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koti last won the day on February 27 2022

koti had the most liked content!


About koti

  • Birthday June 12

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Scientist (10/13)



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  1. Well, they're gonna cut me up me tomorrow. Wish me luck or break a leg or that the neuro-surgeon will be sober. Come to think of it, if he will be sober he might have shaky hands :P Anyway, I hope the knife will not slip and sever my spinal cord.

    1. Show previous comments  23 more
    2. koti


      Good thing you replied to my status update, could find it browsing on my phone. They let me out, Im at home. Im sore af and dizzy from the drugs but overall its going well. Walkin a little in my corset but mostly lying around. Can't get around the new look & feel of the forum from my iphone.

    3. LabRat1


      Have I introduced you to android os xD? The important thing is that you're back on your two feet. I'm still recovering from the last version of the forum and then this bomb just dropped. Wonderful.

    4. koti


      Im sticking with iphone because of the camera and photo app - I know the behaviour well and its more responsive and predictible than Android (wifey has a new samsung)

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