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Everything posted by crzykllrghst

  1. Maybe even a 2nd level algebra class
  2. I'd have to agree with coquina and say there are only 2 things that could effect currents like that, one and extemly severe deep ocean fualt near or under where the current passes, or the sun
  3. We know what you stand for now tell us why. Why does it have a difenant shape opposed to expansion
  4. The way i look at it is as follows. Before the big bang everything was packed into a infinatly small point call a sigularity(i'm sure you guys know that). Some rupture caused this singularity to explode. With the singularity being so small and so much being pack in, this seneriao would make it naturally unstable, the slightest inbalence could could have cuased it to explode as stated before(sorry for repeating myself ) Now bring a black hole into the subject. A black hole gravitaional pull, pulls serveral million of different things into a similar singularity. Once to much is pack into the singularity it again becomes unstabe and another big bang could occur. How ever two question arise 1. if this happening, why dont see it or 2. has it even happened yet
  5. Once again i'm 3rd year HS student, so i'm trying to piece this together, but that make a lot more sense thank you I like the way you put it
  6. What I think I'm getting at is the universe cannot have a shape
  7. Dude that stuff is way complicated but i'd like to understand could you explain please
  8. Before we get started I want to say i'm just a 3rd year HS student here to learn. Now onward. I cant remember where i heard this but, i heard a multiverse my exsit. I'd just like to here what everyone thought on that
  9. As i said before i'm not to knowledgable, but the way i see it is as follows, The big bang is nothing short of an explosion on a massive scale or to scale it down like a grenade. Gernade explodes sending scrap metal in every which direction like the big bang. It not like the scrap metal was instantly put to its final destination. Like the universe the expansion is the result of that explosion(big bang).
  10. lol Thank you
  11. Hey, zazzzoom, are a supporter of the big bang theory
  12. but just to get this out there I am a High School Student in my 3rd year. So my being here was suggested by my Chemistry(who is an astronomy buff and he runs astronomy club, which I belong to) teacher, he tells me I've a great scientific mind. I'm here to learn more then debate
  13. I'd have to say that I believe that the universe is expanding
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