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Everything posted by koti

  1. koti

    What is faith?

    Dim, youre trying to put an equal sign between faith, truth, knowledge. Or at least youre trying to make truth so subjective that according to you its only valid at this moment and will be different tomorrow. Just a friendly reminder that its not faith which enables you to type this from your device and its nit faith that makes airplanes fly. Its the objective truth that people came up with through science that makes those things work, faith’s got nothing except giving people hope.
  2. A documentary potraying the lives of victims of sexual child abuse by priests in Poland and showing the conspiracy of silence by the church. This has 2.5mln views in just 15 hours after the premiere. I briefly checked the English subtitles, theyre not bad, definitely watchable. This documentary has been done totally independently with private funding (obviously), I did contribute a small amount of money to the making of this movie but I have no affilation or any comercial gain from it. Its 2 hours long, the maker stated he will give the rights to the movie to Netflix for free, for now its available for free on youtube: I think this is an important step in changing things within the catholic church, being a pessimist I do not see the Vatican pleading in any way anytime soon to the atrocities potrayed in this film but at least people will know how these things actually go down. The most horrible part shown in the movie for me is the kid telling his mother about what some priest did to him and her not believing her son. Church has such incredible authority in small towns and vilages that they’re virtually untouchable, I hope this documentary will add some to changing this. Have a great Sunday everyone. Godspeed.
  3. Just a warning - testing using a new PSU how not yet tested LED emitters do amperage wise on a Friday evening while drinking whiskey does not render viable results and renders precious LED’s dead. Learning is expensive.

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    2. koti


      3K USD would be a little too much for me to break in gear over a Friday evening. I don't know how your laws in Canada are but here you really don't want to drink and drive, you loose your license for at least a few years if not for life and if you cause an accident its 10 years with no bail I think.

    3. Sensei



      Just a warning - testing using a new PSU how not yet tested LED emitters do amperage wise on a Friday evening while drinking whiskey does not render viable results and renders precious LED’s dead. Learning is expensive.

      Chinese workers are grateful and ask for more.... ;)


      LED strips typically have built-in resistors on the tape. But they require correct polarization.

      It's wiser to use too high value resistor, at the beginning, and have too little current, then decrease its value.


    4. koti


      @Sensei, they weren’t strips, they were Osram CSLNM1.TG one square milimeter emitters on MCPCB’s that I was testing for temperature to set the current accordingly on the driver. Unfortunately a new power supply unit that I got played some tricks on me so poof! 

