomic particles, dark matter, dark energy, etc. then what’s the right place and right way to do it? Should it be in the shape as students get introduced to theory of relativity in academic books, or does it need to be in the shape of a research work where everything's references are to be given? And most importantly, are there any groups in this forum that are actually working on theorizing the interactions between Dark Matter, Dark Energy and Sub-Atomic particles?
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