I ran a electrophoresis for a intro bio university class. Each group was given two ladder, and two wells, one to use with ECOR1+DNA and one with just the DNA.
One group came up with a question that stumbled me;
they forgot to put their ECOR1 in their DNA (or just didnt give it enough time to do its magic), but now they have two strands with the same length.
The reason I feel the need to help them is because the ladder I filled leaked into their wells, and they ended having three lines show up, two perfectly matching the ladder, and one perfectly matching the uncut. This resulted in them having a rather hard time figuring out how they could get three lines with the furthest one being as far as the uncut.
Now for the question, is their anyway to figure out what the unknown is using the uncut?
I personally already calcualted the equation to count for bp, but I know that this does not apply to uncoiled, since the equation is based on the ladder, which is linear.
The unkown can either be pUC 19, pDrive, or pGen easy,
any comment be appreciated!