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koti last won the day on February 27 2022

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About koti

  • Birthday June 12

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  1. Just a warning - testing using a new PSU how not yet tested LED emitters do amperage wise on a Friday evening while drinking whiskey does not render viable results and renders precious LED’s dead. Learning is expensive.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. koti


      3K USD would be a little too much for me to break in gear over a Friday evening. I don't know how your laws in Canada are but here you really don't want to drink and drive, you loose your license for at least a few years if not for life and if you cause an accident its 10 years with no bail I think.

    3. Sensei



      Just a warning - testing using a new PSU how not yet tested LED emitters do amperage wise on a Friday evening while drinking whiskey does not render viable results and renders precious LED’s dead. Learning is expensive.

      Chinese workers are grateful and ask for more.... ;)


      LED strips typically have built-in resistors on the tape. But they require correct polarization.

      It's wiser to use too high value resistor, at the beginning, and have too little current, then decrease its value.


    4. koti


      @Sensei, they weren’t strips, they were Osram CSLNM1.TG one square milimeter emitters on MCPCB’s that I was testing for temperature to set the current accordingly on the driver. Unfortunately a new power supply unit that I got played some tricks on me so poof! 

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