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Everything posted by koti

  1. Gosh, looks like I’ve been cursed. Is there anything I could still do to save my soul? Your physics is pathetic by the way, there are children on this forum with a broader knowledge.
  2. Its „Body of Christ” holliday here today (Corpus Christi) I was thinking of going to church with my family but we couldn’t decide whether we want ribs or liver for lunch so instead we went to a swimming pool.
  3. koti

    what is a god

    A ridiculous combination of numerology and religion, it doesn’t get much more nonsensical than that. You can come up with any result desired with this line of thinking, it is equally asinine as baseless.
  4. This is graph is horrible. If this wasn’t in Relativity I’d opt for us to launch a country with Phi the king, Janus, swansont, Mordred, Arete, CharonY and a few others the brains and TenOz and Dimreepr keeping guard. I’d be making flashlights ofcourse as they would be essential ofcourse. But this is in Realativity so I won’t.
  5. You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. Space is volume, its not a physical thing just like a centimeter or a yard is not a physical thing. To state that space is causeless or eternal or radiant or unknowable is just complete nonsense.
  6. Shape is the external boundary/surface of an object. Considering that the universe is expanding and that expansion is accelerating, its shape is never constant. We can only consider discussing its shape from the inside of the universe because there are no refference points outside. From the inside the universe has a shape which is constantly changing. And evidently you are not providing any evidence for your assertions. It doesn’t really matter if you think that evidence is not required, adsertions need to be backed up here.
  7. The idea behind Special Relativity is that there are no preferred frames. Everybody observes different results when measuring stuff and they're all correct according to their own point of view (frame of reference)
  8. OD6+ @ 190-520nm are around 200 bucks in a respectible store. They’re polycarbonate, nothing fancy. I tested my cheepo OD4+ with my 600mW 532nm laser and they seem to work perfectly even if you catch the beam directly (momentarily) And no, I didn’t use my eyes for testing
  9. I got a pair of OD4+ glasses for blocking 532nm for 15 bucks a few years ago.
  10. Think of a tennis ball hitting a 1m3 cube at 150km/h (thats about 41,6 meters per second) and now imagine rotating that cube 180 degrees at such a speed that it manages to rotate 180 degrees while the ball is „stuck” to its wall, the rotational speed of that cube would have to be far greater than 150 km/h (depending on the elasticity of the tennis ball) Now imagine that light travels at 299 792 458 meters per second and photons are non elastic like a tennis ball is. There are a few people here who can give you the exact numbers but one thing for sure, the 1m3 cube rotational velocity would have to exceed the speed of light to spin to the other side with a photon stuck to it. There is one possibilty that comes to mind, if the cube was small enough, then maybe its rotational velocity would not have to exceed c. But that is kind of uselss because no matter how many of those cereals you have you wont be able to observe a cube smaller than a photon spinning.
  11. LoL! Funny I will add to StringJunky’s good comment that light is massless and it always travels at a constant speed of three houndred thousand kilometers per second. Always. In order to spin an object fast enough for the light to „stay stuck” to it you’d have to spin it at a speed higher than the speed of light and thats not doable. So no, even theory you couldn’t do it. Sory to ruin your cereal idea
  12. Forgive my sceptisism but if it's to good to waste, why would you mention anything remotely related to it to anyone especially on the internet ?
  13. The truth is no fun, at least to my type of character. I think the imaginary friend thing in your case might have been a safe space for not letting in the lonelyness and the fear of insignificance. I think most people are not built to be comfortable by being alone and we find different ways of finding an asylum. Some people have hobbies, some sink into work/family/studying/drugs etc. Most religions are no cos-play though because they involve money, power, control, feeding off the weak minded and most of all - indoctrination. If religion was missing those things and stuck to pretending you are batman for the fun of it I’d probably join in myself. @dimreepr has mentioned self contentment in a lot of his posts in religious threads in the last year or so and frankly it drove me nuts but... I see that there might be common ground between my stance above about the fear of insignificance and his stance of being content with oneself. One thing for sure, being sceptical and rational is no walk in a park, it takes a toll at least on me in all aspects of life work/family/personal issues - everything.
