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  1. I want to thank everyone here who gave answers and really helped put things to rest in my mind, at least on this front. It does show that, thankfully, I need a lot more to study and it's encouraging to know that these things have all been thought of, tested, and already taken care of. We live in our own little universe and sometimes stepping outside we forget that the universe is much larger than we are. Granted now I have even more questions than before, but isn't that the reason behind science? Without asking question, we wouldn't be were we are today. Again, a big thanks for taking the time to point out the errors in my logic and for helping me to understand more than I knew yesterday!
  2. I've lost sleep over this and I am hoping that someone here can help me to understand or at least tell me that I'm wrong about what I'm about to ask. General Relativity explains gravity as being the bending of space-time, and we know that the larger the mass of an object, and the greater it's density, the larger it's gravitational pull. But my theory is if you were to take the Earth, and enlarge it to the size of the sun, that it would not effect as much gravitational pull as the sun does. This goes into more detail below. We know that energy can be expressed in many forms, through wave forms, and light as primary examples. Photons, which make up gamma rays and other forms of energy is said to have a rest mass of 0. However, slamming two protons together does do something interesting - it creates matter and anti-matter. Where the mass of the two photons for example was 0, the created matter has mass and travels significantly slower than the photon. When combining the matter and anti-matter once more, photons are created (and I'm assuming the same number of photons that was used to create the matter in the first place). But how does this meet up with my first statement? Well, my theory on this is that gravity, as seen in general relativity, is the positive sum of the natural electromagnetic attraction of electrons, protons, and neutrons which holds our atoms together. I am not saying that the sum is of a negative or a positive charge, but rather a combination of the two. I am not sure that when two atoms are pulled together that there isn't remaining electromagnetic attraction that still exists, even if it's weaker, bet it positive, negative or both. And perhaps I'm very off basis here but it seems to make sense in my mind. Further - and building on this idea, the reason I theorize that the sun would have greater gravitational pull than the earth of similar size is that the sun has more energy as well, which exerts it's own presence on gravity. Further, if photons were ever made to come to a rest, with a 0 mass, would it not be possible to fit an untold number of photons together in a small enclosed space? When matter is destroyed, photons are created - and in my mind, if you were to destroy all of the matter of the planet earth, and convert it all to photons, you could then pack them together in a extremely tight formation, such as a black hole. This would explain why light cannot escape, and also goes into the theory of Hawking Radiation where black holes evaporate so to speak - by the loss of escaping photons in the form of energy, even though light itself being made of photons is pulled into the hole. This idea could certainly explain how so much matter can be compressed into such a small space, because photons without mass would take up far less space than matter with mass. This could be due to the concentration of photons in beams of light. We know that you can affect photons with a electromagnetic field, though a beam of light is largely unaffected, but rather a few photons due to the low chance of the effect, do in fact get pulled off course. Thus could photons escape a black hole in the form of radiation. I know this is a bunch of jabber and random thoughts, but these things have been swirling in my head for weeks now and I would really like to know if there's any basis for these ideas, and if these things have been considered and tested. I'm afraid my math isn't strong enough to formulate equations to explain any of this or to even prove it but I would sleep better at night knowing someone at least glanced at it and either dismissed it as nonsense or said I was onto something.
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