  4. This is clear and I totally agree with this. New levels of issues, need for new laws would be a must. I mean imagine an AI complaining online about not having medical and having to pay for patches at „AI med corp” or Russian hackers attempting to patch AI’s to get them to vote for Trump. What I don’t understand is the alleged logical/phylosophical correlation between sentient life appearing on Earth once and living only once. I think Im having an issue with „sentience” here, I’m not accepting that Im any more „sentient” than any other being, Im just far more advanced with much more potential than a hamster but the whole sentience think is full of itself I think.
  5. I’ve read your statement a few times and I just don’t get it. Please explain how the two are similar reasoning.
  6. Why does it have to be a liquid? A thick lead box would do the job.
  7. Mercury fumes are toxic, you can submerge your arms into a bucket of mercury and you’ll be fine if you don’t do it for a prolonged time enough do your skin will start absorbing significant amounts of it...you should be much „finer” than a mobile phone submerged into a a bucket of mercury for a period of seconds which would surely short circuit it right away unless its completely water proof. Its the ingestion or inhaling of metals which is toxic, you have to get them inside your system somehow in fairly large quantities to be in trouble. If you have a good mask on you should be fine coming into short term contact with mercury, any piece of electronics exposed to a good electrical conductor like a metal while powered - I dont think so. Remember youre getting loads of stuff into your system every day through breathing if you live in the city and your body is capable of getting rid of most of it in a matter of days unless its a large concentration and it gets a chance to get into your bones where it stays. Anyhow, a powered, non hermetic mobile phone would be much more in trouble having a bath in mercury than a healthy human who does not ingest/breathe in the metal.
  8. I think the accepted number is 10^500 Calabi-Yau manifold shape possibilities so it would be wonderful if some machine learning technology could cut that number down by a few or preferably few hundred orders of magnitude. Is it possible without getting some sort of experimental confirmation which we won’t get due to no option of getting high enough energies in accelerators? I hope it is but being a pessimist I doubt it. I think we first need to get quantum computing to a much higher level in order to deal with the ridiculous math in string theory and other quantum gravity contenders.
  9. Because if there were nothing, you couldn't ask any questons, like why theres something rather than nothing. Thats why.
  10. The "Hubble Flow" is the motion of galaxies due to the expansion of the universe. It's not a frame of reference, its just a phenomena that occurs due to the fact that the space around us is stretching so the distance between any two pieces of matter is getting larger.
  11. Utopian scenarios come to mind...a combination of the new Mad Max movie with addition of zombies running around and enclaves of healthy people defending themselves.
  12. I’m not sure if we aren’t in for a second, larger wave of antivaxers. The amount of support the above mentioned guy got after they raided his business yesterday is incredible. It looks like he is on his way to becoming a martyr for the movement. They made laws stricter in Italy a few weeks back including not letting unvaccinated chikdren into the education system, in Poland they’re considering the same, for now it ended up with vaccinated kids getting points when apolying to get into kindergardens. The lady in charge of the Polish anti vax movement is already making serious passes at pollitics, shes already on the inside of our parliament lobbying and shes getting support, Im sure they will all join forces and eventually become a pollitical party.
  13. Why would the Universe care about Bob or Karen’s imagination is beyond me. PS. I never liked R. Kelly with that dumb song when it came out and apparently it turned out recently hes an abusive psycho so thats that.
  14. Good news today. The very popular charlatan "Jerzy Zięba" who brainwashed people for years into buying his products - Vitamin C for 1800% market price, beetroot juice for 20 bucks a vile and similar ridiculousness, got raided this morning by the attorney general, they confiscated most of his stuff and a law suit by the state is launched against him. For the last few years he manaegd to convince multiple people into not taking chemo therapy, instead using his vitamin C injections. He notoriously bashes anyone who actually has a degree and/or knowledge and he was very good at it, he made millions off his internet store and multiple regular stores. He is a mechanical engineer posing as a high-end natural doctor, untill today. Hopefuly the law suit will end up in him loosing every last penny.
  15. If you take a pill you swallow it although the pill would work just fine if you stuck it in a different orifice than your mouth.
  16. This is a paragraph below the one you quoted above from the link I gave. Are you even reading the answers were posting?: ”Injecting a vaccine into the layer of subcutaneous fat, where poor vascularity may result in slow mobilisation and processing of antigen, is a cause of vaccine failure1—for example in hepatitis B,2 rabies, and influenza vaccines.3 Compared with intramuscular administration, subcutaneous injection of hepatitis B vaccine leads to significantly lower seroconversion rates and more rapid decay of antibody response.1 Traditionally the buttocks were thought to be an appropriate site for vaccination, but the layers of fat do not contain the appropriate cells that are necessary to initiate the immune response (phagocytic or antigen-presenting cells). The antigen may also take longer to reach the circulation after being deposited in fat, leading to a delay in processing by macrophages and eventually presentation to the T and B cells that are involved in the immune response. In addition, antigens may be denatured by enzymes if they remain in fat for hours or days. The importance of these factors is supported by the findings that thicker skinfolds are associated with a lowered antibody response to vaccines.1,2”
  17. Just a side note...Anti vaxers are obsessed with the concept of delivering the contents of the vaccine by needle into the body claiming that the body is incapable of getting rid of „deadly” mercury and aluminium allegedly present in the vaccines as opposed to (according to them) the body being well capable of filtering out heavy metals when ingested or breathed in. I would ask the OP what is the reason behind the original question and why is it hard to digest the obvious answer which was given by members in this thread?
  18. koti

    What is faith?

    Correct me if I misunderstood; Someone who lives in delusion in the past or in the current moment is not delusional as opposed to someone who expects things to happen and only correlates those with god after they happen? Is there a difference between „I’m so lucky in my life, I owe it all to the all mighty” and „I will be successful in life because the all mighty will protect me” ?
  19. I’m not an expert but I presume that there is no need for a blood stream injection in case of vaccines because it requires more skill, an intramuscular injection is a quick and easy jab. I presume nothing special would happen if you properly administered a vaccine directly into the blood stream.
  20. We need @CharonY or @Arete to the rescue. I noticed, no worries though I have that knowledge only because I have some anti vax nut cases in my family and I got a lot of that knowledge from the two resident experts above.
  21. „Although common belief is that vaccines are injected directly into the bloodstream, they are actually administered into muscle or the layer of skin below the dermis where immune cells reside and circulate as occurs following natural infection” https://www.chop.edu/centers-programs/vaccine-education-center/vaccine-safety/immune-system-and-health „Most vaccines should be given via the intramuscular route into the deltoid or the anterolateral aspect of the thigh. This optimises the immunogenicity of the vaccine and minimises adverse reactions at the injection site. Recent studies have highlighted the importance of administering vaccines correctly.1–3 Clinical practice needs to reflect considerations about the right length and gauge of needles used to ensure that those vaccinated get the immunological benefit of the vaccines without local side effects” https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1118997/
  22. I’m thinking how to turn this into a funny pun towards Americans but I’ll just leave the above since it does a good job on its own
  23. I think I can quote everybody except him. The forum engine seems to have a specific sense of humour.
  24. I can’t quote him on iphone on iOS 12.2 with Safari. Windows 10 with Chrome same thing.
  25. Distance and the speed of light. If we see something from Earth and its a million light years away, we see that thing how it was a million years ago. If things exist only for a few hundred thousand years and they are hundreds of million light years appart in distance from each other you shouldn’t be able to see them at the same time on Earth.
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