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koti last won the day on February 27 2022

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About koti

  • Birthday June 12

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  1. Anti-vax march in Warsaw here today, looks like 30 thousand or more are there. Curious that the scum of the earth is associated with them and seem to live a symbiotic life - nazi preachers, agressive conspiracy theorists, extreme right preachers, etc. If I Firefighters should fill their trucks with hydrogen peroxide and use it on the protesters, scary to walk into town today. 

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. koti


      Yep, they’re concerned about a few thousand imigrants from Syria which never came but they’re blind to raping the Constitution by the the puppet president, taking control over the High Court by the ruling party and destroying the media both TV and Radio by putting their people everywhere who preach propaganda which Kim Jong Un would be proud of. Did I mention alienating EU and the rest of the world and moving towards Putin’s „open arms” and glorifying Rydzyk who is a catholic priest in the richest 100 in Poland. His pupils from his „media school” are hired in all media stations controlled by the government, in fact there is nothing more to fuck up...except maybe not vaccinating everybody so we can all have ourselves a nice pandemic. 

    3. Silvestru


      I agree with you on all points. The only thing that saddens me is your attitude (or what I think is your attitude) about this.

      No country is perfect and yes, those are all valid points but don't be so grim. I am an expat (ex-pet?) living here for the last 6 years and to be honest I have not experienced discrimination. Quite the opposite. People were always interested because I was a polar bear.  Poland is cool koti. Don't loose hope!


    4. koti


      Sure, Im a pessimist. Im sure if I were born in Denmark I’d be complaining too... about how outrageous lack of free root canal procedure is ;) 

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