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Everything posted by akcapr

  1. do all of those still form oh- wen added to water?
  2. wat do u mean by negative oxygen?
  3. wat are those!
  4. Isnt dissolving of a solid just hydrolysis?
  5. ya but...
  6. does anyone have any idea of how i could make some of these alcohols : - butanol - propanol - isoamyl alcohol (for esters)
  7. lol ok. does than me no abbreviations like u or k?
  8. ya just melt it. and wen its melted u can make like fibers out of it
  9. i thought more solubale one comes out first? also, does the 2nd one come out all also if u ______ (make it too cold or hot or sometin?)
  10. and how doo u make sure the other one doesnt come out also?
  11. y is it that one comes out first?
  12. ohh i think i remeber it means meta, para ortho. in that case can u remind me which order they go in?
  13. wat duz it mean wen u have an organic compaound that says like m- dinitrobenzene or p-nitrophenol or p-sulphonamide? the little prefixes i mean
  14. akcapr


    my dad made a bio-chem software
  15. how does organic crystillization work if u have a mixture of 2 organic powders with different solubilities in the solvent? wat happens and how does it work (the recrystillization)
  16. so any procedures how to make other esters? hey yt do u live next to san fransisco bay
  17. i think wen red hot copper cools really fast it will form red copper oxide
  18. wat container did u hold it in
  19. lead is too soft if u ask me- if u grind a metal u want something harder to grind with than the metal ur grinding
  20. does iso amyl refer to an amine group in the iso positon of a general alcholo formula like umm... ethanol?
  21. ya i remebr post 8, just how to make them
  22. so any esters to make other than the ones already said? how bout orange or banana?
  23. btw ehtyl aceatte smells kinda like pear. if u really concentrate can smell a relation ship. smeel a pear, then the ethyal aceate. but ya. itr smells just like nail polish remover. anyone kno any other fruity esters? liek grape or soemtin i can make that woodent be too hard?
  24. wat do u mean by saponification in this instance and fischer reaction?
  25. akcapr

    Ions question

    nice- ive got anew idea for my laser gun
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