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Everything posted by akcapr

  1. yah Jdurg, you can do it in the woods, like I did, where no one walks. And the "but what if someone does walk by" point doesnt work. And if someone walks up to the bottle id be like "hey, shoo, its dangerous".
  2. Actually its pretty darn safe if u do it right. The H2 doesnt start to come out for a few minutes. So if you stay far away you have plenty time to be safe.
  3. how come when i dried bleach then added HCL in daylight the gas didnt explode? With a alcohol lamp near
  4. akcapr

    sci fair

  5. what chemicals are you goign to make from those elements?
  6. akcapr


  7. Did i mention I evaporated bleach before and the "substance" left behind worked well for Cl synthesis with HCL.
  8. anyone could find out the 2 strong acids you need for that
  9. akcapr

    sci fair

    Hey ryan do you type cheers and then your name after every post?
  10. i could swear half or Ryans posts are wikipedia links
  11. ? how is that related to the question ryan
  12. do u know how i can make it? how to make the amyl OH?
  13. im pretty sure i dont have access to methylphosphorofluoridic acid and i dont think hed approve of nerve agents
  14. for chemistry at school im going to synthesize an ester, but simple esters like mehtyl salicylate and octyl acetate seem to simple. what would be one that i could make thats a level up if you know what i mean? and tell me the synthesis if you can. oh and they need have some kind of cool smell thats most important.
  15. ya ive had that happen before
  16. wouldnt tungesten be the hardest to destroy?
  17. You could have like the can encased in another can with a really small gap inbetween in which the coolant mix could react. that way it wouldnt be in the drink
  18. akcapr


    so its the evaporation/vaporization that causes it?
  19. akcapr


    why do mints leave that cold minty type of cool when you breathe? is it due to the evaporation of the menthol or watever the chemcial is in the perticular mint?
  20. what about rabbits?
  21. pretty darn safe to say that my predictions were right though I dont see what else could have happened in highschool chemistry experiment.
  22. what time of year do you reckon squirrels are most active/ spend most time outside?
  23. why do you care?
  24. 1) the reaction involved the air, so some of the gas was combined with the reactants to form the heavier product. 2) you would conclude that some of the products of the reaction escaped, probably in gaseous form.
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