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Everything posted by koti

  1. Pi is a number which represents the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter. According to your nonsensical equation the value of Pi depends on the value of R which means that for every plausible value of R you will get a different value of Pi. Which would mean that there are infinite plausible values of Pi. Which is beyond ridiculous...children learn this level of geometry and math in primaty school, why would you want to come up with this utter nonsense?
  2. I have a related question...if we set the mass of that rotating space station from Space Odyssey 2001 to a certain value large enough which would enable the system to rotate at less than c, would the system be able to rotate itself into a singularity?
  3. I shot an 800 euro board a couple years ago with ESD from my fingers. It was during a training, we took photos of an area under a microscope prior to the event for other reasons and some photos after it got shot - it was obvious from the magnified photos that ESD melted the traces together - mayhem. At least the students got a hands-on lesson on ESD.
  4. We know that time is not fluid-like and most are leaning towards it not being broken into fragments that could exist independently. We also know some fundamental properties of time like that it has an arrow - it runs one direction with events occuring one after another and never the other way around. An egg never goes back into its shell when you do scrambled eggs. There are various theories trying to explain what time is fundamentally, in physics time is explained simply by "what the clocks read" and that is enough for most purposes in physics. The question whether time has some fundamental properties is still open, we just don't know. We do know exactly how it behaves in most circumstances but we don't know if it had a beginning and we don't know if it will have an end. Time in physics is very much similar to gravity as for the level of our knowledge about it - we do know a great deal about both but we cannot say we know how they both work on the most fundamental level.
  5. Portugal then maybe?
  6. Not to worry, you can always take your kids for a fullfiling vacation to Amsterdam.
  7. Thats not what I’m discussing with John.
  8. The quickest solution would be you providing evidence that shooting heroin for 30 years straight while leading a functional professional and private life is something common. Afterall you turned into „annoying” mode after I said that I can’t imagine this happening. I don’t really care if you’re a pharmaceutical chemist or a construction worker, I’m looking for evidence. Edit: Visualising the data would be nice. Say last 50 years would be indicative - how many of those who shoot heroin for 30 years straight lead a functional life. It should be fairly easy for you to compile this data since I’m imagining things.
  9. The article you linked to deals with prescription use of heroin, it does not provide any information on „shooting heroin for 30 years straight” Please provide relevant and reliable data and conclusions instead.
  10. You haven’t pointed out anything, this disagreement does not have an obvious answer. People might live through 30 years of shooting heroin every day but its certainly not obvious like you’re trying to make it. The „being functional” part is yet another level of not obvious yet you choose to stand firm by your single minded view which along with gentle implications that Im irrational by not agreeing with you makes you...annoying to skip on the previous word. I choose to try to de-antagonize by pointing out where I agree with you and point out where you’re making progress on your „annoying” part but I’m beginning to realize its pointless in your case. It’s time for you now to show data on people who shoot heroin every day for 30 years straight and manage to be functional. Lets see it.
  11. That sounds a bit more subtle and a bit less invasive. Thank you, I much more prefer your posts when they're missing the d**k features.
  12. Imaatfal and a few others went got a life but a lot have stayed. I came in about 2 years ago, Phi is still the buddha AI making everybody wanna hug him, Strange is working the nutt cases in physics and the rest of the regulars are being pissed at POTUS and work the religious and racist nut cases (depending on the moon phase) so I guess not much changed?
  13. This comes from the first paragraph of what you linked: "It is generally thought that opiate withdrawal is unpleasant but not life-threatening, but death can, and does, occur. The complications of withdrawal are often underestimated and monitored inadequately." You're contradicting yourself and then... How do you draw a conclusion that my imagination is leading me astray in saying that „I cant imagine my friend shoot heroin for 30 years everyday straight and lead a functional life” when what you link to confirms my point of view? Is it maybe something had disconnected on your side and its not the internet connection?
  14. Thats quite a conclusion you’ve drawn. My imagination of my friend presumably not being able to live through 30 years of shooting heroin every day straight led you to believe that the universe will not follow my imagination? Make that a double vodka shot John, maybe you can relax then.
  15. I’m looking after data on new users of opiates not new users of pot after relaxing the drug laws. I think we can all agree that a little more pot users and a little less alcohol users is good thing. I also tend to agree with what you wrote above. Why don’t you take your own advice, relax your internal drug laws, have a beer or a smoke and stop being such a d***k.
