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Everything posted by koti

  1. Entropy always increases in any system so yes, chsnge is both real and inevitable.
  2. Sure, I remember those as a kid too. But one would think that the information revolution would have caused an increase in knowledge since its widely available therefore we should see a decrease in coloquial stupidity, thats definitely not happening. Plus there is always money in cheap entertainment too which is a catalyst for driving morons.
  3. I find it disappointing that Netflix (or any other plarform/production studio) finds it lucrative to dissect a ridiculous subject like flat earthers. Nothing against Netflix, if it makes them money thats what they’ll do, its just a little scary that „dumb” is the new cool thing. I guess its interesting from a psychological point of view thats why I will probably watch the documentary but I fear I might get a little more stupid from it.
  4. What do you mean restrictive? This is not always correct, there are numbers which do not comply with this.
  5. Its Sarurday evening, my partner left me home with our 3 year old devil incarnate. Help.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. koti


      @MigL, its my way of expressing Im having fun, I though u knew, you’re disappointing me you ol’ single malt drinking old man.  

      He’s asleep now and we’re having a quarrel about whether I should check up on my twins or not.

    3. nevim


      Mmmmm, single malt...

    4. peterwlocke


      mary poppins it.

  6. koti

    Shamima Begum

    Jim Jefferies is hilarious and hes a genius at crossing the line while keeping integrity.
  7. koti

    Shamima Begum

    Yes, be the better man and take care of her. And remember to be content with yourself
  8. koti

    Shamima Begum

    I’m trying to answer my own question and I can’t. Its a classical pradox - treat her as a victim and we end up with thinking we did the „right thing” while sending a message to ISIS: „Go ahead, do what you please and we will turn the other cheek” We treat her as a terrorist and we end up stigmatized as heartless. I still think there is a way to avoid the paradox - Dim could take care of her.
  9. koti

    Shamima Begum

    If you cut her slack on the basis of her being a kid tricked by ISIS into this whole situation you would need to cut slack on all minor killers, serial killers and other minor offenders. We need to take care of our offspring as a species and we all have that embeded in our instincts but this right here is a very rare case and a purely pollitical one; Do we issue a „rebutal” to ISIS and any future potential Shamima Begum’s by taking care of her, putting her in a program and treating her like a victim instead of an offender?
  10. koti

    Shamima Begum

    I’m not liking your idea of clearing up your statement, try again.
  11. koti

    Shamima Begum

    Dim, you have to work on expressing more clearly what you mean, there are several ways to interpret what you posted above, what do you mean?
  12. He has my outmost respect and I would give a lot to have dinner with him but still the comment made me laugh.
  13. I found this somewhere online with the following comment which made me choke on my coffee. Math, not even once.
  14. koti

    Shamima Begum

    The supreme court, geez. It doesn’t state in the rules that typos, dyslexia or spelling like a 12 year old gives you life in prison. I’m surprised were having this talk. This is semi good analogy and I feel in no position to give judgment. Im sure of one thing though, every case should be thurally examined by courts, expert witnesses, then more courts and more expert witnesses.
  15. koti

    Shamima Begum

    You see, I made an error there but I won’t get life for confusing steel with steal.
  16. koti

    Shamima Begum

    Yes, thats exactly how it works.
  17. koti

    Shamima Begum

    I’m sory but no. Kids in vast majority of cases put sheds on fire, steal Dads car or get pregnant at 15. Not too many kids do what she did.
  18. koti

    Shamima Begum

    I hope you realise that I’m just teasing by saying Dim could take care of her and the baby. It might as well be you, her parents, Sajid Javid or anyone else as long as that person will take responsibility for any of her future moronic actions.
  19. koti

    Shamima Begum

    Let Dim take care of her and the baby.
  20. koti

    Shamima Begum

    I just watched a couple interviews with this kid (Shamima Begum), she seems completely clueless about this whole precedent and she doesn’t seem too smart (aka she’s a plainly dumb kid) The question is whether tax payers money should be used to keep her in the UK under constant supervision for the rest of her life or throw her out. If it was Norway or Sweden she’d probably already be enrolled in some cosy program, she definitely chose the wrong country for her actions. @dimreepr, you could always try and get her a temporary visa and take care of her in your home while cuddling her to sleep every evening.
  21. Phi for all is one of those mods who is extremely observant and thinks things through before he moderates. I think you either have him confused with someone else or you have no idea what you are talking about.
  22. It is also worth mentioning for @CJWilli1 that the metric tensor is the mathematical object that explains the structure of spacetime under General Relativity: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metric_tensor_(general_relativity)
  23. Because they're pu**ies.
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