a mole is just a certain number of atoms, since some atoms of elements are hevier or lighter than others, the weights of one mole of different elements weigh different amounts
hydrogne nitrate- nitric acid, it can be really concentrated thus not being in a solution of water. hydrogen sulfate- i think u mean H2S, that can exist as a gas outside of solution as a gas
the hcl generation from h2so4 and nacl wont work cuz the hcl if made (which it wont be) would just dissolve in the water cuz the h2so4 is so dilute. so if i were u, i would concentrate it and then do stuff. try making methane- conc. h2so4 + sodium acetate.
hydroscopic means absorbing water, not making it. and by the way derek, flash bangs are like grenade type things that dont fragment but just make a bright flash and alot of noise which cops use to like "stun" ppl for a while like right before entering a room.
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