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    Mechanical Engineering
  • Favorite Area of Science
    Except Biology and Medical science
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    Just a handyman


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Baryon (4/13)



  1. Oh, thanks for the tips. I will use that as keyword for my further research. I burn the rice husk in a furnace at 600 deg C to get the white ash. I have custome made furnace for that purpose here in my lab. Then I make Na2O3Si solution by mixing water, NaOH and the ash. I used sulphuric acid to make a gel from the sodium silicate solution.
  2. Hello, FYI, I used white rice husk ash as a silica source for my aerogel. For supercritical drying, I add 6 litre of absolute ethanol for 1.5 litre of ethanol-soaked alcogel in the drying chamber. The temperature and final pressure of the drying process is around 275 degree C and 1400 psi. I have done this several times, and the results are WHITE aerogel powder (attached image). Although the powder is white, it still shows some basic properties of aerogel such as low density, hydrophobic .. however, I just want to know if there any method to change the color of my aerogel powder? Thanks in advance.
  3. Anyone here can do astral travel? Please tell me your experience.
  4. Actually i use this product since 3 years ago. But just recently i feel very uncomfortable after using Listerine. My cough become more worst if i stay in air-conditioning room. Yes, i found ethanol in Listerine. May be the drying effect of ethanol cause me wanna cough. I also found Acid Benzoic in its ingredients. Wow Acid + alcohol in Listerine. How can FDA guarantee this product is safe?
  5. When i use Listerine my throat feel very itchy and make me want to cough. I need to drink a lot of fresh water to relieve cough.
  6. Yes, my government is corrupt. Corrupt in economy, corrupt in power, corrupt in freedom, corrupt in election and corrupt in moral.
  7. Timo: Your guess is right! But i don't ever use Google Scholar before. h_i: Yes, WoS is more complicated compared to SCOPUS but SCOPUS had many non-english articles. I'm from Malaysia and it was really hard to find articles written in my language in WoS. Yes, i agree that we should better use both than pick only one. But the problem is, when i write a paper, people always ask which database i'm using. It hard to explain why i'm using this and why i'm not using that because i don't even know which one is better.
  8. Hi, i guess some of us here are student or maybe academicians.. so if you are, please feel free to share your thought.
  9. We know that Al tends to form amorphous oxide layer when exposed to atmosphere at room temperature. But what if the reaction of Al and O2 happen in very low pressure and high temperature? will the Al2O3 formed as crystalline?
  10. Yes, i agree with both of you. But because the impact factor calculation is a mean, it doesn't means all papers have same number of citations. Like my friend's paper have 4 citations and mine still zero, but when it comes to IF, both of us will have IF of 2. In future, the citations of my friend's paper will keep increase (because of its quality) and mine will maintain zero (noob paper) but nevertheless, our IF is still equal..
  11. Do you have any opinion on this? I think impact factor is a something unfair because article is judge on the number of citation but not on it's quality.
  12. This form of corrosion is blistering. My dad's car also have same problem. Blistering occur due to adhesion problem between paint and steel. A very small space gap between paint and steel is enough to initiate rust.
  13. You can stop further rust on the surface but not guaranteed to stop internal rust if moisture still present in that metal (like between cracks)
  14. What melting points? the sand or the metals?
  15. That's scary.
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