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Sriman Dutta

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Everything posted by Sriman Dutta

  1. Can any math equation find the real and actual face of the coin that will show up in a toss? It is a game of probability, the probability of either face being 1/2. But, is there any accurate prediction?
  2. Sriman Dutta


    Reminds me of Maxima, the little girl of Mark Zukerberg.
  3. Certainly, the body will slide if there is no friction. But, we think that some imaginary force F acts on the body thereby creating a couple, causing rotation, we can surely accept it as rolling without friction. I agree that situation is only imaginable and not practical. For the real world, the second equation should be apt.
  4. As there will be high P.D. between lightning strike and the ground, the water molecules starts to ionise. But, as lightning lasts for an extremely small period of time, I doubt whether any significant amount of oxygen and hydrogen will be produced or not.
  5. OK.Thanks.
  6. Thanks Endy. It's really very helpful. I didn't knew that the Pascal's Triangle has so many interesting things.
  7. Can anybody give the values of the three constants used in the Steinhart-Hart equation ?
  8. Your TOE does not include QM.
  9. According to Euler's equation, (e)^ix = cos x + i sin x But, what is the value of any number raised to i ? (i=sqrt(-1))
  10. Hmmm.....Right.
  11. Listened to: We ain't ever getting older..... by ChainSmokers
  12. Well, friends, I think I should show the derivation of these equations here. Check this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rolling Check whether the last section of the article (created by me) is right. Thanks in advance....and Sorry for replying after so long.
  13. I observe a relationship here..... Binomial theorem depends on Pascal's triangle which goes as follows: 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 3 1 1 4 6 4 1 But, (11)^n also shows a similar sequence. Is there any relationship between these two ?
  14. Thanks......The Abel-Ruffini theorem is cool, nevertheless difficult to understand. Does a similar limit exists for binomial and multinomial theorems?
  15. Is there any general equation to find the roots of an n-degree polynomial? Or is it not possible to construct such an equation?
  16. Quantum mechanics is of immense use to modern physics. It is a major step forward towards understanding of this 'complex' universe. Perhaps, it can also lead to formulation of grand unified theory.
  17. It's a big discovery, I think. With such low percentage of phosphorus and carbon , can iron be turned into steel??? Confused...
  18. WINDOWS 10 WINDOWS 10 WINDOWS 10 it's better (or best) than 7
  19. Matrix is a way of handling and using multiple numbers at the same time simultaneously by having definite matrix operation rules. You may think a matrix like an array in OOP language (though it's not totally correct to think it in that way).
  20. As far as I can think - we first need to calculate outward centrifugal force F and use Hooke's Law- F=-kx
  21. Really inspired by this thread....Never thought of this before.
  22. Instead of taking (1-1)=0, we can cancel it out from the numerator and denominator. It is not an 'exact' maths, so just a twisting problem.
  23. Your plane starts from North pole and moves towards the equator. But, since the earth is moving, your plane will experience a sideward force called Coriolis force whose magnitude is given by 2mvw(m is the plane's mass, v is its velocity and w is earth's angular velocity). This force makes the plane to move in a direction which is against the direction of motion of earth, I.e., towards the west. So the relative velocity of the plane starts to increase right from the pole( although it is negligible at the pole). The relative velocity of plane=linear velocity of plane+w/r. r is the radius One thing should be clear- if we consider only the plane's reference frame, its velocity, wheresoever it may be, is 1000kmph. But it's RELATIVE speed wrt the earth's reference frame is 2670kmph.
  24. Hello, studiot, the ball is rolling down the slope. They aren't any homework, I did try to find rolling equations myself and put them here for check.
  25. Right... Well, there can be another method- 0/0=1^2-1^2/1-1=(1+1)(1-1)/1-1=2
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