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Everything posted by koti

  1. If someone asserts something without evidence, I'm not obligated to dismiss it with evidence.
  2. This looks like an excelent explanation however, you did have to hit "Enter" a few times to create the larger empty space. I don't think that my "nothing" below is equivalent to your "nothing" or is it? I think that two boxes (the ones above or say cardboard boxes of different size) contain the exact same "nothing" regardless of the size of the container. Im not sure how we treat math coordinate systems of different size but the key here I think is semantics again (usual in these kinds of questions)
  3. Eating a steak 3 times a week and sitting in front of your PC and sleeping 24/7 would be unhealthy. Red meat in excess contributes to acidification and might cause conditions like gout. If say youre a workout lover and train hard 4,5 times a week not consuming a hefty amount of meat will get your body in trouble. Its all subjective and depends on various factors. Humans are omnivorous so a simple answer would be no, meat is not unhealthy. If you eat 6 pounds of apples a day 7 days a week for a month that would surely get you in trouble too but it wouldnt be wise to state that apples are unhealthy now would it.
  4. Frankly, I can't get around this new thing here at all, I'm no newb too. I think this update was too much of a shock, I'm not saying I can't get used to it but the question is how long will it take to sink in and how many will not assimilate and leave. The necessary security upgrades should be implementable without touching the GUI too much. The previous look & feel was perfectly fine needing no tweaks. This is not a tweak btw, it's a revolution. I understand that its' a nightmare to go through the code and implement the new security features while keeping the old interface (more or less) but I'm sure that there are users here (I got a one year old so forget it) who will be willing to help out in this. To be honest, I prefered the constant spam to this. It's not that it's bad, it looks fine and the engine looks like its doing what it should, it just disrupted the previous usability in such a profound way that it's difficult for me to get a hold of things here and eventually in a few days/weeks time I'm sure I will give up and not show up anymore. I hope I'm wrong.
  5. "General Relativity for babies" $6.17 on amazon :)


    1. jimmydasaint


      I'll have to buy one of these for myself so that I can see what all the fuss is about.  Surely there is a world which cannot be explained by fancy mathematics....?

    2. koti


      I'm getting these for my kid but just between me and you - we know who they're for.

  6. You got me there Strange, Im so used to having a dedicated letter for "w" in my language that Im missed the obvious As for "alone", I can safely say that it is the most horrifying expression I can think of.
  7. What a beautiful, warm rainy Friday we are having here. I am feeling good first time in months, hope everyone is going to have a great weekend! :)

  8. I think that these kinds of "hoaxes" are actually a good thing, they keep peoples alertness up. Quantum gravity being a social construct is obvious bs to someone who takes deeper interest in physics but I presume it is very easy to lead on majority of people outhere with such "studies"
  9. In case you are not aquainted with Star Wars and The Force, "Midi Chlorians" are a microscopic life form that lives in cells. High levels of midi-chlorians in your body give you a big chance to become a great Jedi warrior...or a Sith lord if you prefer. The groundbreaking study can be found here: https://arjonline.org/uploads/articleInPress/2/70118ARJB2017005.pdf The article on this hoax is here: http://www.sciencealert.com/a-neuroscientist-just-tricked-4-journals-into-accepting-a-fake-paper-on-midi-chlorians
  10. I'm at the hospital about to be operated on. What would you say to me?
  11. Its even worse than that...Ive trained 4 times a week for about 5 years straight then I stoped when my kid was born 14 months ago. Im having spine operation done today. Need I say more?
  12. I have experience with both loosing weight myself and helping others to do it. When you get deeper into this, its quite a complex subject which depends on various subjective factors but on the other hand...you dont have to get deep into it, just learn to eat healthy and do physical acrivities. And keep doing it for a long time, preferably till you die. Thats it.
  13. I bet if I vacum pack it well it will get to you in good condition. Now as for what you could send in return, I wonder...what is easy to come by in Africa, smells wonderfull and doesnt weigh much when dried ?
  14. Well, they're gonna cut me up me tomorrow. Wish me luck or break a leg or that the neuro-surgeon will be sober. Come to think of it, if he will be sober he might have shaky hands :P Anyway, I hope the knife will not slip and sever my spinal cord.

    1. Show previous comments  23 more
    2. koti


      Good thing you replied to my status update, could find it browsing on my phone. They let me out, Im at home. Im sore af and dizzy from the drugs but overall its going well. Walkin a little in my corset but mostly lying around. Can't get around the new look & feel of the forum from my iphone.

    3. LabRat1


      Have I introduced you to android os xD? The important thing is that you're back on your two feet. I'm still recovering from the last version of the forum and then this bomb just dropped. Wonderful.

    4. koti


      Im sticking with iphone because of the camera and photo app - I know the behaviour well and its more responsive and predictible than Android (wifey has a new samsung)

  15. I think the dialog contains no coherent, phylosophical issues to discuss besides "God works in misterious ways" - like bone cancer in children. God either doesn't exist or is a psychotic asshole. Thats about all I got from the dialog.
  16. koti

    Today I Learned

    Adorable. On top of the fact that both of these warms are scary af, they also both have cheesy, cheapo markings/coloring. Quintessence of nope.
  17. Or child abuse. I just read in the news this morning about a 3 month old infant found in the forest being eaten alive by ants. Lets pray it goes away, Randolphin are you with me?
  18. Ofcourse, how could I forget the killer rabbit from Monty Python's Holy Grail.
  19. All aspects? That would mean he's both a very busy man and that he's highly schizophrenic. Are you saying that fluffy little bunnies are the work of the Devil?
  20. Could you point out to the exact quote where Dawkins states the above nonsense?
  21. The alternative "solution" would be to incorporate an additional letter into the English language to represent the "w" sound in "one" There is one in my native language: "ł" I bet this "łood" make things so much easier. BTW...Polish is considered to be "łone" of the most complex and difficult languages along "łith" Fisnish.
  22. I met another one today. An intelligent, normal looking guy, physics PHD, worked in CERN, no wife no children, no financial problems, convinced he's a looser, depressed and on the virge of suicide. Morons run around this world happily smiling knowing everything and valuable people are dying out in front of us. WTF is happening.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. koti


      Function Im sory but you have that backwards all the way ;)

    3. Function


      Someone's gotta play salmon here!

    4. Handy andy

      Handy andy

      Sounds like the guy is in a rut. He needs to change his life around and get out of the rut. Life is not a practise run, if it aint working for him he should change it, not end it.

  23. Considering that the ISS cost around 150 billion and considering that this project would be significantly more complex and timely I think it will be orders of magnitude more than 100 billion. I hope you're right though...if you are, it would mean that it could be done privately without government support which would make it more plausible.
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