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Everything posted by koti

  1. Considering the billions of billions potential life harbouring planets out there it isn’t controversial imo to think that we are not alone in the universe. But type 3 civilizations observing us is far fetched, if they exist they probably don’t care about us because they have more important things to do. Also remeber that a type 3 civilization would also be bound by Einstein so if they are really far away they couldn’t observe us at present moment.
  2. You're welcome to report this thread to the mods if you feel it is in the wrong section.
  3. Dude, one thread per same topic.
  4. I suggest you read my post more carefuly to deduce what I think. This has been mowed in this thread in countless posts, and no I do not think that there is a fiber optic cable running from the eye to the brain. I also do not think that signals from the retina traveling through retinal neurons to the brain (there are layers of neurons in the retina) are light, that would be ridiculous. Also light does not have to be present in order for the signals to be interpreted by the brain as visual experience (narcotics for example) All this has been already discussed in previous posts, I suggest you read this whole thread thoroughly and come back when you have something useful to add other than nit-picking. I’m sure everyone will be stunned to find out about new aproaches to answering the OP question.
  5. koti

    Today I Learned

    Today I learned that the more I learn, the less afraid I am to admit that I don't know something.
  6. Retina contains neuron photoreceptors (rods & cones) which translate light into signals which travel through the neural pathways into the brain. So yes, in short - eyes send light into the brain. It’s not my belief, its well established science.
  7. koti

    Arming Teachers

    He probably had a silencer not to scare the students so no harm done.
  8. koti

    Political Humor

  9. It's actually even more diverse than just photoshopping...the brain processes responsible for perception can cause the light which is fed from eyes to the brain to cause Synesthesia, a phenomenon of perceiving certain letters in certain colors, certain colors as sounds or skin sensations depending on the type of the condition. The lights still need to be on though.
  10. Yes, but I bet the lights were on during both experiments. Nice soothing post though, Strange.
  11. Alleged correlation of acetaminophen with ASD is almost as equally absurd as alleged correlation of homosexuality with light bulbs and sleep deprivation: https://pacifictribune.com/2017/05/29/rita-strakosha-links-gayness-light/
  12. "First Saudi woman appointed as deputy minister of labor and social development"


  13. koti

    Today I Learned

    Assuming this robot is fully autonomous, its astonishing:
  14. All that NortonH is conveying in this thread so far is that not all crackpots are unbearably asinine which is valuable insight on crackpots.
  15. Do you think I'd live through doing a Trump version? Reagan_Nancy.mp3
  16. You are clearly a witty and knowledgeable guy Norton and you know how to convey your thoughts coherently and logically with proper written language. This implies that a widely accepted scientific fact backed by mountains of evidence that humanity is contributing to the CO2 should not present any doubt in your mind yet you state that we „probably have added to the CO2 and other gases in the atmosphere” This along with the high school project story presents suspicions that you’re a climate conspiracy theorist with an agenda. If you’re honest like you state you are and your mind is agenda free, please convince us of that. And please make it your priority in your next posts... you’re new here, we don’t know you, do us the courtesy.
  17. Yes there would, and there is.
  18. In simple words, PPI (pixels per inch) is the means of measuring resolution where the created image has an artificial source of light (TV’s, phone displays, projectors, etc) DPI (dots per inch) is the means of measuring resolution on printed paper or other media. Displays work with RGB color model, printed media works with CMYk color model. CIElab color model is used as a reference point for translation between one and the other...like when you see something on a monitor, hit print and hope to get the same result on paper and what you’ve seen on the monitor. Resolution (PPi, DPi) is the density of the pixels used in a system. Pixels are the smallest element of a display system or a print system, pixels vary greatly between systems and technologies. The seizures get worse and worse once you get deeper into these things as imaging is a complex subject.
  19. This short clip of Feynman speaking reflects my view very accurately:
  20. koti

    Arming Teachers

    Landed just fine with me.
  21. Exactly. We don’t know something therefore god didit.
  22. The problem is you trying to play an insincere game of cheap tricks on people much smarter and much more knowledgeable than you. Is that clear enough for you?
  23. I agree.
  24. I’ve certainly haven’t gotten my views on this from this forum. It’s very simple in my book - Striving not to be a di** in life does’t have anything to do with religion (to me) As I’ve seen your posts on religious subjects in the past year and a half and I think they were very good, I would very much like to hear your view though.
  25. Bender & Strange beat me to posting on my view of morality within religion, I can only add that in my opinion, if you take away the belief in the supernatural you’re no longer dealing with a religion but with a philosophical/ethical/moral system. As far as I know it isn’t clear whether Confucianism is a religion or a philosophy, or both depending on versions of it. I think it is also worth taking a look at the Skeptic’s Annotaded Bible and Quran here: http://skepticsannotatedbible.com/
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