Hi everybody,
Turbulence is a still a complex unsolved topic in mathematics. According to Wikipedia, turbulence is one of those unexplained problems in physics, "Is it possible to make a theoretical model to describe the behavior of a turbulent flow — in particular, its internal structures?".
Turbulence includes complex vortices of fluid flow. Analyzing it properly is still not possible. Is there a way out? Can we create a new theory of turbulence?
Now, my real question is: Laminar flow is thought to be composed of multiple plates that flows along with a flow velocity v in the direction of flow. This hypothesis is of Couette flow. Since turbulence involves a lot of chaotic processes, can we regard it as the result of disintegration of the so-called parallel hypothesized plates in a laminar flow?
Please excuse me if my topic of discussion seems impractical.