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Everything posted by akcapr

  1. negative x for me 2Zn + O2 -----> 2ZnO NH4NO3 -----> N2O + 2H2O
  2. i just wanted to see one work. Ive tried some before but ive never been able to make them work.
  3. What is everyones favorite chemical reaction, demos, experiment, etc.? This is pretty much a poll.
  4. Is it possibe to make a buffer with acetic acid and sodium acetate. Also wat r some other ones i cold meke
  5. if u get the potassium hydrogen carbonate, if u heat it to mauch wont you just decompose it back into KOH. How would u make sure not to release the co2 and only the hydrogen?
  6. if i could
  7. biochemistry is complex, and i havent even taken chemistry in highschool yet
  8. im guessing ur refering to mine
  9. Mg + HNO3 --> Mg(NO2)3 + H yup
  10. nitro cotton or cellulose is just like a big matchhead but less intense
  11. inorganic
  12. so anymore fun synthesis. exp. ideas?
  13. TNT? Nitro? those are the only explosives i kno u can make with nitric acid. ( i dont make exlosives much)
  14. I suggest sticking to oher acids. This one isnt that special from wat ive heard, except it can dissolve gold (who n the right mind will destroy gold instead of selling it. A chemist.. but thats beyond the point).
  15. Isnt there a strong acid that can be made with hcl and sulfuric or someting like that?
  16. whyd u want nitric acid anyway?
  17. no crap- use Kno3. Also if u do it outside ( which i was planning to do soon) or even better in a fume hood, ull minimized respiratory damage. Oh, an just stay away from it a bit. U can add 2 parts KNO3 to 2 parts H2SO4 and heating (in a florence / boiling flask). Then direct the vapors and condense them.
  18. im right
  19. ok ill stop =(
  20. ugghhh... wat are u talking about...potassium carbonate will decompose to KOH not CaOH
  21. flourine is the strongest oxidizer. you can even burn oxygen in it. In some cases that should lead to quite a strong acid/oxidizer.
  22. i tried the ash method. Out of like 15 pounds of wood i got however much ash, which in turn gave me like a gram of potassium carbonate or bicarbonate- watever it was .It stunk like hell nad wasted alot of my time. At least i know to just buy it next time. ( old/ancient methods dont seem to work well enough for me)
  23. lol i probly didnt make it right
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