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Everything posted by koti

  1. Note the above comment by TheVat. One can take a line of thinking that America is a nation built on slavery, murder and bigotry. The constant strive towards cleaning the nations conscience for the past 50 or so years has accelerated in the last 10 years or so towards rodiculous incidents - a multi convicted fellon junkie strangled to death by a degenerate murderer cop being elevated to a saint like figure with statues of him being erected. I really wouldn’t be surprised if Netlix releases a remake of „The Sound of Music” with afroamerican cast this Christmas. We have the same shitshow in Poland only the circumstanes are different - instead of having a nationwide crippled conscience because of slavery we have it with the killings of Jews, Germany is bad Nazis because theyre German, etc. but fundamentally its the same thing everywhere. This collectivly screwed up conscience in the US is becoming grotesque to a point which surely will lead to some kind of a war because it polarizes people beyond anyones capabilities to behave in a civilised way. Caitlyn Jenner became ‚Woman of The Year’ in the first year „she” has became a „woman” I mean let that sink in.
  2. Youre right on the tribe part, very much so. Your cry about millions in the trans community is either blindness on your part of failing to recognise what this is all about or hypocrisy or possibly both. The ideological agendas which ade being built in society as a remedy for prior humanity mistakes are both a joke and a recipie for disaster. Now without charades and agendas I really need to go back to playing „rushing turtles” with my kid and my PhD wife who thinks I’m an idiot for wasting my time on a pollitical internet forum - and shes right.
  3. Not everyone thinks like you Phi. In fact there are very little people around with your kind of decency and intelligence combined. I assume you know very well that sincerity cannot be a factor by default in the charade I'm playing here.
  4. Please just stick to adressing me in the manner which I’m asking you to. I will let you know in the hours/days to come if anything has changed.
  5. Thank you Phi, I appreciate your quick adherence to my wishes. Lets just hope @iNow will do the same in the next posts he directs at me as I wouldn't want to leap into depression. Lets keep our fingers crossed.
  6. I’ve changed my mind since yesterday, you will adress me as „Ze” from now on, „He” is insulting and unacceptable for me, please adhere to my wish as my mental well being is at stake here.
  7. I joined because I wanted to broaden my amateur Physics knowledge, people in this forum have done a tremendously good job at doing so over the years. I only wish I could have avoided the pollitics and religion parts of the forum, I've lost significant amount of time in those.
  8. Was this a 5 set match or a 3 set match in your case TheVat?
  9. I apologize but thats it for me in this thread. Good to see you again zapatos, it was good to find all you folks in good health here. I miss "Strange" though, I dropped him a message a few months ago and he hasn't replied - he always did.
  10. You seem to be right, lets use 1.7% then. I wonder, how many of those 1.7% actually had surgery and how many of them changed their mind over the period of say 10 years from their surgery? Furthernore, how much money globally is involved in pharmacology and surgery pertaining to those individuals who decided to have surgery and hormone therapy (and/or whatever other pharmacology or however you call it), media mentioned numerous times that Caitlyn Jenner spent 4 milion dollars on procedures. Lastly but certainly not leastly, how the hell does all this adhere to what I’m advocating for which is - don’t put me in jail for calling Caitlyn Jenner a dude who decided to become a woman which he eventually isn’t?
