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Everything posted by akcapr

  1. the only good way would be to send ur sample to a testing lab so they could run an analysis for some $.
  2. u can buy a kit
  3. oh. wen its sublimes it doesnt break apart i dont think...
  4. hell yes- get some and try it
  5. hey h2so4 ur site dont work (by the way my rocket igniters work on the same principal)
  6. i hate to break your posting spree but i cant find the questions, and, sadly,no offense, i doubt anyone will look through that huge document of yours to find them which is probly y u have so few posts.
  7. big post. if u want to make cafeeine take some strong tea and lieave it out for a day or two- the cafeeine will precipetate.
  8. i guarantee that the heat casues the ammonium chloride to sublime[/u]
  9. If u do want to collect it get a pan of ice,and hold it over the boiling pan. THe liquid u want to collect will condense and rtun down into a bowl. But it is much easier with labware.
  10. a pan and a stove, assuming u dont want to collect the evaporating liquid.
  11. akcapr

    lethality unit

    subjects as in ppl?
  12. Whats is the unit of measure of how lethal or how much of sometin it takes to kill someone? like i know water even has one. I was just gonna see how much chromium oxide it takes/ how poisonous it is.
  13. i know hcl clean coppoer really well- possibly for some of those.
  14. test the gas to see what it is
  15. ya that will work fine. quick procedure over view: heat the cans opening in a bunsen burner while holding with tongs, then, dip it into a bowl of ice cold water opening first. Observe the can totally collapse.
  16. hey bud, could u explain in somewhat detail what organic chem. is about, why its cool, and what/how its different form inorganic.
  17. nobody has memorized the names of 10 tesxt books
  18. so i would just add enough h2so4 too cover the nitrate and kkep it "wet"? Also, if i would heat would i heat it boiling or just below. Becasue the h2so4 could evaporate/ boil and the vapor would dissolve in the liquid and contaminate my acid, correct? and, even if i did get nitric anhydride couldnt i (safely) collect it and dissolve it in water?
  19. how would i get the right amount of h2so4 so theres no dry hydrate?
  20. reallly? what about this http://www.totse.com/en/technology/science_technology/nitric.html and this http://www.skepticfiles.org/new/133doc.htm
  21. cool do u actually fall asleep
  22. that be pretty weird if ur doing som distillation or watever and like u fall asleep and waste like 500$ worth of butane or watever.
  23. how would i make nitric acid (w/ sulfuric acid kno3 method) without making that nasty stuff?
  24. How could i make plaster of paris out of calcium sulfate (and no they arent exactly the same)? When i put calcium sulfate in water and dry its not hard at all. I heard you have to make it into gypsum or something.
  25. wont that stuff make u fall asleep?
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