A true Theory of Everything would have to be more compelling that a set of equations. The one thing theorists keep missing in such Ideas is the thing they use to create their Ideas--that is Mind. To have a Theory of Everything you would have to explain, show, or at least have an Idea of how Consciousness, or Mind entered into the universe. But Mind is the one universal factor and I suggest, the most fundamentally important factor of all, that needs to be explained. How is it that we Thinking Beings can contemplate the Idea of the universe, and formulate Ideas on how it all came about. Mind needs to be included, not excluded, in a true Theory of Everything, otherwise it is not a Theory of Everything. Science can only deal however with physical reality. It's limited in its scope. There needs to be a sensible, rational division here between what we can calll Science and what we can perhaps best call Philosophy, or speculative philosophy--and that takes us to metaphysics. I make room for both science and metaphysics, but the one must compliment, not undermine the other. It seems we're approaching close to a theory of everything however given that big bang cosmologists have overturned the Kantian antithesis that has it that the universe had no beginning in time (what Kant calls his First Antinomy). If Kant were alive today, he would have looked upon this finding in science as profoundly important. The idea that the universe had a beginning in time is crucially important not only to science, but to theology and metaphysics.