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Everything posted by akcapr

  1. but then again, it is possible that the fe2o3 didnt cause the color, what you are saying may be right.
  2. trust me, ive done it before wen i was making fe2o3- it turned yellow, im not colorblind i dont think.
  3. the water went yellow due to the many compunds iron formed during the elctrolysis, Such as Iron Oxide. Thats what made the water chnage colors.
  4. eat some bananas
  5. sorrrrry... i just realized how large of a database you guys have
  6. also will putting copper in hot sulfuric acid produce any?
  7. i would like to make some copper sulphate. But i am having difficulty figuring out how. If there isnt a fairly cheap way to do it using store bought chems, then i was thinking about somehow making copper (II) oxide and then reacting it with sulfuric acid. But the difficult is getting the copper oxide. Maybe decomposing copper carbonate? we'll you see my problem. Any possible synthesis's will be appreciated.
  8. nickels are partially made of nickel
  9. someone try it!
  10. ive tried making plaster of paris. Calcium sulphate by itself wouldnt get really hard wehn wetted and dried. i believe u have to react it with water to form Gypsum, which will then recrystallize and get hard when dried.
  11. its a fact- chalk IS calcium carbonate. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chalk
  12. if ur solution is very concentrated, the mg will react barely. so if it reacts pretty well id say the acid is fairly dilute.
  13. i see
  14. or u could just buy some battery acid at a rental store, as H2So4 says.
  15. galvanized nail are zinc plated so they wount/shouldnt corrode, if Zn corrodes fast, why galvanize nails?
  16. boil some normal water and "distill it" by condensing the vapor using something cold- try boiling water i na flask leading the vapors into another in ice water.
  17. the camping ones? those have a complicated nozzle
  18. thats also a good way to make fe203 if anyones interested
  19. u could probably just take the hose on the grill prpane tanks, and connect it to a bunsen. When u want to turn on ur bunsen just twist the knob on the tank. That shouldnt be to hard based on the looks of my grills propane tank.
  20. buy a bunsen burner online
  21. so i just dry KOH?
  22. to fix your problem take either platinum electrodes, but i doubt u will get any, so try using graphite- rip open some pencils and take out the pencil lead (intact). Although the hydroxide will react with the newly made NaOH, some will be formed. I broke my adapter (which i recommend u use instad of batteries) because a bridge of hydroxide formed on the elctrode, and got big enough to bridge the inch or so gap and short circuit/break my 40 dollar adapter! so keep the elctrode as far away from each other as u can.
  23. oh. is it possible to buy some K2O so i could try it? or is it seldom for sale....
  24. i nneeed a response by april 6 tomorrow!! after school i have to make the solutions (like 2:00) so any tips i need as soon as possible. thx =)
  25. my KOH is quite dry. It can be anhydrous. why not?
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