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Everything posted by AtomicBiology

  1. One day you may come to the realization that your designer and builder cares for you. Mocking Him is a mistake. Having a closed mind is not helpful for your growth in understanding His scientific works and control. I will pray for you. You are deceived and missing a great relationship.
  2. When we look at how to build a cell with all its complex parts, it is not like mixing a little chlorine and sodium together to make a little salt. If you want to build some ribosomes or mitochondrion, what elements are you going to put into a beaker, how much of each, and how long will you wait for the end products to be constructed? You have skipped the part mentioned that says we scientists cannot build these complex cell parts even with all the intelligence and equipment we have now. It obviously takes more intelligence, dexterity, and other attributes for this required construction than we can muster. We have to think outside the box and not be afraid to do so.
  3. Yes, you are right, Strange, evolution does not actually 'say' anything about the assembly of the right numbers of the right atoms, and for very good reason: it cannot perform the intelligent work required. However, it implies that it has a system (with no intelligence), that can do what we cannot do with all our intelligence, knowledge, and great equipment.
  4. Yes, you are right, Strange, evolution does not say anything about the assembly of the right numbers of the right atoms, and for very good reason: it cannot perform intelligent work. However, it implies that it can accomplish this (super-intelligent) work, that man cannot do either, even with all our intelligence, knowledge and great equipment.
  5. Biology should have gone to the atomic assembly level ages ago, but certainly it is proven now that even with our immense accumulated knowledge and our great equipment, we can't come close to assembling even one complex part of one cell using raw elements. Why then would we expect something with no intelligence at all to assemble any live cell or entity? Swansont, you have to think of where the atoms for the second cell come from and how the right numbers of the right atoms are moved from their source to their precise position in their complex part of their cell. Evolution says that all this finding, sorting, selecting, moving, and assembling of these right numbers of the right atoms is performed with no guidance, plan, or intelligence whatsoever. If you believe that, then your faith is much stronger than mine.
  6. Hello swansont: After almost three decades of research, we at Reality R&D, determined that there is enough evidence now to propose a new branch of science that we are calling "Atomic Biology". It goes two levels deeper than cellular biology and one level deeper than molecular biology, down to where the action is in finding, selecting, and assembling all the right numbers of the right atoms from available sources, to build every part of every cell. The first scientific factor is that cells are built with atoms; secondly, each complex part of each cell has to be properly assembled using the right numbers of the right atoms; thirdly, atoms have no internal means with which to move themselves to their precise place in their part of the cell, therefore an external force is required to find, select, count, and precisely place them. Is there any part of this so far that is not logically correct? Then, as atoms have controlled energy supplied, but no actual "life", this has to be added to make the cells functional. OK so far? The physical work of finding, sorting, selecting, counting, and precisely placing and fastening each atom in its precise place, plus programming the DNA and RNA, etc., requires a complex plan and accurate execution. Sequencing, speed, dexterity, and enormous reliability are also essential. One of our favorite examples is in the replacement of our red blood cells about every 120 days. Pallister tells us that for a 70 kg male, this requires about 2.3 million new rbc's to be completed for him every second; Tortora says that each rbc is made of about 280 million molecules of haemoglobin; and Max Perutz says that each molecule of haemoglobin is made of about 10,000 atoms. If we do the math, this works out to approx. 2,300,000 X 280,000,000 X 10,000 = 6,440,000,000,000,000 right atoms per second that must be found in our digestive system, then sorted, selected, grasped, and precisely placed and fastened, just for our red blood cells. (Over 6400 quadrillion per second). ​Of course, these atoms and more (for unused roots, leaves, etc.) have to come from our food, which has to come from the soil of gardens, fields, orchards, etc. Pretty simple logic so far? Then there are the other approximately 80 trillion other various cells in our body that also need to be constructed, sustained, maintained, repaired, and replaced at various times in order to keep us alive and functioning. Atomic biology is proposed for the purpose of studying the work of building, sustaining, maintaining, repairing, and replacing living cells and entities using atoms in available sources, as well as improving the sources as needed for optimal construction. We seek scholars who believe this proposal is at least worthy of investigation. Hello Strange: The basic concept is simple, straight forward, and logical. We are endeavoring to make this understandable by fifth graders. If you look at your skin, fingernails, hairs on your arm, or any other cells on your body, realizing they are made of atoms, you can ask where these atoms came from. Logically, the atoms had to come from the food we put in our mouth and a little from what we breathe-in. Does that make sense? Then ask where did the food atoms come from? Logically, other than meats which also came from foods, the atoms for our foods came mainly from the soil and rain, and a little from the air. Where else? Since the right numbers of the right atoms have to be found, sorted, selected, counted, grasped, precisely placed and fastened by the billions to make every complex part of every complex cell, there is obviously an enormous amount of accurate physical work that must be performed. Exactly how would you say cells are constructed of atoms? Hello Endy0816: We, at Reality Research are focusing on the physical work essential in building living cells and entities using the right numbers of the right atoms. Hello John: If you are interested in a possible new "best explanation" for the cause of life, you may enjoy looking into this proposal. Most of it is pure logic.
  7. What do you think of this concept? Let's go the next step deeper than molecular biology, down to the atomic level where the right numbers of the right atoms have to be found, sorted, selected, and precisely assembled for each complex part of each complex cell for every living entity. Just visualize what has to be happening to build even the first tiny root hair cell onto a newly planted carrot seed. How many carbon atoms have to be found in the soil and seed; how many hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, calcium, iron atoms, etc., etc., etc., have to be found, sorted, selected, and precisely placed for the construction of each complex part of that cell? The nucleus has to be built, the Golgi, ribosomes, mitochondrion, smooth endoplasmic reticulum, rough endoplasmic reticulum, cytoskeleton, peroxisomes, plasma membrane, etc., etc. All of these complex parts, even for this first tiny root hair cell, have to be properly assembled. The probability is very high that electromagnetism, chemical reactions, or other unguided processes, are incapable of doing this construction. It seems that all of this brilliant physical work of precisely assembling the right numbers of the right atoms may take more intelligence and care than evolution can muster. ​This may seem like a revolutionary concept to atheists and strict evolutionists, but what do You think of it?
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