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Everything posted by akcapr

  1. actually, i find it easyies to heat/decompase chalk to calcium oxide
  2. I tried KOH, thats just as strong if not even stronger- and it didnt do much.
  3. I made some "piranah bath" (30% h2o2 + h2so4) (50-50 roughly), and i wanted to see how well it would dissolve meat. i set up an experiment to see how well acetic acid conc., conc. h2so4, h202, KOH, and "piranah bath" would dissolve a piece of beef. I thought piranah bath would "eat away the flesh" faster than sulfuric acid, but it didnt, it wasn very good at dissolving it, even though people say its stronger than h2so4. Why is this?
  4. well i went through this stuff in physics
  5. i have fogoten much about stoichiometry. Can someone reminds me how i would go about figuring out how much co2 and koh id nee stoichiometrically? thx
  6. thats more of a physics question
  7. so i can make potassium carbonate like this: bubble co2 through KOH, dry it, and heat it, and i will have potassium carbonate. But i also could make it with the burning method like so: burn some wood, mix with water and filter, bubble co2, dry, and heat.
  8. my idea was to just get rid of the water vapor in the gas
  9. does thius mean KOH will become potassium carbonate wen i bubble CO2 through it, or the co2 will just nutralize the potasssium hydroxide?
  10. xcept i dont hav any potassium bicarbonate
  11. will exposing KOH to CO2 do the trick?
  12. Does anyone know how i could synthesize some potassium carbonate?
  13. if you have ammonia you can get the gas just by heating it and passing the resultant gas(s) through strong H2SO4.... .. if im not mistaken.
  14. ammonium hydroxide is just ammonia gas in water- if try to dry it itll evaporate
  15. good idea
  16. i tried it with h2so4 but it was really slow, burning would be impure. So i guees ill just buy it.
  17. I ran out of copper sulphate, and want more. ANy easy ways to synthesize it? I think u could burn it with sulfur if im right, but that might leave me with some unusable charcoally black stuff if im correct... or am i?
  18. how did this topic go from copper to explosives.. strange
  19. just boil it
  20. try it sometime its fairly simple
  21. actually, even with a perfectly clean pieceof aluminum it takes just as long
  22. hg
  23. Im farily new, real names alex. i like chemistry, and occasionlay making rocket motors from scratch. I Go to highschool. =)
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