Pymander, there are some very decent people here who actually take time to read and answer your posts in a meaningful way and even take time to engage you in a civil fashion explaining basic coherence to your ignorant mind - I am not one of those people as I'm convinced you do not deserve it.
I genuinely BELIEVE that your posts are damaging to mind and soul and should bare a "keep out of reach of children" tag. I would urge the moderators to add such a signature tag to your profile so students and children who are participating in this forum can be sheltered from your moronic, ignorant, damaging preach. Considering your up-till-now activity here, I say you cannot be a child nor a troll and you seem coherent enough for me to assume that you are not mentally challenged. If this is correct, and I'm convinced it is - I despise the combination of your stupidity, stubbornness and ignorance which are all clearly your choice.
I also despise your blatant, ignorant straight-forwardness with which you treat yourself as an authority while preaching your damaging shit to people who do not deserve to be treated with such input. On top of everything I wrote so far, you also have no shame for yourself. I think that finding that part of yourself which will enable you to regain the shame for your own self should be at the top of your to do list.