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  1. Here’s an example of how information can present itself though this medium. Early in this thread I was ask about the heart wave' date=' and what kind it was. The best way I could think to describe it was like a vibration that resonates down a hierarchal structure down to the cellular level resulting in a biochemical response emerging up though the hierarchy of genome, cellular, organ, Post 11,12 I also described how the beginning of this process is actually initiated by compressing information from the environment via the neural net. What I just found out from reading your thread on “[i']Waves of water and sound[/i]” is that I could have just simply called them “compression waves”. So now I’m going to being rethinking how I can simplify the language and eventual mathematics of this model. Is there a good source on this “multiple point generations sources.... all overlapping creating nodes” That you referred to early in this thread. This also sounds like some language that fit’s the dynamics that I’m attempting to describe. I do know that is has something to do with “Cellular Automata“ What I’m attempting to do is find the proper context and language for a biological wave function, in a framework of information. Any ideas or suggestions ?
  2. You got it, This discovery I believe represents a watershed in understanding of how systems self-organize in nature. My intent in using a praxes is to allow for a stage were as many points of views and ideas come to bear on this model.
  3. You Know you should be more interested in the content of what a praxis is, rather where it came from. To be honest I’ve forgotten where this particular definition originated. The point is I was being accused of not saying early that I was conducting a praxis. That I had not said this in early threads, which I did on 4-14-05.
  4. Like a snake. Now if you want to talk about the subject at hand fine, if not, go away.
  5. Have You ever considered running for a political office? *****Originally posted 4-14-05***** This date comes before.... today's date.
  6. **Originally posted 4-14-05*** http://www.scienceforums.net/forums/showthread.php?t=9881 What I am presently attempting, is to garner specific feedback in order to form the text into a translatable whole. your feed back has been helpful especially {"You're used to things forming around the central attractor, so you write descriptions that form around your main ideas, without enough emphasis on the main ideas themselves (beating around the bush)."} I will try to find a way to not beat around the bush as much but this is necessary to a degree. I picked up this habit from one of my mentors. This beating around the bush is a way that allows a discovery to be rediscovered by others. The information can only be gained in the context of a praxis. In solving the convoluted situation or information. One has to change the way he or she sees the world. Only then can we change our view in the face of new information. The riddle is solved, the landscape changes because our internal system has been altered. These praxis are necessary if one is presenting information that is counter to past assumptions. If I where to just present the information without some “beating around the bush “ I would cheat nature and you by forcing a narrow view point. I am not saying I am being cryptic porpously, it is just a habit that allows me too expand on information before condensing it. The information is correct, and there is internal context within the text but it is not necessarily in any particular format. This is the very early stage in the condensing of the material and anyone that wants to help can, and in doing so I hope it will also open view points that I could have not considered on my own. If I narrow this information to early I will not allow these possibilities to occur. This system will form its own watershed of connecting points to the world Just as it did in the beginning. Thank you for the well thought-out post. Praxis is a complex activity by which individuals create culture and society, and become critically conscious human beings. Praxis comprises a cycle of action-reflection-action which is central to liberatory education. Characteristics of praxis include self-determination (as opposed to coercion), intentionality (as opposed to reaction), creativity (as opposed to homogeneity), and rationality (as opposed to chance). -------------------------------- This is the source; Dictionary of Critical Sociology Would you care to apologize for you obvious mistake.
  7. Are you saying the quantum world emerges from the matter ?
  8. OK, I'll bite how am I being selfish?
  9. No, This is not my purpose, My purpose is to garner feed back to gain perspective and inspire thought in myself, and others. Like I’ve said before, we are working from two different veiw points, or conceptual models, you are working at gaining a social consensus, while I am attempting to gathering information though investigation, by the utilizing a "praxes". Praxis is a complex activity by which individuals create culture and society, and become critically conscious human beings. Praxis comprises a cycle of action-reflection-action which is central to libratory education. Characteristics of praxis include self-determination (as opposed to coercion), intentionality (as opposed to reaction), creativity (as opposed to homogeneity), and rationality (as opposed to chance).
  10. ‘Science is the only way to understand the real world“; Richard Dawkins “Toothache is as real as teeth” Mary Midgley
  11. When done right' date=' science is poetry, and visa versa. http://www2.rnw.nl/rnw/en/features/science/poetry001016.html [i'] Science and Poetry by our Science Editor, Laura Durnford Surprising Similarities A final take for now on the similarities between science and poetry comes from English poet and writer, Lavinia Greenlaw. In 1995 she was ‘Poet in Residence' at the Science Museum in London. Although putting poetry and science together in this way was a groundbreaking idea, Lavinia says that scientists and poets share certain qualities. "The point at which science and poetry come closest is perception and where that meets imagination – so, where you're looking at something and also trying to imagine something about it in order to understand it. And a good poet is also a good technician; to finish a poem and to let it become independent from you, you have to distance yourself and judge its shape and form, whether it worked – and those things involve craft and understanding." If one of the aims of this kind of scheme is for poetry to make science more accessible to the public, Lavinia explains how this might work. "I guess what I can do is show the human applications and remind people that science stems[/i] from human and our experience of the world. And in that sense it is as subjective as poetry."
  12. Yes , I couldn’t have put it any better than that, Thanks.
  13. Why do I threaten you? What I'm I saying That you obviously find so offensive?
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