  16. Thats more smokers territory I have it the same as MigL, I never have 1 or 2 drinks, whats the point. I never favour a drink the day after though, I prefer to suffer through the hangover, the idea of intoxicating myself when suffering from the intoxication is just wrong to me. Having a single drink on a saturday night with friends would be like having sex and stop half way through to save it for later.
  17. Its all bery subjective. I remmebr taking my friend to AA a few years back, he got his initial interviewer asking him when was the last time he remembers loosing consciousness and he replied never. He was told to come back when he is ready to be sincere and we went out. My friend drinks every day since he was 13 years old, he’s 44 now, manages to keep his work and personal life together but he’s drunk every single day without ever crossing the line of crawling alongside a street or throwing up all over himslef. The devastation in his brain must be horrible though, I literally have to arrange a meeting with him the same day we’re supposed to meet because otherwise he forgets. He foes manage to run a succesfull company, drive a new BMW and keep his marriage together somehow - I can’t imagine him shooting heroin every day for 30 years straight and be able to function or be alive for that matter. Anyway...I think in general I agree with John, TenOZ and John. What bothers me is how many new users would emerge after implementing liberal drug laws, is there any reliable data on this? I once had a joint taken away from me by cops in mid 90’s here in Warsw, he told me to never buy drugs again and told me to f off. Years later my younger brother’s friend got 2 years probation for possession of 0,3gr of pot - these kinds of stories are obviously ridiculous and the law need to be adressed - I’m sure its a lot worse than this in the US.
  18. You can legally buy magic mushrooms in Amsterdam while facing 8 years in jail for the same a few hundred km away - so what? The scientific distinction is there nevertheless, you just layed it out, the moronic legislation is a different issue.
  19. Sure, this sounds a lot more reasonable than your previous post;
  20. Would you agree that this aproach would not work in all circumstances and that the laws would need to be tweeked accordingly based on the environment we are implementing them in? IIRC, Portugal had a pandemia of heroin usage resulting in need to implement solutions by whatever means possible, these solutions would not be adequate in California or London. Berlin had its own story and I'm not sure which years you are refering to, possession of hard drugs are as far as I know very much illegal in Germany, there might have been programs to pass out needles and/or put people on methadone but that was in the 90's I think. If we can agree that the approach you are proposing would not be adequate in all circumstances then we need to find out what would be adequate, surely we cannot have varying laws implemented depending on factors.
  21. How would that be implemented in practical terms? I presume a legislator legalising say cocaine in some way which you have in mind would want to eradictate all illegitimate sources of that drug on the market by making it pure and financially accesible to the users who are in need of it - say medical marihuana type of scheme but tighter (at least thats what I presume you would have in mind) I can tell you right now that I would be looking for ways to find access to that cocaine. I haven’t had any drugs for about 8 years and I’ve done them sporadically and recreationally in my earlier life managing to keep a lid on things but hell, you give me potential access to purest possible cocaine at a reasonable price and I’m pretty sure I’d start looking for it. How would you resolve the issue of people who would try drugs they would have never tried if it wasn’t for the fact that they’re legal? Alcohol is so devastating because its easilly accesable and cheap (compared to other drugs) I am aware that there are societies where legalizing hard drugs is a thing (Canada I think) but surely it can’t work in all societies?
  22. To cut to the chase - what is your take on how the legislation related to drugs should look? I have a fairly high tolerance of pain so fortunately I never got to be addicted to any pain killers but I have my share of experience with all the other drugs mentioned in this thread.
  23. I’m sure there are some psychological aspects of THC addiction/withdrawal and that probably might be a thing but as you suggested its a different ballgame from hard drug addiction/withdrawal like heroin, crack or amphetamine. I’m trying to understand why its hard to distinguish between hard and soft drugs. Withdrawal symptoms are probably the most obvious difference.
  24. That is my point exactly Moon.
  25. I honestly can’t see whats blurry about nicotine or THC withdrawal not killing you whereas heroin or alcohol withdrawal possibly killing you. I sincerely cannot understand why it is so difficult to legislate drugs based on the devastation they do to the human body/mind/social constructs.
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