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Everything posted by koti

  1. I did this experiment myself with a big mack years ago. It started to get covered by fungus and decomposed like any other food would. After 11 days the decomposition was awful and grose and I had to throw the big mack out. I also put a piece of chicken and some good quality bread in parralel to see the differences and the only fifference was the bread which started to decompose quicker than the burger bun (the buns in these burgers are nasty) Nevertheless in the period of 11 days everything was more or less equally grosely decomposed and ended up in the bin. Months seem highly improbable and also regardless of the outcome of my experiment the McDonalds burgers are horrible as far as nutrition goes and Im avoiding them as much as I can.
  2. As much as I like these kinds of divagations I can't help to notice that the stuff you guys wrote so far would't go into billiions imo. Considering that the US military budget for 2018 is 827 billiion, the things said here would go into tens or hundreds of trillions USD. And would need to be done in cooperation between countries over the period of decades.
  3. You can drink a drink but you can't beverage a beverage. Its just a trait of the English language, other lanuages have their own little weird thingies.
  4. koti

    Today I Learned

    Presumably these are its limbs which put in wave like motion propel the thing really quickly in the direction of your throat. At your service Sir
  5. Maryam Mirzakhani, Iranian math genius, the first woman to win the fields medal dies of cancer at 40. http://ifpnews.com/exclusive/iran-math-genius-die-cancer/
  6. IIRC neutrinos travel faster than light in water while still travelling at c because light interacts with water and neutrinos don't.
  7. koti

    Today I Learned

    If I say something else about elephants, I'll contact you first.
  8. Maybe the women you mention were not smart, intelligent, well educated, havent had succesful carrers and weren't filthy rich
  9. Oh but a smart, intelligent and educated woman knows that shes beautiful. If on top of that shes rich and succesful and has never had a relationship...its so improbable that my alarm would surely go off.
  10. A beautiful woman who has a good career, is smart and well educated, is rich and has never been in a relationship and is a virigin would trigger my alarm that something is dodgy about her.
  11. Nice definitions of high and low quality men and women. Im not sure where these definitions would fit better - second revision of Mein Kampf or a holy book of some religious cult.
  12. Putting religion aside (which does play a big role in this) I think its that people like to put themselves on a pedestal and are atracted to the notion of being "better than them"
  13. It must be some new potent substance. I also suspect it rhymes with "rolling"
  14. Im gonna get me one of these 6K 80 inch TV's or a state of the art projector one day to watch nature/space films/documentaries with my son. I bought a 720p pioneer plasma 10 years ago when I had the money, spent a fortune on it and I think I made a great decision...I use it for movies, work, PS3 when kids come over - its a great device with beautiful color rendering even to this day.
  15. Laughter through tears but amusing anyway. "Energetic frequency" is my favourate.
  16. koti


    Find a lawyer who specializes in medical law, sign an NDA with him/her and you will find out what your options are. As for launching your own manufacturing for 3mln USD, unless you have the money yourself thats not going to work out for you. You are saying you know nothing about business, even if you had the money it still would be a difficult if not virtually impossible task to launch a new drug by yourself. You need an experienced lawyer to give you all the details. If the lawyer sees an oportunity to make money off of your invention that wil be the best indication that you got something.
  17. koti


    Get a lawyer and pitch your idea to pharmaceutical companies.
  18. koti

    Today I Learned

    Hey, I knew that. You could have just asked me
  19. Im no expert on QM as well but AFAIK you either know the position or the velocity of a particle for certain, never both. So essentially nothing has the probability of 1 on the micro scale, everything is determined by the wave probability function. There are patterns in QM and I think they are well understood but still you never have the same 1:1 probability like we observe in the macro scale governed by Newton and GR. As for the coin toss Im thinking that its all doable like we agreed on unless we start trying to controll the micro scale. I mean if we were to want to have an outcome of a coin toss on its edge every time in say 100 milion tosses then it seems to me we'd have to start worrying about controlling the conditions of this experiment on the particle level and that would get us into the wave probability function side of things.
  20. Yes, I missed pointing out velocity along with position of the particles. I think youre right about the coin toss maschine that theorerically its doable under very controlled conditions as does the box of marbles experiment sound equally valid. As for the Hawking problem Im not sure at this point...wouldn't QM's probabilistic fussyness play a role here?
  21. This made me recall the hypothetical problem which I read in a Hawking book 20 years ago but Im sure it was presented earlier - if we knew the position and properties of every particle in the universe would we be able to predict the future? If Im not mistaken, essentially entropy tells us the answer is no. An edge coin toss maschine is by no means the same levell of complexity but still sounds complex enough for me to give up thinking about it. Then again, I'm a huge pessimist so I might be wrong
  22. The variables would be impossible to predict unless this contraption would be completely isolated from any variable changes so this would have to be in a vacum with precisly controlled temperature, humidity and probably the whole thing have to be ballanced to cope with earths movement. Even if done so, each edge toss would have to be done with a new coin which would have to be maschined to ridiculous precision. The same goes for the table on which the coin would land. Im no expert but if you went to ask Boston Dynamics or some other robotics company capable of such a project to they'd probably ask millions if even remotely possible.
  23. Sounds like what Zapatos said, dyslexia. Its pretty harmless and I bet its trainable.
  24. Yes, me too. I'll be 57 in 15 years. As for computer breakdown causes it depends on the geography... heat, dust and the the user are the main causes. There arent many mechanicaly moving parts is PC's and laptops so prolonged parts heat exposure is the main reason. For examole for printers which contain a lot of moving parts the main cause of faults is the user, about 70% of all service calls. When getting a PC it is always a good idea to get a good quality heatsink and radiator for the CPU and video card. It will cost 20 bucks more but might give you years more of work time. And its crucial to keep the dust away, Ive seen equipement break down 10 times quicker in desert, dusty areas.
  25. As much as I agree with you, I remember 10 years ago laughing at touch screen phones and saying that I will never convert from my keyboard Nokia. You can still use a nokia today but miss out on all the functionality - this will be exacty the case with cloud services in 10 years I think. It looks Stringy like youre on your way of being one of these old "nokia" guys in the future
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