Hello, I've been browsing the web but can't find all of my answers. I wish to upgrade my laptop by adding an external graphics card (was thinking of a geforce gtx 980), but I then remembered that I have an old laptop with a gtx 860M.
But first of all, what happens when you add an external graphics card? Does the PC use only one or both together? If I add the same graphics card, will I notice an evolution?
I am far from being an expert in this domain so sorry if my questions seem dumb. Is it, in theory possible for me to use my old gtx 860M and add it to my laptop?
Here are my specs:
Processor Intel® Core i7-6700HQ CPU @ 2.60GHz
Video Card Intel® HD Graphics 530
Video Card #2 NVIDIA GeForce GTX 950M
RAM 8.0 GB
OS Microsoft Windows 10 (build 14393), 64-bit
I thank in advance everyone who will try to help me out