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Everything posted by koti

  1. Not many people could but I bet Janus could do it.
  2. Friction included or excluded?
  3. All materials have their limits, ceramic plates like the ones used on the outside of the Space Shuttle or ceramic car brake rotors in performance cars will eventually vapourize in high enough temperatures. Air resistence would require you to use enormous amounts of fuel/power to propell something to Mach50 in Eatrhs atmosphere, that is if the construction of a your plane would even withstand the huge pressure (it wouldn't) Thats the reason why fast spy planes fly at high altitudes - less fuel needed at high speeds, less air resistence.
  4. God bless. I’m in the middle of a self induced therapy of treating the conservative religious a little more politely. I don’t see much progress though and the prognosis isn’t positive.
  5. I'm at an age where I'm looking to find myself as I've always been and I'll always be. Szczęść Boże
  6. koti

    Source of All

    Thats it, Im closing this thread. Swansot please don’t bring this topic again and Phi you know better than this. Geez.
  7. Dang, sory about that. I checked in the science news section too but apparently not well enough. Why am I not surprised.
  8. ...and all I can think of is more efficient drivers for my flashlights: https://www.sciencenews.org/article/physics-first-room-temperature-superconductor-discovery?utm_source=Reddit&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=r_science&fbclid=IwAR23F2iSASF7zy780H3PI3qVwNNM7ejoF7uWRmAza4j6FeASxnbNf7CDLJI
  9. koti

    Political Humor

  10. The are actually saying very strongly what youre pointing out in their own paper right after the 2 proofs on page 11: "4. Examples The above characterisation of process functions allows us to consider specific examples that cannot occur in an ordinary, causally ordered spacetime" is my layman understanding of this correct?: We can very much time travel without the risks of getting into the grandfather paradox with just a small exception - we can’t do it in our universe?
  11. koti

    Political Humor

  12. I think there is no universal answer, for some people this may be true for others not. I have a friend whom I've met 40 years ago when we were sat besides each other on our first day in first grade primary school. He ended up solely owning an industrial manufacturing company worth more than 100mln USD right now, his 21 year old son just left the psychiatric hospital again last week - drugs, street life, severe depression, suicide attempts, etc. Is this caused by a mindset? Probably, partially yes but there are so many angles and factors to take into account that this kind of generalization is only good for rap songs imo.
  13. Imagine the horror if it was the other way around.
  14. What if something is bad for you but good for someone else? Like avocado for example, its really bad for me and I’m probably allergic to it but my wife loves it. Is avocado wrong or right?
  15. Don't want to setup a separate thread so I'm putting this here; "Genetic distance and molecular variation (AMOVA) analyses were not significant for the groups studied, presenting a variation component of 0.12 between populations and 4.46 within populations. The FST value (0.03) showed a low fixation index, with nonsignificant evolutionary divergences within and between groups, With a representative exception for haplotypes from Peru and Uruguai (Table 1) (Figures 1 and 2). A significant similarity was also evidenced for the time of genetic evolutionary divergence among all populations; supported by τ variations, mismatch analyses and demographic and spatial expansion analyses. With a representative exception for haplotypes from Venezuela (Table 2), (Figures 3, 4 5 and 6). The molecular diversity analyses estimated per θ reflected a significant level of mutations among all haplotypes (transitions and transversions). Indel mutations (insertions or additions) were not found in any of the six groups studied (Table 3). The D tests of Tajima and Fs de Fu showed disagreements between the estimates of general θ and π, but with negative and highly significant values, indicating, once again, an absence of population expansions (Table 4). The irregularity index (R= Raggedness) with parametric bootstrap, simulated new θ values for before and after a supposed demographic expansion and in this case assumed a value equal to zero for all groups" Source: https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.10.01.20205120v1.full.pdf Does this mean in layman's terms that SARS-CoV-2 is not a fast mutating virus and the vaccine should be fairly easy and cheap to develop?
  16. Take it to a jeweler, a long bath in a good ultrasonic cleaner should help.
  17. I’m pretty sure he’s got Covid-20. Covid-20 is much better than Covid-19 and POTUS has a tremendous relationship with Covid-20, much better than Covid-19.
  18. I never thought I'd say these words but Weird Al comes across as very soothing in all this.
  19. He also said "Stop yappin", "Shush" etc. I think this is largely how Trump wins his arguments - He pisses you off and then takes advantage of it. Biden did a horrible job in this debate, he should have been ice cold and destroy POTUS with merritt but he fell into his emotional traps instead.
  20. I prefer tagiatelle too. I just had some leftover sauce with garlic bread now (23:50) Dinner is gone, I ate it all. Gave some to our neighbours though. Why didn’t I think of that. Genius.
  21. Thanks Kartazion, I didn’t realize that rust, burning fuel and getting rid of garlic scent from my fingers after making BEST BOLOGNESE around are the same group of reactions.
  22. The reaction has to be extremely miniscule, I've had this steel bar for around 2 decades and it doesn't change its shape or color in any way like stainless steel normaly does in a household environment. Oh no you didn't. No one makes fun of my Bolognese. No one. Do you have a source? Sounds like a grat explanation.
  23. I think he might be right by saying that "It will get cooler, you'll see" Press button -> nuclear winter -> it gets cooler. IMG_7232.MP4
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