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Everything posted by akcapr

  1. or u could just make a regular cannon. Or dig one up if u live near gettysburry.
  2. hmmm i see. Im probably gonna get a filter flask and connect that to a flask making O2, h2o2 plus MnO2.
  3. akcapr

    glass tube

    heres what it loooks like:
  4. i wasnt being very serious by the way
  5. also, how could i burn sulfur and make so2, but still be able to buubble it through any liquid? Because i cant burn it in a flask, cause it will run out of air.
  6. great i will try that/those
  7. u can make magnesium hydroixide and drink it if u have bad acid.
  8. I was wondering if i could Buy potassium Bisulfate or sodium bisulfate at like a hardware store and if i cant how could i synth it?
  9. myth busted. "thank god...im safe!"
  10. akcapr

    glass tube

    i will check those, but even better, i will probably post a pic of it soon like tommorow, so u can see for ur self.
  11. dont get me wrong, but is it possibly for a person say on like this forum, relitive knowldge in radioactive stuff to make a nuke wit like uranium., I have no knowledge in radiation dont worry, but people say that you can make a atom bomb if you have uranium, i dont beleive it. Ive seen sites claiming they know how. Just trying to bust this myth. And i dont get mne wrong i definately dont want to make a bomb. Should i be worrying about some terrorist buyinh Some U and making one and blowing up the US?
  12. akcapr

    glass tube

    oh ya that makes sense
  13. akcapr

    glass tube

    i got a glass tube that is in the form of a Z. Does anone know what they are used for?
  14. i meant in nature
  15. i made molten Zn on my gas stove before. I had it in a spoon then i spilled it all over the place where the gas comes out, the nozzzle. It took me forever to get it out.
  16. hey h2so4, have u ever made like molten metal that you can like pour into molds and stuff?
  17. probably the only place youd make some gold compounds is like inside a volcano or sometin
  18. the chemical way is definately inpractical. Id just take a pad sander or something like that and go at it.
  19. baking soda and aluminum sulfate.
  20. i dont think so-personally i removed red, but all it is is different hydrations, so i doubt it will matter.
  21. ya. ALso, what explains the fact that there are alot fewer gold compounds than silver compounds- such as silver nitrate, silver chloride, silver sulfide, silver selenide, silver oxide, silver iodide, etc. you get my point.
  22. also, how in the world would a person like you be able to weigh the gases accurately? So just do it like calbiterol said.
  23. the best way to remove the rust is to soak it in a solution of oxalic acid. Then after some time it will just wipe off and be all clean. Oxalic acid binds to rust and then you can wash it off- i belive its the only good clean easy method to remove rust. I once washed my rusty scissors like that.
  24. also last time i checked, hypochlorite bleach was white. And, have you ever made are had iron chloride in solution, the color is yellow.
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