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Everything posted by Zarkov

  1. I just want to determine what gravity is first, the Universe is a strange place and there will be plenty of time to find the truth of Venus et al. If spin gravity has any truth, the rest of the picture will unfold.
  2. RadE, it is all to do with "water temperature". This is a concept not explored. If you expose a sealed container of water in the sun, you can measure it's temperature at equilibrium. In PNG I obtained readings of above 80 degrees C. In Tasmania readings of 60+ degrees C. This is not air temperature. It is this water temperature that is important.
  3. It alright Rad E, we know what he means!! knowing
  4. No this has been a continual build up. Today in the west of the USA, and in Sydney, fire storm years, relative humidities of 5% have been reported. We are entering a critical time for LIFE on this Planet. With all the talk of Global Warming being due to greenhouse gases, the oil problem has not been examined to my knowledge. This is the real cause of Global Warming. Thanks, Blike
  5. Hi Blike, the layer is caused by oil pollution. Oil is falling/washed from the skys, oil is there from oil spills, washed off the roads, pumped out of ships,,,,,,,general lack of understanding how Black Gold is the base for the Devil!! Ps I do not hold personal gods or devils. Ever since the industrial revolution this layer of oil has been slowly getting thicker, like some in the population!! Oh and by the way :_ From the air down, oil film, less salty fresh water, salty water..... Just in case you do not understand density layering!
  6. Thanks Bill, nice to see you here! :)
  7. AWAKENING In the beginning, long before now, the Earth was wild and raw, especially the mountains, for they were rich in mineral ores. Now in that time, there lived two tribes, one on the plain, the other in the mountains. All humankind lived in peace with great respect for all of Nature. The plains were rich in LIFE and the soil was clean, and the water was clean, and the people dwelling there were happy, contented and loved living. They were fully grown, healthy and they supported each other in an almost godlike manner. They showed great reverance for all life and needed no more than what was given. The mountain people knew as much as the plains people that there was a God, though they felt closer, and so expressed their admiration and fear of such a being, many times a day. There emerged some from the mountain people who were more passionate in this devotion to God, and they banded together into a brotherhood, and began to practice their own higher rites. Some found coloured earths, yet others, rare plants. The colours were painted onto their bodies to encourage the soul to come forth, whereas the plants when taken opened the door. Within a generation, great technological advancements were evident amongst the mountain peoples; they had conceived an axe, a club, and had learnt how to kill each other. The painting and the releasing of the soul was now common practice within that tribe. The plains people knew nothing of this enlightenment. They had some enlightenment for they had learnt how to fear their mountain brothers, so they withdrew their tribe as far a field as they could, into almost barren desert. Their life was now hard, for all had to be earnt, and little was given. The mountain people expanded onto the plain, and great was their sophistication. They now adorned themselves with jewellery, wore cloth, made houses, grew crops and were collecting all the animals into herds. Laws had been made and some citizens had great power and privilege above others. It came one year, the drought, and the plains people suffered badly, and they were hungry, but they feared the mountain people more than they feared death. There arose one from the plains tribe, one who preached revolt, one who said all our tribe's woes are due to the mountain people's greed, for they have taken more land and more animals, and often our women and children as slaves. We must fight he said. Now the plains people were very sensible and could see the truth in these statements, and at last all agreed to take back what they needed to survive. So an attack was made on the mountain people and a bitter battle was waged. The plains people had few weapons, no protection, and were not familiar with fighting. Soon however, they learnt how to use what they had captured and then made their own. They found the mountain people weak and quite unrealistic, and so before long they had reclaimed their homeland, and much more; they now used the captured technology, and some more passionate citizens began to form a brotherhood to practice higher rites to God. Coloured paints and rare plants were used and once again sophistication flowered. In a far away place, another primitive tribe looked on and wondered.
  8. Ice Age induced by the layer of oil on all the waters of the world, will dry the land, and eventually, in your lifetime, bring on an artificial Ice Age. Read about the reasons here at this site!!
  9. Currently there is a film of petroleum oil covering all the surface waters and seas and oceans of the world. This was first noted by micro layer marine biologists in the 1930's. This layer has been analysed as comming from petroleum products. The layer of oil is reducing water evaporation, decreasinf rain fall and leading to massive droughts. Ultimately there will be a heating up phase leading to a melt down of the polar ice caps. This will release large amounts of fresh water onto the surface of the sea, resulting in massive evaporation induced cloud cover. An Ice Age will be the end result.
  10. Electricity is produced by movement in the ether, magnets are sunstances that chanel this ether energy, all thing channel it but some are extreemly efficient!
