I am new here, so complete stupidity…but as Flat-earthers also got some community going…let me give it a shot.
Isn’t it, because energy travels from - towards +, you can also say that + attracts the energy?
Wouldn’t that then make it so that the sun doesn’t shine but the objects around the sun attract the energy? Sucking the light towards it?
To me it looks like light has more of a “sticky” property as a “shiny” property.
If a part of the sun is not observed; does it then shine or not?
Since, if nothing requests energy, why would it shine?
If there is no “positive” to receive the energy then the “negative” does not hold value either or… am I just stupid?
“The first law of thermodynamics basically states that energy is conserved; it can neither be created nor destroyed, just changed from one for to another, “The total amount of energy in an isolated system is conserved. The universe as a whole is closed””
Now again the question…
If a part of the sun is not observed…so no planets, meteors or anything which can request energy; does it then shine or not?
The sun shouldn’t shine, according to the first law of thermodynamics.
It should not give away any energy if there is nothing to receive it at the other end... else you would lose energy and that’s an impossibility.
This, to my opinion leaves open the question if the sun does truly shine or does the light get requested by its surrounding objects because they need the energy?
in other words...does light stick?