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Everything posted by koti

  1. Being clueless and spreading misinformation is one thing but deliberately manipulating quotes into a different meaning and spreading misinformation based on that is a different ballgame. Below is a screenshot of what is actually being stated, lack of that small word "alone" which you deliberately manipulated out of the quote changes the whole meaning of the sentence. You're officially an a** hole.
  2. koti

    Political Humor

    This is good on more than one level:
  3. Moved to political humor.
  4. Are you both done @Silvestru & @interested ? Once you taste it you’re hooked for the rest of your life
  5. Mass/Energy cause gravity. Gravity in GR is spacetime curvature. Mass and energy are equivalent. Time dilation and length contraction is what happens to matter under relativistic conditions. Spacetime under GR becomes an actor in the scene, not the scene itself like previously under Newton. Theres so much bullshit in your posts that I don’t even know how to aproach it hence my short sentences above.
  6. Agree. And one of the results of what you wrote will be thriving cracpottery. I think.
  7. I think one of the implications of removing it would be a general increase of crackpottery in the threads. I voted no.
  8. You clearly have no clue what relativity in physics is. I think it would be wiser for you to ask questions instead of making a fool of yourself.
  9. Yoda or Chuck Norris could learn from your flawless rhetoric. +1
  10. Relativity is not an illusion, its a well tested property of reality. Einstein’s GR gave a broader view of reality than Newton did which does mean that Newtons laws became an illusion when that happened. The same with any theory which will come after Einstein, it will give a broader view but not render relativity an illusion.
  11. Sure Eise. Acording to you, adding an object in the form of smoke to see a weak laser beam forms a new concept of see2. Lets just disregard that lasers are a form of light which works by manipulation of energized atoms concentrating them into a very narrow space and forcing the subsequent photons to move in a uniform direction thus creating a laserbeam which if not powerful enough and if not within the mid ranges of visible spectrum is difficult to see. Lets just stick to your see1 and see2 concept and keep the psychosis going for all the readers.
  12. Oh thats just great. I wasn’t aware that the livestock antibiotic use has an effect of immunizing bacteria from antibiotics used in humans, thats just a wonderful addition to the vaccine stupidity. That sums it up perfectly.
  13. koti

    Yay, GUNS!

    Looks like you found what you wan to be doing for the next 50 years Raider. +1.
  14. koti

    Yay, GUNS!

    Such video campaigns ment to target a large and contumacious audience would be extremely costly and difficult. Imagine trying to get millions of hits on youtube from stuborn people who don’t give a damn about what you’re trying to convey to them. LoL.
  15. koti

    Yay, GUNS!

    I wouldn’t know, I don’t like weapons and fortunately theyre not a part of my life.
  16. koti

    Yay, GUNS!

    Kids are being shot at school (again) and I need to explain Vermont? Why don’t you explain Australia?
  17. koti

    Yay, GUNS!

    Hi Zapatos. Please forgive me for barging in on you in such an emotional moment, Im not doing it to piss you off or have revenge for our former dissagreements. I just wanted to say that what you wrote above is exactly the crux of the problem with guns in America. I am not here to judge you but I am sure that because of this psychological mechanism of „you aint gonna tell me how to live my life” there will be no chance of resolving the gun issues in the US. In my opinion, its not the legislation where the fixing should start, it should start with changing the attitudes and changing the deeply rooted traditions of gun owning by north Americans. Is it doable? I doubt it...maybe you and Moontanman and a few others actually might be capable of such change but the vast majority of Americans arent.
  18. It has been over 6 months since my last meltdown concerning my brother and his brainless wife not vaccinating their children which resulted in various family issues...especially them having fear of their children contracting diseases from our vaccinated child resulting in a ruined family holiday. Here's an update, listen to this... The posh, private kindergarden which the 4 year old kid of my Brother and his (moronic) wife attends, reported that there was a case of whooping cough among the children attending...both my brother's kids are unvaccinated and there are more unvaccinated kids in that kindergarden. It's a middle class kids place, high tuition, extensive teaching programs etc, why these young hipster parents are so cardinally stupid believing the big pharma conspiracy theories and other crap is beyond me. So my brother and his wife started to panic and took their 4 year old (they have an 18 month old too) to the hospital for extensive tests to check if he's fine. Their reaction to my parents (There is virtually zero relation between "us" & "them" now) was that the whooping cough vaccine works only for 2 years so they still think they did the right thing by not vaccinating their kids. I'm thinking...if their kid gets the whooping cough bacteria, will they still think they did "the right thing" My bet is that is exactly what would happen...even if the kid would die they would still keep to their ignorance and stupidity. Its a nightmare
  19. Youre right, seems the atom re-emitted absorbed light rather than reflected it. Same thing though from the point of view of a human observer. Awesome experiment, its astonishing that commercially available cameras are capable of gathering so litte light these days.
  20. Nice. I wonder what the exposure time was...judging by the distortion in the color it had to be taken at a very high ISO setting too, and several seconds exposure (considering that its a modern DSLR). Which would make sense,in order for us to see it the camera had to emphasize the ridiculously small amount of light which the strontium atom reflected.
  21. I think the case would be the same even if the plane crashed and kilked the legislator who imposed the sanction. Edit: I need to add that I think this is one of those things which never have a good solution. Whatever way you choose you always have a shitty outcome. Im not familar with the exact reasons why Iran had the sanctions imposed on them but I presume it was not something trivial. Plus couldn’t they source the parts somewhere else or manufacture them themselves? Shouldn’t it be Iran’s government responsibility to deal with the consequences of the sanctions?
  22. However unjust the consequences may be, isn’t this what sanctions are all about? Poland is getting billions of EU funds withdrawn due to tampering with supreme court, constitutional tribunal, etc. This withdraw of funds will affect everyday people at the end - thats what sanctions are supposed to be.
  23. I find this pretty amusing:
  24. Since this thread is in physics I feel I need to point out that Eise’s argument is horribly confusing and in my opinion plainly wrong. People who are not familiar with light, imaging, optics and the related physics will get badly confused by the 12 pages in this thread and instead of getting a clear answer to the OP they are getting nonsense. Congratulations on luring me out. There is so much wrong in your above post that I cant leave it (for reasons I gave above to dimreepr) You see or you do not see laser beams at night or in daylight for the exact same reasons that you see or do not see „macro” objects in daylight or at night. „Macro objects” are only adding to the confusion, it doesn’t matter if its a large or small object, the principals of seeing them or not seeing are the same, its always the same. Your statement that „its exactly opposite with macro objects” is yet another level of confusion, its not exactly the opposite, its exactly the same...you see relfected light off of objects and since in daylight the source for this reflection is the sun, its pretty obvious that you see them better when there is a sun which serves as a source for this reflection. It is not revealing that when the sun is not shining on your „macro objects” you dont see the light reflected by these objects (unless ofcourse its the ISS flying above your head at night which reflects sun light therefore you can see your „macro object” at night) FFS there is no distinction which you are trying to create. Your premise that „light doesn’t reflect light” is yet a deeper level of nonsense and confusion adding to this psychosis. Please bare in mind that your philosophical thought experiments in this case are extremely confusing for people who don’t know their physics.
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