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Everything posted by akcapr

  1. how can a SiO(OH)2 or SnO(OH)2 be anm acid? (the OH group n all)
  2. u can concentrate vinegsr by means of freezing
  3. i just used a steel bowl i found somewhere. anything metal thats non-cook ware will do.
  4. sounds like u are performing a redox titration, right?
  5. cool, never said it wouldnt work. ill have to try that some time
  6. wat r cyclic rings- is it hydrolyzed wen added to water?
  7. ok ill crarify the method. get dilute salt slution, dip in 2 iron electrodes, hook them up to dc current. mine was 30 volts adapter. id run that for a few hours, the bucket would be full of stuff floating around. id poaur the stuff in a cup, then let it settle, then pour off the execc, and repeat. after a while i had like a cup of the gunk still in water. id set that under a lamp for a day or two, and id get a good amount. after u dry it its like brow, but after u heat it in a dish its nice and red. ps: my crappy avatar is an example of my iron oxide
  8. my method definately works. the crap fromed is the iron oxide. if u get the iron on he right electrode. wen u dry it out it turns bown. wen u heat it in a dish it goes bright irony red. perfect rust
  9. u probably made mixture of things and some iron complexes. the best way is too take somethign iron, salt water, and dip the iron electrode and graphite one into salt watert then pass dc current through. red crap will accumulate in the water, which u can the dry out leaving you with very nice iron oxide. Put the iron on the anode.
  10. 3 ways to get it not including making: -harcware store -hardware/rental place- battery acid - Or buy it online - the alchymist has some good acid
  11. ya but u could just get the samples by themselves. anyways its pretty cool i guess it shows all those elements.
  12. wats the point of that thing
  13. perhaps some cyanide is realeased along wit hthe gases that form the faomyness
  14. how come sulfate arent basic, why dont they form bi sulfate like carbonates form bicarbonate?
  15. wat exactly is the creationists idea
  16. why woould benzoic acid precip out, how do the acidity do it
  17. naoh is cool for makin soaps and can do cool acid base reactions as well as metals + naoh like aluminum.
  18. ok thx, but how does chromium balance out the +6 of the 3 oxygens if it itself isnt literally loosing somany electrons?
  19. ya i think ull get naoh at the end if u use bicarbonate
  20. just do the same with nacl solution
  21. well, u see my reasoning
  22. akcapr

    just a quicky

    wat conc. do u manage to get?
  23. e matches require some money to buy/make
  24. so in the chromium then, in the +6 oxidation state, how did it come to that oxidation state without losing so many electrons
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