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Everything posted by akcapr

  1. In ionic reactions a new ionic compund forms, sometimes a percipetate or just a solid. I want to know why a reaction happens and sometimes doesnt. For example: Silver Nitrate and Sodium Chloride react to make new ionic compounds- silver chloride and Sodium nitrate. But how is it determined if reaction will happen? Are the produced compunds somehow more favorable to make than the starting 2? If you mix NaCl and Kno3 no new compound is formed- why do some react and some dont? EDIT: I guess Nacl and KNO3 do react, but the point being why some dont and some do.
  2. And also, it was a very thin chain, say only a few hunder atoms wide, then it would be really easy to break mechanically so it probably wouldnt stay toghther as a super long chain.
  3. Ya i meant chlorate sry
  4. How is H2so4 a dehydrator, is it just the molecules of water that grab it after it ionizes or what?
  5. The percent conc. of an acid is just relative to what you consider 100%. And for supersaturated solution you can make really neat crystillizations. If you supersaturate some NaAcetate and drop a seed crystal, you can watch the crystals begin to grow out fast. Really neat stuff. You can make some with vinegar and baking soda.
  6. Kclo4 is pretty bad stuff, somewhat unpredictable. Once my kclo4 rocket motor blew up next to me.
  7. This reacton is endothermic, itsn not dangerous unless you drink it. Its alot like BaOH and AN, it can freeze water.
  8. so would a pilot light and a gasoline squit gun
  9. well its hard to give our idea if we dont know what the challenge looks like
  10. Dont catch that bird flu
  11. That one side in budullewraags signiture has a link to this pretty cool progrma that if you download will show the the 3-d structure of most molecules.
  12. If you can drop a drop on them, how cant you not poke a needle in them?
  13. maybe a solvent could do that, toulene? xylene?
  14. beacuse water molecules are moving faster thus more room to dissolve in
  15. could u try to see if the displacement with chlorine works?
  16. Hmm so what bromine salts/compounds could i buy at a store..
  17. If someone really wanted to know how to make it, they could look it up in less than a minute.
  18. eehh its not as bad as many other things you can make. Btw when my dad was in college he and friends would take some ammonium triiodide and let it dry on the floor for when a new memebr of the dorm came and he would step on the stuff and it would "go off" and such.
  19. Could you get Bromine by passing Cl gas through a solution of Bromine salt, or is that only for Iodine/Iodine salt solution?
  20. Ya i was talking about molar percentage. I usually use that when I refer to acids, It seems more accurate for purposes.
  21. Are there any patterns in electronegativity for the transition metals?
  22. What exactly do you not understand about the organic nomenclature?
  23. If Conc. h2so4 gets to 18 molar concetration per liter of water, what percent is 1 M? Its 1/18 or 5.5%. It is different however for weight per liter.
  24. How can you tell which is a stronger reducer? For example, the question was which is the best reducer: Iron, Osmium, Ruthnium or some other metal. The point is, how can you tell? I kno alkali metals are good reducers and as they get bigger they get even better, but does that have a correlation to all of the other metals? btw the answer was Fe
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