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Everything posted by koti

  1. Strange or H. Weinstein? Being too modest as a man can lead to failure in romantic situations. But who am I to tell you that, you know this.
  2. That's Weinstein you're not being compared to MigL, not Feynman.
  3. If I was MigL I'd treat that particular comment of yours as funny, amusing cynicism. Right.
  4. At least 75 women accused Weinstein of abuse with 25+ years in prison hovering over him as a result. Aren't you crossing the line a bit Strange, attempting comparing that sleazeball to Feynman?
  5. As is volume. Presumably.
  6. There is no model I know of in which time is a form of energy, please share your insights on this.
  7. @MigL, Nice, simple, synthetic and straight to the point, +1.
  8. I am willing to bet that the women with whom you and Richard like/liked to spend time with, take no offence too. #NoOffenceToo.
  9. Yep, he played the Bongo drum, was open and sincere and mentioned here and there that he likes life. I presume this would be unacceptable by some of the today's standards.
  10. Since you mention closing an app I presume you're using some kind of a forum app for your phone? I use a regular browser (safari in my case) when using the forum and I find that the forum engine cooperates nicely with my iphone browser, I used to use dedicated forum apps but didn't like them, try using regular Google Chrome for your phone.
  11. Space is volume. Space is volume.
  12. I acknowledge that they ackowledge. I just don’t understand how they can come up with any viable discussion not to mention conclusion if they use only specific results of GR equations, only those which do not stand in contradiction with Hawking-Penrose. I presume its probably my ignorance but this seems really far fetched.
  13. Thanks Strange. The paper is over my head math wise but it strikes me that they disregard quantum effects in their work concentrating only on classical GR. It seems odd that they are using only GR as foundation for conclusions/assumptions related to grandiose subjects.
  14. Where is the paper itself, I can't seem to locate it, maybe someone could paste the abstract of it or is there no paper just that article which seems full of holes, contradictions and doesn't convey anything useful.
  15. There might be patterns caused by factors like database refreshing or some other technology based glitch. I hope you're looking for that kind of pattern and not for market based one because if you are looking for the latter, you might be on your way to crackpot land...be careful
  16. What makes you think there is a pattern ?
  17. Like Dimreepr said, its the other way around. Basically, the transmission has a certain resistance which causes the car to slow down when you downshift. There are many gears connected to each other in the car’s transmission, when power is applied there is a certain loss of power due to the transmission resistance. That loss of power due to resistance is the main factor which slows your car down when you downshift (there are other smaller factors, this is the main one) A good example would be a rally car or race car transmission which is very rigid and has a very high resistance to withstand high power. If you downshift in a car with a transmission like that, you essentially feel like you would hit the brakes really hard.
  18. It might be useful to use a bicycle analogy to understand this; When you ride a bike and you go down a gear, your feet suddenly start pedaling faster. When you go up a gear, you start pedaling slower. The larger/smaller gears on your bike let you control the gear ratios responsible for this. Your feet when they suddenly start pedaling faster on a bike cause little resistance compared to a car engine. Essentially what happens is you go down a gear in your car, your revs go up (your feet start pedaling faster) but the engine causes a lot more loss of energy due to resistance than your feet would when riding a bike. Obviously there are differences between a car gear box and gears on your bike and engine/feet but the principle is exactly the same.
  19. Wow, it was lunched in the 70’s, I can barely remember it. That puts the cosmic scale into persoective doesn’t it.
  20. It might be the light bulbs too. Think about it, it's pretty bright in hospitals and pediatrician offices. Which just after a couple of steps brings us to an inevitable conclusion that Acetaminophen causes homosexuality.
  21. No it is not: "Dietary exposure to aluminum (usually as the citrate) results in small amounts of aluminum being absorbed from the gut (<1%) and reaching the bloodstream [4]. Following enteral absorption, aluminum is transported mainly in the plasma in association with the iron-binding protein transferrin [8]. Aluminum is distributed well throughout the body with the skeleton and lungs (due to inhalation exposures) containing the highest mass of aluminum (approximately 50% and 25% of the body burden, respectively). As for many divalent and polyvalent metals,the skeleton can be a longterm storage depot for aluminum, with the half-life of aluminum in bone being on the order of years [5]. It is anticipated that bone will serve as a stable depot for aluminum in infants, as well as adults, due to the increase in bone mass and volume that takes place during an infant’s rapid growth and development. With regard to the non-skeletal compartment, the half-life of aluminum in soft tissues such as the liver is short (<2 days), which indicates very little accumulation in these organs. The majority of bioavailable aluminum is excreted shortly after exposure, primarily in the urine [5], and there appears to be little difference in the renal clearance of aluminum in infants and adults at low exposures [9]. Although aluminum accumulates in the brain as well as bone over time, the concentration of aluminum in brain is lower than that in many other tissues of the body (e.g., liver, spleen), and only 1% of whole-body aluminum is present in the brain or central nervous system at any given time [8,5]" "Assuming slow release of aluminum adjuvant from the site of injection into the systemic circulation, we have demonstrated that aluminum levels in infants are well below the minimal risk level curves for either median or low-birth weight babies. We also compared the body burden of aluminum contributed by vaccines with that contributed by diet. The body burden of aluminum from vaccines is not more than 2-fold higher than that received in the diet. While the contribution of vaccines to an infant’s aluminum body burden can be slightly higher than that of the dietary contribution in our model, the fact that the primary pool where the aluminum is residing, as a long-term storage depot, is likely to be skeletal and not a more sensitive soft organ system is reassuring [5]. Although aluminum toxicosis is known to occur in humans, it is found exclusively in individuals suffering from kidney disease or in those exposed to high levels of aluminum via occupational inhalation" Source: http://vaccinepapers.org/wp-content/uploads/FDA-aluminum-paper.pdf I'm not even going to comment on this nonsense, I have too much respect for this site and I don't want to go off topic any further.
  22. 0,125mg to 0,85mg in a single dose of a vaccine. In 1 liter of a milk mix for newborns you will find 0,225mg. There is Al in breast milk, in water and in all foods you buy or grow. The numbers you heard are wrong by a a few orders of magnitude. The „injection route” argument used by all antivax crackpots is complete nonsense too and has been debunked countless times. I’m surprised that someone with a degree falls for this rhetoric. Then again, a title is lingering in my mind which makes things pretty clear: ”Rita Strakosha Links Gayness to Light Bulbs and Sleep Deprivation, Suggests Nap as Cure”
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