  11. Well Morat, tis wonderful to meet you! You have an understanding. I expect the field is the ether field, magnetism and the spin is the interaction that produces the resultant, spin-gravity! :) :)
  12. Morat, my framework is experimental, and a re-evaluation of existing data. Spin gravity relies on changes to spin rate, in an open field system, as it is on Earth and in Heaven!! I must make a correction. I have used the term "magnetic ether" This is incorrect and the Ether should be referred to as magnetism. Magnetic should be confined to substances that become magnetic when bathed in the ether of magnetism. The phenomena of magnetic substances, proves that the ether is magnetism.....an almost inexhaustable channelling of energy.
  13. We actually do agree, I am sure you would avoid toxic substances that send you insane!! And as long as you know right from wrong you are in communion with your conscience. BUT there are many out there who are lost, tragic for they are me, they are you. "I am you, you are me" One Life
  14. L I F E 'S C Y C L E In the beginning there was the void, and the void condensed a sun, and the sun spun a planet which when at a suitable distance from the sun, hatched interstellar LIFE from it's dormant forms. The atmosphere was dense and the creatures grew to their full potential size, they ranged the planet and multiplied. As the atmosphere grew thinner, the size of LIFE grew smaller and with every catastrophe the largest life forms were made extinct. Eventually dominant Man burst forth and by his nature, thought, and thought conceived numerous delusions, and delusion produced wondrous structures that blossomed an age of transcendence from which seeds were flung anew into the void. The gathering self-righteousness condensed and precipitated a huge conflagration, which seared the face of LIFE.Life was no more, there. All within a blink of interstellar time. In another place, in another blink of time, LIFE with a different face evaporated the self-righteousness of seeding and chose to be perennial.O'LIFE, our mother, is our post natal depression incurable, or can we show by love, we do want to return home and be with you, again, one.
  15. An example of centrifugal force in an open system, is satellittes. I know classical physics has another explanation, (the string is gravity), but in spin gravity a satellite has the outward centrifugal force and the inward centripetal forces in balance. A fundamental change in perspective, that does not rely of fantasy.
  16. All traits required to bring to any discussion on this forum, or any other for that matter, that I have been to
  17. Well the new topic of the day is Scientific Philosophy, updated with modern knowledge. This philosophy has been sourced from the writings of past Greek Stoics, and they include Epicetus, Marcus Aurelius, Senica, Socrates, Plato and Pythagorus. This topic should be approached through the concepts put forward in "Darwinian Evolution False". I hope this stimulates your mind !! :)
  18. Stoic Philosophy for LIFE I believe LIFE is one entity Comprised of individual conscious life forms Consciously differentiated, equal and benevolent I believe in innate imperatives That are biologically interpreted Aligning each life form to the Creator's design I believe in perennial LIFE Realisable through biochemical purity For the glory of the Creation WHAT IS A STOIC A Stoic knows that:- The creation and organisation of all, is at the least, as rational as a sane person. LIFE is one organism and all life forms are but cells of this one organism. Opinion is as the Universe, ever changing. Evil and good are just that, words. A clear conscience is jailer enough. A goal of LIFE is to be perennial. The goal of Humankind is to be free of toxic substances. [Please note LIFE here refers to the superorganism which includes all living things or super cells]
  19. Your track record is questionable MrL, you have contributed nothing to this discussion other than negative criticism, which my dog can do equally as well, so do not complain re my judgemnet of you abilities!
  20. Well this is interesting, you should refer to the Antimetal Antimental topic in this section to understand this unfortunate misunderstanding. Since there has been NO constructive criticism, even though for the sake of discussion I have tolerated derision, but it seems that the people who have responded really do not have any knowledge of physics. This topic has attracted almost 500 viewings, and those up and comming physicists, might as well understand the new theory of gravity, now as later. At the least you can leave this site and realise the problems any person has, when they dare to step outside the hallowed halls of the establishment. Just remember Galileo and Socrates :)
  21. Fafalone, I have tried to block you, but the game is rigged!! May I ask you again stop stalking me, thanks. If you have something to add to the discussion, then please say it, otherwise you are making it difficult for others WHO MAY BE interested to read the quality of your posts. I will remind you this is your life, and others are looking at YOU!!
  22. I run my life by a modern type of Stoicism, yes, do you want me to start a topic, or are you just being cynical?
  23. Thanks for you input. A fool you can neither bend nor break... Stoic philosophy.
  24. Looks like we can not do business. MrL, do you think all scientific opinion is correct. I am using opinion here to include well accepted theory, you know like the flat Earth, the Sun rotating around the Earth, and the rest of the Universe as well........mmmmh not much room to move in such a situation. Maybe when you have a bit more experience re the scientific method, you may not be so quick to judge. Re centrifugal force, try out a few experiments using spinning fields, and then pass judgement. BUT in between times, assume what I say is bourn out in fact, just suspend judgement, can you suggest maths that could be appropriate to determine as an example, the relationship between the centripetal force changes of an object in a spinning system undergoing negative acceleration.
  25. You need a fatties thread. But the best one, bit off topic, but I suspect due to mental abberation A driver in a campervan put his van on cruise control, and went out the back to make a cup of tea!!!
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