  11. But you are the one who conflated them, not me.
  12. So "Gender dysphoria" is what I was refering to and whether your "intersex genetic conditions" is the same thing or you have your data biased by some kind of agenda is out of my scope of interest as I have to finish watching Dave Chappele's new standup. But sure, use your 1.7% and dismiss the countless transgender people in the media who decided to become someone different. Caitlyn Jenner became woman of the year in her first year of being a woman, isn't that something? Epidemiology[edit] See also: Transgender § Population figures, and Transsexual § Prevalence The DSM-5 estimates that about 0.005% to 0.014% of people assigned male at birth and 0.002% to 0.003% of people assigned female at birth are diagnosable with gender dysphoria.[75] According to Black's Medical Dictionary, gender dysphoria “occurs in one in 30,000 male births and one in 100,000 female births.”[76] Studies in European countries in the early 2000s found that about 1 in 12,000 natal male adults and 1 in 30,000 natal female adults seek out sex reassignment surgery.[77] Studies of hormonal treatment or legal name change find higher prevalence than sex reassignment, with, for example a 2010 Swedish study finding that 1 in 7,750 adult natal males and 1 in 13,120 adult natal females requested a legal name change to a name of the opposite gender.[77] Studies that measure transgender status by self-identification find even higher rates of gender identity different from sex assigned at birth (although some of those who identify as transgender or gender nonconforming may not experience clinically significant distress and so do not have gender dysphoria). A study in New Zealand found that 1 in 3,630 natal males and 1 in 22,714 natal females have changed their legal gender markers.[77] A survey of Massachusetts adults found that 0.5% identify as transgender.[77][78] A national survey in New Zealand of 8,500 randomly selected secondary school students from 91 randomly selected high schools found 1.2% of students responded "yes" to the question "Do you think you are transgender?".[79] Outside of a clinical setting, the stability of transgender or non-binary identities is unknown.[77] Research indicates people who transition in adulthood are up to three times more likely to be male assigned at birth, but that among people transitioning in childhood the sex ratio is close to 1:1.[80] The prevalence of gender dysphoria in children is unknown due to the absence of formal prevalence studies.[40]" Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gender_dysphoria The confusion is in the fact that some people want to legislate it by law.
  13. Nothing has changed zapatos, I was always difficult to talk to. Call me old fashioned but I’m a man and would prefer to be refered to as one.
  14. I can sequence that: ”…about 0.005% to 0.014% of people assigned male at birth and 0.002% to 0.003% of people assigned female at birth are diagnosable with gender dysphoria” and you want to legislate by law to prosecute people for not using „proper” pronouns.
  15. I am excluding genetically intersexed humans, anyone who is infertile. There is nothing incovenenient for me in this, in fact I feel equal empathy for these people as I feel antipathy for those morons from the youtube video above. Good one zapatos. I wonder how long it would take me to chose the needed letters from your posts (which are there) to spell "I love being a biased d on internet forums"
  16. That would be me, I presume I won't be able to stay for much longer as this thread has ran its course for me even before it started.
  17. It does not require us to ignore biological sciences, it requires us to obey biological sciences.
  18. No it would not, people who have various medical conditions have my full sympathy and empathy and can be sure they will never get hurt by me. As for menopause its really a low blow and it just shows that if you have to use these kinds of arguments, what youre trying to argue is ridiculous. The people from the below youtube clip can go f themselves btw. Sure and that is your right. You can join the above in the YT clip for the fight. The difference bewteen you and me is that I don't want to legislate my subjective views by law and you do.
  19. I agree with him to a certain point. For example I won’t refer to a person who is biologically capable of baring children as a „he” despite if she demands it. I see it not as sign of disfespect of troglodyte like views but as a sign of my own sanity which I would very much like to keep. Empathy arguments do not work for me in this instance, if there is risk of suicide for that person then that is a job for pharmacology and a psychiatrist and not for me.
  20. Whats under discussion is something completely different and you know it very well. Whats under discussion, is Jordan Peterson's stance that one should not be forced by law to comply with refering to people per their prefered pronouns and his reasoning stems mainly from the fact that creating artificial language constructs will not work and is essencially silly. The fact that some people (C-16 in Canada) try to legislate it by law is not only silly but also disturbing. As much as I am not a huge fan of JP's persona I have to say that your twisting of his views is really something else.
  21. Well then look closely to what I am demanding above - do not ever refer to me as a ‚they’ as I find it offensive. My whole childhood I was forced to refer to state people (teachers at school for example) as „they” as a part of the charade the communist regime built for 45 years in Poland after the war. Refer to me per „he” because I am a man. Also, if you keep on refering to me as „they” I won’t press charges.
  22. Seriously?! You're kidding right?
  23. Sure. Please use "his" instead of "theirs" when refering to me in any future dialog, thank you. Don't you mean what did 'they' do that was so hypocritical?
  24. Yes, I hijacked iNow’s referral to MigL as my own. I hope that doesn’t bare the same consequences as refering to someone who can bare children as a she? I really wouldn’t want to go to some kind of a woke program to avoid jail, where I would need to attend this: https://youtu.be/UPLQNUVmq3o
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