I know that this is a fairly old thread, but I thought I might just add some information.
I am currently living in a Jehovah's Witness family. I, myself, am an atheist (closeted). I can't tell anyone (except school friends and people outside of the religion) about my beliefs, as I'd be excommunicated by my entire family (literally everyone in my family is one of them, including my grandparents and great-grandparents) and end up on the street. As soon as I graduate high school and go to university I'll be free.
They get mad at me for focusing on school work, as they think that I should be focusing on the religion. In fact, my parents removed me from my previous school because they felt that it was having a 'bad' effect on me (in reality, the school was simply motivating me to work hard, as it was an academically talented school). This didn't affect my grades (I was able to maintain straight A's through hard work), but it certainly affected my overall happiness, as I had to leave many good friends.
I'm unable to express any opinion that I may have.
They pester me daily about pursuing higher education, which they view as coming from 'satan.'
I'm forbidden from making 'close' friends, as they would say (I honestly ignore this and have quite a few good friends, but I can't text them, or go out with them).
The JW's view the scriptures in any way that will aid their agenda of converting people. They cover-up information, lie, manipulate and so forth.
If anyone here believes that this is an innocent religion, I beg to differ. This is a dangerous cult that is currently, ruining many lives.