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Everything posted by koti

  1. Oh I like that, this should be pinned onto every thread about time.
  2. It’s not a contradiction, the susceptibility stringjunky is talking about is conditional on social factors and not biological ones.
  3. Mathematically and logically this question is null as studiot and strange pointed out. Maybe this silly thought experiment will enable you to get a different perspective: Imagine a point in time in the past when you have not yet been born. It doesn’t make any sense to discuss the existence of gwb (you) at that point. It doesn’t make sense to have any assertions or conclusions or anything in regard to the person you are at that point in time. Now try to apply the same line of thoughg to your question „what existed beyond the singularity” There is simply no beyond. I know its hard to imagine because when you imagine soemthing its always a thing. I don’t think anyone can picture this properly in their brain but the analogy I gave you and the previous explanations by studiot and strange shhould get you on track.
  4. None at all. In fact your OP is the longest stream of bullshit I’ve seen on this forum for a long time. Please continue while you still can because when (please note theres no if) this thread ends up in the trash where it belongs you won’t be able to post in it anymore...as it will get locked. Go on, have a blast and ridicule yourself some more with arbitrarily arranging words of which meaning you have no clue.
  5. I'm not.
  6. I would love to discuss this with you and a couple of other members here but I’m not prepared to have an open thread on this forum to defend my views for the next month or 2 years on these subjects. I’m sure you noticed I tend to put the cat among the pigeons in most of my non science based posts on this forum but it would be unnecessarily futile for me to do this here on SFN. Do me the courtesy and watch this documentary, I assure you won’t be bored: https://m.imdb.com/title/tt3686998/
  7. You may be right that its a falacious thought but keep in mind that you’re biased (politically) and I’m not. Looking at the US political debate from my far away orbit I think I could have some useful input. Trump is an unfortunate anomaly and the liberals did have their share in creating it - at least it looks like it from here. I think that the US and Canada SJW ominousness you mention is viewed by many foreigners as something harmfull (at least by me) It cannot be directly placed against the scary and vicious agendas represented by the far US conservatives but its a thing which is not to be taken litely imo. I admit that I have little inside insight and I draw most of my opinions from social media. I was about to link a youtube video by „Diana Davison” but I decided it will be unnecessary deviation from the OP. I enjoyed the rest of your post. As usual.
  8. Balance might not be the best expression, middle ground is better but it doesn’t do justice to what I mean. On a bad day I’m incapable of this line of thought so bare with me...I think that getting rid of the extremes is what we all should be after politically. The conservstive south and the extreme left with SJW’s in the US combined were a big factor which caused Trump I think. Trump ofcourse is a derivative of many other things, the eclectoral college being one of many but the extreme political stances on both sides caused Trump the most in my opinion. I wonder how much of this hate and division was orchestrated or at least helped by the russians in the social media. TenOZ said correctly something along the lines of many people voting for Trump just to see the liberals scream in agony and the other way around, there are many liberals right now who would vote for anybody, even someone with an amoeba brain just to see Trump loose the elections.
  9. I’m trying to find in that graph what Im wanting to find in it, that is: That the best aproach in politics would be to find a ballance between the best from both liberal and conservative worlds but I can’t. Liberal is not a subset of conservative and the community/autonomy division is ambiguous to say the least. Oh well.
  10. Anything is possible when you put your mind (or lack of it) to it.
  11. Despite the fact they got their IRS tax exempt (through extortion btw) I find it disputable wheter Scientology is a religion or just a company/corporation.
  12. Belief - "The feeling of being certain that something exists or is true" You can believe that the scientific approach is correct all you want but it makes no sense. Science makes airplanes fly, science landed us on the moon,science is what treats diseases, etc. There is no belief in all this, science doesn't care about whether you believe in it or not, its the scientific method that does that. If you're on an airplane would you rather your Captain to believe how to land or know and understand how to do it confirmed by thousands of hours of training and flight? It look like you're confusing the belief in someone else's skills with religious beliefs - they are completely two different things.
  13. I found this graph some time ago, I wonder what everyone thinks:
  14. I see a baggy suit, his tie is too long, his pants are often wrinkled up, his shirt cuffs are uneven and his hair is ridiculous. Most of the time he dresses horrible - I've seen excentric homeless people dress better than Trump.
  15. That may very much be so, that „I’ll see you in hell” mentality is something we here have very deeply rooted in us so I can relate. I guess its not a single factor but a combination of many things, it always is. As for SJW’s, do you think anyone, even Trump can make them more miserable than they already are?
  16. Exactly. He is that roofing contractor for the masses. Many people when they get conned its not easy for them to admit it. To a point that eventually they might start telling everybody that the contactor wasn’t that bad afterall and the roof is fixed and looks nice.
  17. And c) people regardless of their level of knowledge and intelligence seem to like to be deceived.
  18. The network protocol which is used to send your post to this forum is called TCP/IP and consists of 7 layers. The device which you used to type your post is based on semiconductors processing millions of operations per second - Alan Turing was the inventor of the first computer during WWII. There is nothing to sense. There is everything to know. Science deals with knowing not believing.
  19. You’re right, Im so used to the expression that I used it wrongly in this case. The only defence I have is that if you travel east from Alaska for long enough you end up in Russia too.
  20. I don't see why all the sarcasm. Trump very well may have a huge memorial built for him at some point in time. Not in the USA though... a little further to the east.
  21. Theres really not many things less relevant than this but I thought that bringing this up may help with some other SFN database issues that might come up. Looks like deleting your status triggered the apropriate DB behaviour so its a lesson for the future - if something doesn’t work, just delete it
  22. Right. However you look at it though, DrP shouldn't be a "Molecule" if I'm a "Primate" He joined long before I did, he's got more posts and more rep points than I do.
  23. I guess Geniuses forget too sometimes.
  24. Right. There's still something wrong though, I'm a "Primate" at 221 rep points and DrP is a "Molecule" at 414 rep points. I'm not saying molecules do not deserve respect but still...
  25. I came across this jus now, I have no idea if this is relevant in any way (either than DrP's evolution state) or if it's on the server side or on my side but I might as well share. @DrP's status is "Molecule" in the main thread view but it shows "Beacon of Hope" in his profile view:
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