  14. Someone who is conditioned to a degree where he/she refuses any explanations and deals only in absolutes worries me more. At least Randolphin is still here instead of submerging himself in preaching alongside people like that. The fact that he openned this thread leaves a small pathway for him to potencial reasoning through knowledge that he will find here and which he won’t find in religious forums.
  15. Evidence based explanations for god didn’t work out very well for you last time you tried (you got banned till Christmas) so now you’re trying to use philosophy to convince yourself of the necessity of a creator. Philosophy is o lot more flexible than evidence based science so you might actually last a little longer this time with your inevitable god rants but make no mistake, you will fail as long as you will not provide viable, comfirmed evidence for your religious stance, good luck though.
  16. I’m rethinking. It looks like drunk driving won’t kill me but cancer will
  17. Sure. But this just renders my decision of not getting cancer useless which is well... obvious
  18. Does it? I'm not sure that quantum fuzziness has to have an influence over my decisions. I'm leaning towards the Copenhagen Interpretation and Many Worlds both being an approximation of something broader which is still not pre determined like we observe right now (Many Worlds is far fetched though imo) Newton is an approximation of GR and we can pretty much assume that GR is an approximation too due to obvious lack of unification. Predetermination doesn't make sense to me and it seems that alleged lack of free will has to go hand in hand with it in some weird twisted way. We cannot be sure that there is a GUT out there unifying GR and QM, it's only our human nature that drives us to this scenario so why should we feel the need to make a causal connection between two superimposed electrons and me making a decision of having a drink tonight. I have a problem with accepting that stuff happening at the quantum level has to have an impact on my decisions. A galaxy doesn't care about a small asteroid, why should my bag of meat care about QM ?
  19. There is a thought experiment by Sam Harris, I think he's very wrong in this case and he's wrong in multiple instances in the video below...for example he stated that we "couldn't pick a city of which the name we don't know if our life depended on it" I picked a city from one of the episodes from the series "StarGate Universe" of which the name I do not know. I'm not even sure it has a name. Not to mention he states in the first 20 seconds of the video that "Even if a conscious intention was trully simultanious....there would still be no room for free will, you still wouldn't know why it is you do what you do" It's a complete strawman in my opinion...what does the fact that you're making or not making a decision have to do with the "why" you are making it, it's two different things. These free will discussions can be attractive, Sam Harris is entertaining to listen to (for a few minutes at least) but when you break down the logic it becomes nonsensical. Link to the 6 minute thought experiment for reference:
  20. I can make a decision now and the probability of me not sticking to it due to some extraordinary reason occuring between me making the decision and 24:00 tonight is extremely low. I have 100% control over the decision, I cannot control extraordinary future circumstances that could lead me to changing it. I think its a good example, my mind is not yet made...convince me that me having or me not having a drink tonight is predetermined (I think its not)
  21. I sincerely doubt if this particular aspect of the future is predetermined as I have no idea yet whether I will have a drink tonight or not. As for drunk driving well... I guess if the life of my child depended on it, I would get behind the wheel while drunk hence I initially wrote that there are various levels of control that one has (or rather probabilities) over the future. By this line of thought we cannot be sure about any aspect of the future but what is the probability of a scenario that the moon will get hit tonight by a commet traveling at 0,4c and we will have a completely dark night tonight.
  22. I see your point. There are some aspects of the future which I have 100% control over though - see my drunk driving example above.
  23. I can control whether I’ll have a drink tonight, I can’t control whether I will win 365mln in the Euro Jackpot tonight. There are various levels of controling the future, I can make decisions which have a 100% binary outcome on the future...like for example I won’t be driving after having drinks tonight which renders a 100% outcome that I will not hit anybody while drunk tonight. On the other hand I can only partially control some aspects of the future.
  24. Did you get a new toy?
  25. koti

    what is a god

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